전문가들이 결코 먹지 않는 식품 (Natural News)
전문가들이 결코 먹지 않는 식품
Foods Even The Experts Won't Eat
Read more: http://www.zengardner.com/9-foods-ev...erts-wont-eat/
1. 내분비학자들이 결코 먹지않는 것 : 깡통에 담긴 토마토
The endocrinologist won't eat: Canned Tomatoes
2. 농부들이 결코 먹지않는 것 : 옥수수를 먹인 소가 변한 쇠고기
The farmer won't eat" Corn-fed Beef
3. 독극물 학자들이 결코 먹지않는 것 : 전자레인지로 덮힌 음식, 팝콘 포함
The toxicologist won't eat: Microwave Popcorn
4. 농부 감독관들이 결코 먹지않는 것 : 유기농이 아닌 감자
The farm director won't eat" Nonorganic Potatoes
5. 어류학자들이 결코 먹지않는 것 : 양식 연어
The fisheries expert won't eat: Farmed Salmon
6. 암 종양학자들이 결코 마시지않는 것 : 인공 호르몬으로 절어서 생산된 우유
The cancer researcher won't drink: Milk Produced withi Artificial Hormones
7. 생화학자들은 결코 통상의 콩을 먹지않는다: 모두가 유전자변형이며 발효가 되지않는 콩이다
The biotech specialist who won't eat conventional soy: GMO Unfermented Soy
8. 유기농 전문가들이 결코 먹지않는 것 : 통상의 사과
The organic-foods expert won't ear: Conventional Apples
식약청 : 매년 3천만 파운드의 항생제가 통상의 가축에게 접종된다
FDA: 30 million pounds of antibiotics given to conventional livestock annually
에단 허프 By Ethan A. Huff
Oct 10, 2013 - 1:04:23 AM
(내춰뤌뉴스) 미식약청이 가축에게 적절한 량의 항생제를 투입하란 지침을 끝없이 내리고 있지만 통상의 육류산업은 매년 동물의 몸속으로 이런약을 3천만 파운드나 집어넣고 있다.
이것은 국민에게 큰 폐해를 주는 것이기에 식약청은 작년에 새로운 지침을 주어서 육류생산업자가 가축에 항생제를 줄이도록 권고했다. 하지만 이것은 강제적인게 아니고 업자들이 자체 규제를 하라는 솜방망이 지침이다. 따라서 거의 변화를 가져오지 못하는 실패한 방법이다.
(NaturalNews) While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) endlessly stonewalls in establishing enforceable guidelines for the appropriate use of antibiotics in livestock, the conventional meat industry continues to shove about 30 million pounds of these drugs annually down the throats of animals. And recent figures released by the Pew Charitable Trusts reveal that antibiotic use in meat and poultry production now outpaces the amount used to treat sick people by a factor of five.
An "infographic" recently put out by that non-profit public policy group illustrates a steady rise in animal antibiotic use since the early 2000s, despite near-steady usage rates in humans, which recently prompted the FDA to at least acknowledge the problem. As you may recall, the FDA put forth a new guidance last year that advises meat and poultry producers to curb antibiotic use in livestock. But this guidance is not mandatory and actually allows the food industry to regulate itself, a failed approach that will obviously lead to little change.
"[W]hile human antibiotic use has leveled off at below 8 [million] pounds annually, livestock farms have been sucking in more and more of the drugs each year -- and consumption reached a record nearly 29.9 [million] pounds in 2011," writes Tom Philpott for Mother Jones. "To put it another way, the livestock industry is now consuming nearly four-fifths of the antibiotics used in the U.S., and its appetite for them is growing."
You can view the Pew Charitable Trusts infographic at the following link: http://www.motherjones.com
동물에게 항생제를 투여하는 비율은 전체 육류 생산량보다 더 빠르게 증가한다, 이는 세균의 내성이 파괴적으로 되는 경향을 설명한다 .
Rates of animal antibiotic use rising faster than overall meat production, illustrating damaging effects of resistant bacteria
항생제를 동물에게 투입하는 일의 최대 문제는 이것이 오염된 육류를 먹는 사람에게 해를 끼친다는 것도 있지만 이외에 항생제에 내성을 지닌 세균이 급속도록 나타난다는 문제이다. 수십년간 항생제를 심하게 써온 것이기에 수퍼박테리아나 수퍼세균이 등장하고 있는것이다. 이것들은 어떤 항생제도 먹히지를 않는다.
이들 세균은 통상의 육류나 가금류에 전염병을 증가시키고 있다. 이는 병원이나 보건당국시설이 해결하지 못하는 문제이다.
The biggest issue with feeding antibiotics to animals, besides the obvious harm these drugs can cause to humans who consume tainted meat, is the rapid emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Continued overuse of antibiotics for many decades has led to the inception of "super" bacteria strains, or "superbugs," that no longer respond to antibiotic treatment. And these bugs are increasingly plaguing conventional meat and poultry products, not to mention hospitals and other healthcare facilities that treat immunocompromised individuals.
According to data compiled from the FDA's National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS), virtually every category of conventional meat and poultry sold in American supermarkets today has seen a dramatic increase in the number of superbugs it is harboring. For instance, as much as 78 percent of all tested conventional ground turkey and 75 percent of all tested conventional chicken breast was found to be harboring at least one strain of Salmonella resistant to antibiotics. And about half of all turkey samples were found to be resistant to three or more strains.
"[W]hen you cram animals together by the thousands and dose them daily with antibiotics, the bacteria that live on and in the animals adapt and develop resistance to those bacteria killers," adds Philpott about the situation. "While the FDA dithers with voluntary approaches to regulation, the meat industry is feasting on antibiotics and sending out product tainted with antibiotic-resistant bugs."
이 문제에 관해서라면 식약청이 육류에 항생제를 투여하는 것을 단속하는 일도 필요하겠지만 사실상의 육류업계 현실을 감안할때 실효성이 없다. 그렇다면 국민들이 육류소비자로써 관행을 바꾼는 것이 필요하다.
국민들은 대기업이 생산한 공장 육류를 소비하지 말아야 한다. 그리고 꼭 먹겠다면 항생제 없이 자연 방목을 한 육류를 소비해야 할 것이다. 더 바람직하기는 아예 육류를 먹는 대신 발효식품이나 식물성 단백질을 섭취해야 한다.
이제는 먹는 관행을 바꿔야만 하는 때이다.
Apart from the FDA taking formidable action to end the practice of pumping livestock with antibiotics, the purpose of which is to make them grow faster and boost industry profits, the next best thing is for consumers to stop buying conventional meat products. You, as a conscious shopper, can vote with your wallet by choosing only pasture-raised meat and poultry products, or meat and poultry products that are specifically designated as being free of added antibiotics and growth hormones.
Sources for this article include:
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