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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 7/6/2019 - 7/8/2019 ] - 짓기 위해 해체하는 것. 두려워하지 마라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 7/6/2019 - 7/8/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley




By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 7/6/2019 - 7/8/2019 ] 


짓기 위해 해체하는 

Tearing Down To Build

나의 사랑하는 어린이여, 네가 내부에서 변하기 시작할 , 외부가 마찬가지로 변하기 시작할 것이다. 그것은 마치 세상이 너의  주위로 무너져 내리고, 네가 너에게 문제가 되었던 모든 ‘기준touchstone’ 잃는 듯이 느껴질  있으며, 네가 모든 것과 모든 이를 비난하고 싶어질  있다. 무엇이 정말로 일어나고 있는가? 우주는 너희가 놀랍고, 새로우며, 멋진 무언가를 창조하는 것을 돕고 있다! 그래, 길에 장애물들이 있을 것이고, 그것이 쉬운 과정이 아닐  있지만, 일단 네가 시작할   길이 걷기에  쉬워지고, 그것이  가볍고,  밝게  것이다.  자신이  최종 결과를 보도록 허용하고, 일들이  나은 것을 위해 변하고 있음을 알고 있어라. - 창조자

My darling child, when you begin changing on the inside, the outside will begin to change as well. It may feel as if the world is coming down around your ears, that you are losing every ‘touchstone’ that ever mattered to you and you may want to blame everything and everyone. What is really going on? The Universe is assisting you in creating something amazing, new and splendid! Yes, there will be bumps in the road and it may not be an easy process but, once you begin the path becomes easier to walk and it will become lighter and brighter. Allow yourself to be shown the end result and know that things are changing for the better. ~ Creator





사랑은 모든 모양으로, 모든 크기로, 모든 패키지로 온다. 만약 네가 그것으로 열려 있다면, 네가 체험할  있는 것으로 경계들이 없고, 제한들이 없다. - 창조자

Love comes in all shapes, sizes and packages. There are no boundaries, no limits on what you can experience if you are open to it. ~ Creator





뿌리를 찾는 

Finding the Root

너희  동안 네가 체험하는 매번의 고통은 하나의 근원을, 오래 전에 심어진 하나의 씨앗을 가지고 있다. 그것들은 되풀이되는 부정적 패턴으로, 자기-파괴적 행위나 자기-사보타지로 실현한다. 가장 친애하는 이여, 너는 그것을  이상 피할  없다. 방출을 시작하는 것은 시간을 넘어간다. 우주는 이제 한참 동안  일에 대해 너희를 준비시켜왔고, 그것은 이루어져야만 한다.

다음  주에 걸쳐, 너희는 그러한 행위들의 원인을 찾는 것을 통해 지도되고, 지원될 것인데, 그럼으로써 네가 안전하고 편안한 방식으로 그것들을 방출할  있다. 너희는 그것이 얼마나 쉬울지, 도전적이  지를 결정할 것이다.  자신에게 네가  필요가 있는 것을 달성할 공간과 시간을 허용해라. 만약 네가 도움이 필요하면, 그것은 네가 선택하는 형태로 공급될 것이고, 고통을 방출하는데서 너는  자신을 평화와 행복, 그리고 기쁨의 선물들로 열게  것이다. 너희는 이것을 지금 하도록 요청받고 있는데, 따라서  시간이  , 네가  주변의 자들에게 체험의 목소리를   있게  것이다. 친애하는 이여, 두려워하지 마라, 우주가 길의  걸음마다 너와 함께 있다. - 창조자

Each pain you experience in your life has a root cause, a seed that was planted a long time ago. They manifest in repeating negative patterns, self-destructive behavior or self-sabotage. Dearest one, you cannot avoid it any longer. It is beyond time to begin releasing. The Universe has been preparing you for this work for quite some time now and it must be done.

Over the next few weeks, you will be guided to and supported through finding the cause of those behaviors so you may release them if safe and comfortable ways. You get to decide how easy or challenging it will be. Allow yourself the space and time to accomplish what you need to do. If you need help, it will be supplied in whatever form you choose and, in releasing pain, you will be opening yourself up to the gifts of peace, happiness and joy. You are being asked to do this now so, when the time comes, you will be able to provide a voice of experience to those around you. Do not be afraid, dear one, The Universe is with you every step of the way. ~ Creator


번역출처: AH.Korea  http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12817  재림사무국/2014-6