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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 6/12/2019 - 6/15/2019 ] - 너의 시간이 왔다...너는 알고 있다. 무한한 선택들




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 6/12/2019 - 6/15/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 6/12/2019 - 6/15/2019 ] 


너의 시간이 왔다...

Your Time Has Come

네가 기이하다고, 이상하다고, 혼자 지내는 사람이라고 라벨이 붙었을  있는 때를 기억해라. 너는 너의 생각들이나 느낌들을 이해하지 못했던 자들의 가혹한 공격을 받았다. 너는 그것을 증오했을  있는데, 네가 ‘정상적이라거나, 그것에 맞추기 위해 과잉보상하려고 조용히 바라면서 말이다. 너희의 일부는 항상 존재하는 오해나 괴롭힘을 피하기 위해 가능한  조용히 움직였다. 너는 네가 지금을 위해 준비해왔음을 거의 알지 못했다!

오늘, 우주는 너희가 너의 시간이 왔음을 알기를 좋아할 것이다. 네가 너의 삶에서 일찍 체험했던 것이  기회를 위해 너를 준비시켰는데, 너희 세계의 무한한 가능성들로 방금 깨어나고 있는 자들을 돕고, 정보를 주기 위한  순간을 말이다. 기다림과 견디는 것이 너를 네가 있는 곳으로 데려왔으며... 가장 친애하는 어린이여, 축하한다, 네가 그것을 만들었기 때문에! - 창조자

Remember when you may have been labeled weird, odd or a loner? You bore the slings and arrows of those who did not understand your thoughts or feelings. You may have hated it, silently wishing you were ‘normal’ or overcompensating to fit in. Some of you moved as quietly as possible to avoid the ever-present misunderstanding or bullying. Little did you know you were preparing for now!

Today, The Universe would like you to know that your time has come. What you experienced earlier in your life prepared you for this chance, this moment to help and inform those just awakening to the infinite possibilities of your world. The waiting and enduring brought you to where you are…congratulations, dearest child, you made it! ~ Creator



너는 알고 있다

You Know You ...

우주는 너희가 지난 며칠에 걸쳐 일부 깊은 방출을 해왔음 알고 있고,  길에   많은 것과 함께, 그것이 마치 네가 마라톤을 달리고 있는 듯이 느낄  있다. (미소 지으며) 염두에 두어야   가지 일은, 네가  속도를 컨트롤 한다는 것이다! 만약 네가 일들이  느려지기를 원한다면, 요청해라. 만약 네가 그것이 가속되기를 좋아한다면, 좋다.  선택은 너의 것이지만, 이것을 염두에 두어라, 그것이 ‘그것을 끝내기 위해가능한  빨리 일들을 방출하기를 부추길  있음을, 그러나 들어가서 그것이  순간에 정말로 최선의 일인지를 체크해라. 너는  자신을 다른 누구보다도   알고 있고, 정확히 네가 무엇을 받아들일지, 어떻게 너의 내적 자아가 변화를 받아들일지를 알고 있다. 너의 몸과 영혼으로 귀를 기울여라, 모든 것이  있을 것이다. - 창조자

The Universe is aware that you have been doing some deep releasing over the past few days and, with more on the way, it may feel as if you are running a marathon. (Smiling) One thing to keep in mind; you control the pace! If you want things to move slower, ask. If you would like it to speed up, okay. The choice is yours but, keep this in mind; it may be tempting to release things as quickly as possible to ‘get it over with’ but, check in and see if it is really the best thing in this moment. You know you better than anyone else, know exactly what you can take and how your inner self accepts change. Listen to your body and soul and all will be well. ~ Creator



무한한 선택들

Infinite Choices

다음 며칠간에 걸쳐 감정들의 깊숙한 청산이 매우 강렬해질  있다. 그것이 일어날 ,  자신에게 숨을 쉬게 하고, 의식적으로 그러한 순간들이 일시적임을 인식하도록 상기시켜라. 광대한 변화를 위한 결정들이 또한 제시되고 있다. 만약 네가 ‘즉석 결정들 만드는데 익숙해져 있다면, 우주는 시간을 가지고, 그것들을 숙고하고, 정말로  의미들을 이해하라고 강하게 제안한다. 이것은 모가 아니면 도가  시나리오가 되기로 되어 있지 않으며... 단지 사용가능한 무한한 선택들에 대해 너에게 정보를 주기 위한 자극에 지나지 않는다. 언제나처럼, 너는 길을 따라 너를 돕기 위한 우주의 사랑스러운 지원과 조건 없는 사랑을 가지고 있다. - 창조자

Over the next few days the deep purging of emotions may become very intense. When it is happening, remind yourself to breath and consciously recognize those moments are transitory. Decisions for immense change are being presented as well. If you are used to making ‘snap decisions’, The Universe strongly suggests taking time, thinking them through and really understanding the implications. This is not meant to be an all or nothing scenario…just a nudge to let you inform you of the infinite choices available. As always, you have the loving support and Unconditional Love of The Universe to help you along. ~ Creator



너의 정보를 위해

For Your Information ...

친애하는 이여, 여기 그것이 있는데, 활동에서 다소의 소강상태가 있으며, 그리하여 네가 너의 숨을 고를  있다. (미소 지으며) 다음 웨이브를 위한 준비로서, 너의 정박하는 연습을 하고,  자신을 위해 평화로운 시간을 새겨라. 너의 선호에 따라, 어떤 고독을 찾든지, 네가 안전하게 느끼는 다른 이들과  분간을 보내어라. 너의 동물과 식물 친구들과 연결해라... 그들도 인간들처럼 같은 에너지적 변화들을 체험하고 있다. 다소의 기쁨을 찾으면서, 그것을 나누어라, 네가 그렇게 하고 싶다고 느낀다면. 너의 몸으로 좋은 음식을 먹이고, 정말로 그것을 즐겨라.  자신이 우주와 연결하도록 허용하고, 들어오는 에너지에 대해 많은 질문을 물어라, 네가 그렇게 하고 싶다면.  많은 정보를 네가 가질수록,  많이 너는 이러한 웨이브들과 변화들이 너와 너희 세계로 정확히 무엇을 의미하는지를 이해할 것이다. 몸조심을 하고, 가장 중요하게는, 어떤 재미를 가져라! - 창조자

Here it is, dear one; a bit of a lull in activity so you can catch your breath. (Smiling) As preparation for the next wave, practice your grounding and carve out peaceful time for yourself. Depending on your preference, find some solitude or spend a few moments with others you feel safe with. Connect with your animal and plant friends…they are experiencing the same energetic changes as humans. Find a bit of joy and share it if you feel so inclined. Feed your body good food and really enjoy it. Allow yourself to connect with The Universe and ask as many questions about the incoming energy as you choose. The more information you have, the more you will understand exactly what these waves and shifts mean to you and your world. Take care and, most importantly, have some fun! ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12656  재림사무국/1990-3