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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 8/21/2019 - 8/22/2019 ] - 계속 가라. 하나의 작은 미세-조정




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

8/21/2019 - 8/22/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley




By The CREATOR WRITINGS 8/21/2019 - 8/22/2019 ]


계속 가라

Keep Going

By Creator


우주는 모든 것이 오르막길을 올라가는 것처럼 보임을 알고 있다. 너는 발전의 보이는 표시 없이 일할  있고, 그것과 직면할  있으며, 너는 단지 피곤해진다! (미소 지으며) 너는 계속 움직이라고 매우 사랑스럽게 요청받고 있으며...  자신의 속도로,  자신의 시간에 말인데, 그러나 계속 움직여라. 지구의 역사에서 가장  일들의 일부는 소수가 머물기를 결정했던 반면, 대부분의 다른 이들이 걸어 나가기를 선택했을  일어났다. 비록 그것이 그처럼 느껴지지 않는다 해도, 변화들은 일어나고 있다! 믿음을 가져라, 그리고 모든 것이   것임을 알아라. - 창조자

The Universe know that everything seems like it is moving uphill. You may be doing the work with no visible sign of progress and, face it, you are just tired! (Smiling) You are being very lovingly asked to continue moving…at your own speed and in your own time but, keep moving. Some of the greatest things in Earth’s history have happened when a few decided to stay while most others chose to walk away. Even if it does not feel like it, changes are occurring! Have faith and know all will be well. ~ Creator



하나의 작은 미세-조정

A Little Fine Tuning

By Creator


오늘, 너희는 잠시 멈추고, 정말로 느껴보라고 요청받고 있다! 작은 시간을 가지고, ‘자기-검진 실행해라. 네가 느끼고 있는 , 어떻게 네가 그것을 느끼고 있는가, 그것이 감정적인가, 정신적인가, 아니면 육체적인가? 우주는 인간의 몸이 너의 현재 존재 상태를 픽업하고, 너와  주변에 있는 자들에게 (방송하도록) 설계했다. 그러한 느낌들과 감정들을 채워 넣기보다는, 그것들을 자세히 들여다보고, 무엇이 바꿀 필요가 있는지를 보아라! 그것들은 앞으로의 거대한 도약들이  필요가 없으며, 아기 걸음들이 좋을 것이다. (미소 지으며) 이러한 자기-보살핌의 잠깐의 순간들을 허용하는 것은 너에게 너의 여정을 미세-조정하고,  자신과, 또한 다른 이들을 더욱 효과적으로 돕기 위한  기회를 너에게  것이다. 만약 네가 무언가에 빠져 있다면, 네가 필요로 하는 것을 요청하고, 그것이 안전하고 편안하게 이루어지게 허용해라!

우주는 네가 부를  돕기 위한 준비에서 항상 대기하고 있다. 믿음을 가지고, 그것이 최고와 최선의 방식으로 이루어질 것임을 알아라. 네가, 너에게 최선인 방향에서 항상 지도할 하나의  위에 있는 상승하는 마스터임을 기억해라. - 창조자

Today, you are being asked to pause for a moment and really feel! Take a little time and performed a ‘self-check-in’. What are you feeling, how are you feeling it, it is emotional, mental or physical? The Universe designed the human body to pick up (and broadcast) your current state of being to you and those around you. Rather than stuffing those feelings and emotions; look at them closely and see what needs to be changed! They do not have to be huge leaps forward; baby steps will do. (Smiling) Allowing these brief moments of self-care will give you the opportunity to fine tune your journey and to help yourself, as well as others, more effectively. If you are stuck, ask what you need and allow it to be done in safety and comfort!

The Universe is always standing at the ready to assist when you call. Have faith and know it will be done in the highest and best way. Remember, you are an ascending master on a path that will always guide in a direction that is best for you. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/13153