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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 9/12/2019 - 9/13/2019 ] - 자라는 것과 배우는 것. 그 과정을 신뢰해라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 9/12/2019 - 9/13/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS 9/12/2019 - 9/13/2019 ]



자라는 것과 배우는 

Growing And Learning

By Creator


나의 아름다운 어린이여, 너희가 너희 지구-계의 존재/삶의 다음  주를 위한 분위기/무대를 놓을 것임을 부디 알아라. 그래, 너희가 너를 이런저런 식으로 흔들리게 하는 외부의 힘들의 변덕에 있다고 믿는 것이 매우 유혹적이지만, 너는 정확히 네가 얼마나 강력한지를 염두에 두어야만 한다! (미소 지으며) 만약 네가 평화롭기를 선택한다면, 그때 평화가 거기 있을 것이다. 만약 네가 불안해지기를 선택한다면, 그것이 거기 있을 것이다! 심지어 너는 우주가  순간에 만들고 있는 에너지의 바뀜들과 변화들을 다행히 알지 못하는 날들을 바랄 수조차 있다. 너희 세계로 주어지고 있는 선물들과, 그것들을 이해하고, 그것들을 다른 이들에게 해석해줄 너의 능력은 네가  바로  이유이다. 그것들을 포용하고, 인류가  나은 내일로 들어가기 위해 자라고 있고, 배우고 있음을 알아라. - 창조자

Please be aware, my beautiful child, that you will be setting the tone for the next few weeks of your Earth-plane existence. Yes, it is very enticing to believe that you are at the whim of external forces blowing you this way and that, however, you must keep in mind exactly how powerful you are! (Smiling) If you choose to be peaceful then peace will be there. If you choose to be anxious, it will be there! It may even make you wish for the days when you were blissfully unaware of the shifts and changes The Universe is making in this moment. The gifts that are being given to your world, and your ability to understand and decipher them for others, is what you came for. Embrace them and know humanity is growing and learning into a better tomorrow. ~ Creator



 과정을 신뢰해라

Trust The Process

By Creator


사이 공간에서 매달려 있는 것이 다소 이상하게 느껴질  있지만, 그것이 정확히 우주가 네가 하기를 요청하고 있는 것이다. 만약 네가 그것이 음악의 다음 음이 시작되기 전의 잠시 멈춤으로, 너의 심장박동 사이의 100분의 1초로, 혹은 어쩌면 영화의 다음 장면이 나타나기 전의 검게 사라짐으로 생각한다면, 그것이  순간을 즐기기에  쉬운 것이   있다. 이것은 또한 네가 다른 길을 선택하는 때가   있다. (미소 지으며) 그러나 너는 그것을  것을 선택하는데,  과정을 신뢰하고, 우주가 항상 너에게 좋은 것을 공급하고 있음을 알아라. - 창조자

It may feel a bit odd hanging out in the space between but, it is exactly what The Universe is asking you to do. If you think of it as the pause before the next note of music, the millisecond between the beats of your heart or, perhaps, the fade to black before the next scene of a film appears, it may be easier to enjoy the moment. This may also be the time when you choose a different path. (Smiling) However you choose to look at it; trust the process and know The Universe is always providing good for you. ~ Creator


번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/13285