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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 6/29/2019 - 6/30/2019 ] - 너희는 바로 지금, 작은 평화를,




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 6/29/2019 - 6/30/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 6/29/2019 - 6/30/2019 ] 


너의 가슴 속에 있는 

What Is In Your Heart

너희 지구 계에서 발달한 불행한 일들 중의 하나는 특정적으로 너희 불안정성들에 작용하도록 설계된 책략들이 있다는 것이다. 너희는 네가  빨라지고,  강해지며,  예뻐지고/  생기고,  날씬해지며,  좋은 자동차를 몰고,  나은 일자리를 가지며,   집에  필요가 있다는 말을 듣고 있는데... 마치 네가 가지고 태어난 것과 네가 누구인가가 결코 충분히 좋지 않을 것이라는 듯이 말이다.

우주는 너희에게 말하기 위해 여기 있는데, 일단 네가 다른 이들이 생각하고 느끼는 것의 속박들로부터  자신을 자유롭게  , 네가  자신의 자아를 느끼기 시작할 것이라고 말이다. 일부에게는 이것이 체험하는데 도전적인 일이   있다. 그러나 네가 충분히 좋고, 네가 무엇이고 누구인가가 문제가 된다는 의식적 깨달음을 가질 ,  주위로 교활하게 둘러쌌던 속박들이 무너지고, 깨지기 시작할 것이다. 네가  자신을 고수할 유일한 기준은 무엇이 너의 가슴 속에 있는가이다. (미소 지으며) 너희는  능력을 가지고 있고, (솔직하게 말해서) 너희는 이미  과정을 시작했다. 참된  자신에게 진실해져라, 그러면 나머지는  자신을 돌볼 것이다. - 창조자

One of the unfortunate things that has developed on your Earth plane; there are ploys that have been specifically designed to play on your insecurities. You are being told you need to be faster, stronger, more beautiful/handsome, thinner, drive a better car, get a better job, live in a bigger house…as if what you are born with and who you are will never be good enough.

The Universe is here to tell you; once you free yourself from the bonds of what others think and feel, you will begin feeling your own self. For some, this may be a challenging thing to experience. But when you have a conscious realization that you are good enough and what and who you are does matter, the bonds that have been insidiously wrapped around you will begin to crumble and break away. The only standard you will hold yourself to is what is in your heart. (Smiling) You have the capability and (quite frankly) you have already begun this process. Be true to who you truly are, the rest will take care of itself. ~ Creator



고요 속에서

The Stillness

너희는 바로 지금, 작은 평화를, 작은 조용함을, 그리고 총체적인 성장을 체험하고 있을  있다. 하루의 부드러움, 평온한 속도, 풍부한 조건 없는 사랑을 즐기기 위해 시간을 사용해라. 나의 다정한 어린이여, 나중의 양자 도약의 서두를 속도를 위해 충분한 시간이 있을 것이다. 오늘,  자신에게 고요 속에서 뒹굴 선물을 주어라. - 창조자

You may be experiencing a little peace, a little quiet and a whole lot of growth right now. Use the time to enjoy the softness of the day, the tranquil pace and the abundant Unconditional Love flowing around and through you. There will be time enough for the hurried pace of quantum leaping later, my darling child. Today, give yourself the gift of reveling in the stillness. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12752  재림사무국/2007-8