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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 7/31/2019 - 8/1/2019 ] - 건설하는 것. 결심하는 것




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 7/31/2019 - 8/1/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley


By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 7/31/2019 - 8/1/2019 ] 



Building ...

지난주의 허튼소리들 후에, 지금은  자신에게 약간의 휴식을  시간이다. 만약 네가 고갈되었거나  것처럼 느끼고 있다면, 네가 방금 무엇을 방출했는지를 깨닫는 순간을 가져라. 너의 낡은 내용의 거대한 양이 떠났고, 결코 돌아오지 않으며, 그것은 영광스러운 느낌인데,  그러냐? (미소 지으며)


우주는 이러한 변화들이 몸과 마음, 영으로 도전적이   있음을 알고 있으며, 우주는 또한 너희가  안전하고,  부드러우며,  평화로운 공간들로 계속 진행하는 과업에 완전히 임해 있음을 알고 있다. 네가 만드는 모든 변화, 네가 조건 없는 사랑으로 변형되기 위해 방출하는 모든 것이 너희가  자신과 미래 세대들을 위해 건설하고 있는  아름다운 새로운 세계로 덧붙여진다. 친애하는 이여,  자신에게 휴식을 허용해라, 너는 그것을 받을 가치가 있고, 그것을 받을 자격이 있다. - 창조자


[지난주의 허튼소리들은 미국의 Mueller 의회 청문회를 가리키는 듯함. 현재 일어나고 있는 미국 , 그리고 세계 정세에 대해 정확히 이해하려면, 독수리 눈의 날카로운 조감도를 가진 Sorcha Faal 매일 뉴스를 http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2940.htm 에서 공부해보시기 바랍니다. ... Vera]


After this past week’s shenanigans, it is time to give your Self a bit of a break. If you are feeling drained or empty, take a moment to realize what you have just released! Huge amounts of your old stuff has left, never to return and it is a glorious feeling, is it not? (Smiling)

The Universe knows these shifts can be challenging for the body, mind and spirit but, The Universe also knows you are completely up to the task of continuing forward into safer, softer, more peaceful spaces. Every change you make, everything you release to be transformed to unconditional love adds to the beautiful new world you are building for yourself and future generations. Allow yourself to rest, dear one, you are very worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator





어디에 그것은 숨어있는가? 버리고 싶어 하지 않는  마지못함이 어디서 거짓말을 하는가? 어떻게 너의 매일의 기능함이  마지못함으로 영향을 받는가? 우주는 매일 너에게 네가   대로 보내고, 나머지를 일하라고 요청하지만, 낡은 감정의 청산이 너를 정체의 입장 속에 놓을 , 내부 전투들이 일어나기 시작하고, 전쟁들이 해결되지 않은 전투들에서  시작들을 가질  있다.

가끔, 쉬워지도록 우주가 설계한 것이 결국 그다지 쉽지 않다. 이것에 대해  자신을 탓하지 마라! 의식적인 깨달음을 갖는 것이 진실과 사랑에서 앞으로 움직이는  걸음이다. 만약 네가 그것이 필요하다면, 도움을 요청해라. 그것은 너에게 사용가능했고, 항상 사용가능해질 것이다. - 창조자

Where is it hiding? Where does the reluctance to release lie? How has your day to day functioning been affected by that reluctance? The Universe asks you daily to let go of what you can and work on the rest but, when the purging of old emotion places you in a position of stagnation, internal battles may begin to arise and wars have their beginnings in unresolved battles.

Sometimes, what The Universe designed to be easy is not so easy after all. Do not beat yourself up over this, dear one! Having a conscious realization is the first step to moving forward in truth and love. If you need it, ask for assistance. It always has and always will be available to you. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea  http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12983