괴물 천재 : 아인슈타인의 꾸며진 이야기를 해부한다
By http://tomatobubble.com Aug 17, 2013 - 5:33:27 AM
천재 아인슈타인이란 꾸며진 이야기를 해부한다
Deconstructing the Fairy Tale of Saint Albert The Genius
표절자 아인슈타인 EINSTEIN THE PLAGIARIST 아인슈타인은 연속적인 광적 표절자이다. 그의 표절행위는 의심의 여지없이 총체적으로 이렇게 here 증명되었다. 그의 상대성이론과 물질에너지이론은 그가 출간하기 전에 이미 공표되어 있던 것이다.
Einstein was a serial, psychopathic plagiarist. Einstein's plagiarism has been conclusively proven beyond doubt. (here) Indeed, Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" as well as his famous equation (E=Mc2), were actually published before Einstein claimed credit for them. | ||
아인슈타인의 오류 EINSTEIN THE MISTAKEN 그가 발견했다는 이론은 사실상 표절해 온 것인데, 지금까지도 논란이 되고 있다. 그 자신도 자기 학설에 의문을 표명했지만 소수의 물리학자들은 계속해서 아인슈타인 이론이 허위이며 꾸며낸 것이라 주장한다. 이 대목에서 우리가 의문을 갖는 것은 이런 반론에도 불구하고 왜 수많은 과학자들이 그 의문을 제대로 조사해보지 못하며 또 그의 학설의 문제를 공개해서 말하는 것이 방해당하는 것이냐에 있다. 과학적 의문을 표명하면 완전히 어리석은 질문을 한 것처럼 무시당하며 결코 토론의 기회를 주질않는 것이다. 이것이 과연 과학인가, 아님 종교문제인가?
Einstein's "discoveries", stolen as they were, are still disputed to this day. Einstein himself expressed some doubts about his "theories". Though it is beyond the scope of this author to evaluate theories of physics, the fact that a minority of physicists continue to passionately insist that Einstein's ideas are false, is very intriguing. We wonder, for every one outspoken critic of Einstein, how many more scientists hold the very same doubts but are too intimidated to express them. Of even greater interest is the fact that the scientific doubters are often childishly ridiculed, but never openly debated. Hmmm. | ||||
그는 부인이며 자신의 두 아이의 모친인 밀레바에게 잔인했다. 그는 그녀를 내놓고 속였고 잔인한 혼인생활을 강요했다. 그가 자기 아내에게 이런 노예나 하녀 같은 명령을 내리는 식이었다. Einstein was very cruel to Mileva, his first wife and mother of their two sons. He not only cheated on her openly, but as the marriage unraveled, he laid out cruel conditions for staying with her as follows:Under the heading: "Conditions."
"당신은 아래와 같은 일을 확실히 해둔다." 1. 내 옷과 세탁물은 좋은 상태로 유지한다. 2.나는 내 방에서 하루 3끼의 식사를 먹게 한다. 3. 내 침실과 서재는 깨끗히 유지하고 책상은 오로지 나만 사용한다. 당신은 나의 모든 대외 인간관계에 간여하지마라. 단 사교적 필요가 있을때만 관여한다. 내가 요구하지 않는한 내게 말을 걸지 말라. here "You will make sure that: 1. that my clothes and laundry are kept in good order; 2. that I will receive my three meals regularly in my room; 3. that my bedroom and study are kept neat, and especially that my desk is left for my use only. You will renounce all personal relations with me insofar as they are not completely necessary for social reasons...you will stop talking to me if I request it." (here)
밀레바는 이런 광적인 조건을 받아들였다 Mileva accepted the conditions. | |
![]() Playboy Einstein grew estranged from Mileva, the mother of his sons. He then proposed a strange "contract" |
연쇄 간통자 EINSTEIN THE SERIAL ADULTERER 아인슈타인은 그가 엘자라는 사촌과 정사를 벌이고 종국에 그녀와 혼인하려, 부인 밀레바를 버렸다. 그러나 섹스에 중독된 간통자 아인슈타인은 그것만으로 만족하지 않았다.그는 두번째 혼인 중에도 6건 이상의 혼외정사를 즐겨서 엘자를 속였던 것으로 알려졌다. Einstein eventually dumped Mileva to marry the woman with whom he was having an affair, his cousin Elsa. But the sex crazed serial adulterer still wasn't happy. He is now known to have cheated on the 2nd wife as well, having no fewer than SIX extra marital affairs during his second marriage! (here) | ||
죽을 때까지 때리는 아버지, 아인슈타인 EINSTEIN THE "DEAD BEAT DAD"
Under the easy terms of Einstein's divorce agreement from Mileva, his 1921 Nobel Prize money was to have been deposited in a Swiss bank account. Mileva (betrayed and abandoned by Einstein) was to draw only upon the interest for herself and the couple’s sons, Hans Albert and Eduard. When the sons were grown, 100% of the principal would belong to Einstein! But the sleazy creep spent the money! Mileva had to constantly beg the affluent Einstein for child support. (here) She and her sons struggled while "the great scientist" lived the high life. Compounding her misery, Eduard would develop severe mental problems. Beaten down by life, Mileva died in 1955. She was only 60. (here)
Einstein became estranged from his adult sons. The boys had always been resentful over Einstein's abuse and abandonment of their mother. Upon Einstein's death, the wealthy old bastard left an insulting pittance to Hans Albert, the other son that he had hurt so much. | ||
유태 언론에의해 찬양적 인물로 꾸며진 그는 주위를 끌어모으는 관심병 환자였다. 그는 뭐든지 무슨 주제든지 상상하는대로 주워섬기며 떠들어댔다. 그를 유심히 관찰한 멘켄은 그의 마르크스 주의에 절은 비겁자의 모습을 봤다. 그래서 아인슈타인을 대중 지향 광적인물이라고 평했다. A pure creation of Jewish media hype, Einstein was a pathological attention seeker. The mad scientist enjoyed shooting hot air out of his lying mouth on every subject imaginable. Though his sycophant worshippers eagerly ate up his bullshit, astute observors such as the great satirist H.L. Mencken saw right through the Marxist clown. Mencken once referred to Einstein as "that fiend for publicity." | |||
공산주의자 아인슈타인 EINSTEIN THE COMMUNIST Einstein fled Hitler's Germany in 1933 not because he was Jewish, but because he was a politically active Marxist! Einstein held membership in more Communist front groups than one could shake a hammer and sickle at. .
