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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 9/8/2019 - 9/9/2019 ] - 심오한 순간들...더 많은 휴식을...취해라!




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 9/8/2019 - 9/9/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley





By The CREATOR WRITINGS 9/8/2019 - 9/9/2019 ]



심오한 순간들...

Profound Moments...

By Creator


너의 가장 심오한 순간들은 네가 ‘나였던  버리고, ‘나인 으로 들어갈 때가  것이다. - 창조자

Your most profound moments will be when you release ‘what I was’ and move into ‘What I Am’. ~ Creator




 많은 휴식을...

More Rest...

By Creator


가장 친애하는 이여, 부디  자신과 계속 부드러워져라. 행동 속에서의  잠시 멈춤은 다음 국면이 시작하기 전에 너의 총체적 자신의 재조율과 재충전을 허용할 구체적인 목적을 위해 사용가능하게 만들어졌다. 우주는 네가 일하는  시급성을 이해하지만, 휴식 없음은 너의 육체적/감정적/영적 몸을 다가올 어떤 통합을 지연시킬 스트레스를 받는 입장에 놓을 것이다. 쉬면서 네가 좋아하는 음식을 먹고, 너의 삶으로 기쁨을 가져오는 것들을 보고/읽어라. 오르막길이  빨리 다시 시작할 것이다. 너는 가치 있고, 휴식을 받을 자격이 있으며... 그것을 취해라! - 창조자

Dearest one, please continue to be gentle with yourself. This pause in the action has been made available for the specific purpose of allowing a realignment and recuperation of your whole self before the next phase begins. The Universe understands the urgency at which you work but, no rest puts your physical/emotional/spiritual body in a stressed position that slows down any upcoming integration. Rest, eat your favorite foods, watch/read things that bring joy into your life. The upward path will begin again soon enough. You are worthy and deserving of a breather…take it! ~ Creator


번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/13266