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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 7/21/2019 - 7/23/2019 ] - 균형 잡는 힘. 나가서 움직여라!. 인정해라!




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 7/21/2019 - 7/23/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 7/21/2019 - 7/23/2019 ] 


바람직한 균형 잡는 

The Desirable Balancing Force

지구의 역사에서 양극적인 시간 동안 위대한  걸음들이 너희 사회가  균형 잡는 중심으로 돌아가게 움직이도록 만들어지고 있음을 염두에 두는 것이 중요하다. 진자() 하나의 극단으로부터 다른 극단으로 왔다가 다시 가는 것처럼, 운동이 궁극적으로 느려지면서 휴식으로(중지로)  것이다. 일부는 반응을 얻기 위해, 그들이 그처럼 절실히 필요하다고 느끼는 관심을 받기 위해 부적절하거나 증오에 가득  일들을 말할 것이다. 너희가 너의 길을 걸을 , 평화롭게 남아있고, 너의 진실에 머물기 위해 너의 최선을 다해라. 아치arcs  황당한 운동을 잃을 , 너희는 사람들이 변하는 것을 보기 시작할 것이다. 그것은 모든 희망을 잃고, 혼돈chaos으로부터 걸어 나가게 유혹할  있지만, 네가  바람직한 균형 잡는 힘의 일부로서 필요해짐을 기억해라. 중심에 머물고, 정박한  머물러라, 그리고 종국에는 모든 것이   것임을 알아라. - 창조자

It is important to keep in mind during this polarized time in Earth’s history; great strides are being made to move your society back to its balanced center. Just as a pendulum swings from one extreme to another and back again, the movement will eventually slow and come to rest. Some will say inappropriate or hateful things to garner a reaction, to receive attention they feel they so desperately need. As you walk your path, do your best to remain peaceful and stay in your truth. As the arcs lose their wild motion, you will begin to see people change. It may be tempting to lose all hope and walk away from the chaos but, remember you are needed as part of that desirable balancing force. Stay centered, stay grounded and know that, in the end, all will be well. ~ Creator



나가서 움직여라!

Get Out And Move!

실현은 인간들이 이해하기에 가장 쉬우면서도 가장 도전적인 일들 중의 하나이다. 확실히 너희는 네가 하기를 좋아하고/창조할 멋진 일들의 바로  가운데 있는  자신을 상상할  있지만, 그것들이 너의  앞에 오지 않았다는 사실을 한탄한다. 실현들은 긍정적 행동이 긍정적 의도에 의해 수반될 때에 창조된다. 만약 네가 있는 곳으로부터 거기 도달하는 방법을 네가 알지 못한다면, 요청해라! 우주는 너에게  길을 보여줄 것이다. 거기서 나와서 움직여라,  없는 영혼이여! 세상이 너를 기다리고 있다! - 창조자

Manifestation is one of the easiest and most challenging things for humans to understand. Sure, you can imagine yourself smack in the middle of the wonderful things you would like to/are creating but, bemoan the fact they have not come knocking on your door. Manifestations are created when positive action is accompanied by positive intention. If you do not know how to get there from where you are, ask! The Universe will show you the way. Get out there and move, intrepid soul! The world is waiting for you! ~ Creator



그것을 인정해라!

Own It!

우주는 너희가 너의 성장과 배움에서 매우 힘들게 일하고 있음을 알고 있다. 완벽해지기 위해 너희에게 묻고 있는 일들 중의 하나는  자신의 생각들과 행동들에 대해 책임감을 지라는 것이다. 그래, 네가 도전적인 상황으로 제시될 때들이 있고, 너는 낡은 방식으로 대응할  있다. 그러나 목표는 추정(예상)하는 것을 끝내는 것이다. 추정하는 행동은 [다음과 같은] ‘너의 성명 사용한다.

 내가 ___ 느끼도록 만들었어.”

 이것을 했는데, 네가 ___ 했기 때문이야.”

이것은 일어나지 않았을 텐데, 만약 네가 ___ 했다면 말이야.”

만약 네가 그것을 행했다면, 그것을 인정해라! 만약 네가 압도적인 느낌들을 가지고 있다면, 그것들을 느껴라. 만약 네가 다른 사람이 너를 해쳤다고 느낀다면,  걸음 물러나서, 네가  시나리오에서 어떤 역할을 했는지를 보아라. 나의 가장 친애하는 어린이여, 지금은 네가 창조한 것을 인정하기 시작할 시간이다. 일단 네가 시작했다면, 그것이  쉬워질 것이다! - 창조자

The Universe knows that you have been working very hard and your growth and learning. One of the things you are being asked to perfect is taking responsibility for your own thoughts and actions. Yes, there are times when you will be presented with a challenging situation and may respond the old way. But the goal is to put at end to projecting. The act of projection uses ‘you statements’.

“You made me feel _____”,

“I did this because you _____”,

“This wouldn’t be happening if you _____”

If you have done it, own it! If you are having overwhelming feelings, feel them. If you feel another has hurt you, take a step back and see what part you have played in the scenario. My dearest child, it is time to start owning what you create. Once you have begun, the easier it will become! ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12920