These activities continued upon his arrival to America, where he would later defend the traitorous Rosenbergs (executed in 1952 for having passed A-Bomb secrets to the Soviets). Einstein defended other Communist traitors as well (Oppenheimer, Robeson, Fuchs, DuBois etc). In 1947, Stalin's Pravda Newspaper named Einstein to its list of ‘Top-Ten Friends of the Soviet Union.’ | ||||||
전쟁광 EINSTEIN THE WARMONGER Einstein the fraud was a self described "pacifist". However, during the 1930's, the "pacifist" suddenly became an fierce advocate for total war against Germany! The famous Einstein-Szilard letter, in which the two Jewish scientists urge the Jew owned President Roosevelt to develop an atomic weapon, was actually written during peacetime in August of 1939! The letter falsely accuses Germany of developing an atomic bomb (the original WMD's Lie!) and urges FDR to beat Hitler to the punch. .
The genocidal Einstein was looking forward to the day when Berlin, one of his former homes, could be nuked! Ironically, Einstein was never invited to participate in the Communist infested Manahattan Project (which grew out of Einstein's letter) because the FBI deemed him a security risk. After the war ended, the USA and Stalin's USSR become bitter adversaries. Red Albert conveniently reverted back to "pacifism". | ||||||
미국인 혐오자 EINSTEIN THE ANTI-AMERICAN Einstein was an America basher. Not content with bad mouthing and betraying his former German host, Einstein had insults for his adopted American country as well. For example, this sarcastic gem: “Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves.” .
While ignoring the racial basis for the "State of Israel", hypocrite Einstein constantly denounced American racism. (see 'Einstein The Racial Agitator' section below). The Red scientist also had harsh words for American anti-Communist patriots, denouncing the great Senator Joseph McCarthy among others. | ||||
신세계주의자 EINSTEIN THE GLOBALIST Einstein condemned Nationalism (except for Israeli nationalism) and was very open in his support for a One World Government. He wrote, "There is no salvation for civilization, or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government." Of course, it will be St. Albert's synagogue buddies who will be running this World Federation, presumably from Israel. | ||
악마주의 대량 살상자 EINSTEIN THE MASS MURDERER With World War II coming to a close, vindictive Jews worldwide openly called for the genocide of the German people. Indeed, this policy was partially implemented. Among the demonic voices demanding more blood was the "pacifist" Einstein. .
He wrote: "The Germans can be killed or constrained after the war, but they cannot be re-educated to a democratic way of thinking and acting.”......it is hoped that by war's end, they will largely have been killed off." | ||
인종주의 선동자 EINSTEIN THE RACE AGITATOR In spite of segregation, American Blacks were making great economic progress in America during the 1940's & 50's. This didn't stop the ungrateful foreigner Einstein from routinely trashing America for it's "racism". He wrote, "Race prejudice has unfortunately become an American tradition which is uncritically handed down from one generation to the next."
The trouble making Einstein also joined the anti-White, Jewish funded NAACP, and became close friends with two of America's most notorious Black "race hustlers" - W.E. DuBois and Paul Robeson, both Communists. | ||||||
유태 시오니스트 EINSTEIN THE ZIONIST Though not a religious Jew, Einstein was indeed an ethnocentric Jew who saw the world through a "Jews vs Gentiles" lens. In 1952, soon after Jewish terror gangs had ethnically cleansing Arab villages, Einstein was offered the presidency of the illegitimate State of Israel. He politely declined the offer: “I am deeply moved by the offer from our State of Israel, and at once saddened and ashamed that I cannot accept it.” | ||
출처 : http://tomatobubble.com/einstein.html
요약번역: Peterkim님
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