러시아 - 이웃국가 구제금융 / 푸틴의 IMF 타격행보
러시아는 이웃국가를 지원하다:
우크라이나 벨라루스가 시의적절한 구제금융을 받다
Russia backs its neighbours:
Ukraine, Belarus timely getting loans
Dec 30, 2013 - Russia backs its neighbours: Ukraine, Belarus timely getting loans
러시아는 우크라이나에게 150억 달러의 대출을 제공할 것이다, 그로써 키에프 당국은 국가와 금융부서 채무를 갚을 거시며 다음 두해동안 국가경제를 안정화시킬 것이다. 대출은 키에프 당국이 채무불이행하는걸 막아주었다.
"그 자금은 대부분 사회적 프로그램에 투입될 것이며, 공공부문의 압력을 해소시킬 것이다. 이는 우크라이나 경제에 가해진 시장의 압력을 경감시킬 것이다."
Russia will also grant a 15 billon dollar loan to Ukraine, so Kiev will pay off all the National Bank and Finance Ministry debts, and will also stabilize the national economy in the next two years. The loan has helped Kiev avoid default. Ukraine needs the funds for a budget band-aid, says Yaroslav Lissovolik, Deutsche Bank Chief Economist, Russia, and elaborates.
"The money will be mostly spent on social programmes, to take the pressure off the public sector. This will also reduce the market pressure on the Ukrainian economy".
IMF 는 극도로 가혹한 조건을 붙여서 대출을 준다고 제안했다, 이는 가령 우크라이나 통화를 3분지 1에서 절반의 수준으로 평가절하하는걸 포함하는 것이다. 러시아는 우크라이나 채권을 매입해주는데 어떤 조건도 붙이지 않았다.
"러시아는 우크라이나 국부채권을 매입했는데, 이는 신탁 채무였다. 달리 말하자면 러시아는 우크라이나가 그 자금을 어떻게 쓰던 조건 규정을 붙이지 않았다는 말이다."
이 자금이 우크라이나에 들어가자 국제 신평사들은 우크라이나 신용등급을 부정적에서 안정으로 변경시켜주었다.
Ukraine has been looking for foreign financial backing throughout 2013, but the economic crisis in Europe prevented Brussels from granting any loans to Kiev, so what alternatives Kiev remained with were financial markets, the IMF and Russia. But the market value of a debt burden is too heavy for Ukraine to shoulder, so Kiev gave up financial markets from square one. The IMF was prepared to give a loan on extremely tough conditions, it insisted, for example, on devaluing Ukraine’s currency hryvnia by a third or a half. By contrast, Russia made no conditions in exchange for purchasing Ukraine’s bonds, points out a Raiffeisenbank bond market analyst Denis Poryvai, and elaborates.
"Russia has bought Ukraine’s sovereign bonds, which are a fiduciary debt. In other words, Russia has made no stipulations as to how Ukraine should use it and how it should build its economy". Russia’s financial aid has prompted international analysts to change their forecast for Ukraine’s credit rating from negative to stable.
Fri Dec 20, 2013 at 03:33 PM PST
푸틴대통령은 IMF 에 혹독한 시련을 안겨주다
by Richard Lyon
I.M.F. Criticizes Ukraine Plan for Economy
The International Monetary Fund issued on Thursday a scathing report on Ukraine’s financial situation, saying that the government of President Viktor F. Yanukovich had largely abandoned much-needed economic reforms that it had agreed to undertake as part of a deal in 2010 that provided more than $15 billion in loans.
The report suggests that Russia’s offer this week to rescue Ukraine with another $15 billion in loans and a sharp discount on natural gas prices could be far riskier than President Vladimir V. Putin has suggested.
Mr. Putin announced on Tuesday that Russia would use $15 billion from its national welfare fund to buy Ukrainian euro bonds, and that Gazprom, Russia’s state-controlled energy company, would reduce the price of gas to $268.50 per 1,000 cubic meters, from the current $395 to $410, saving Ukraine about $2 billion a year.
우크라이나는 점증하는 혹독한 경제위기에 처하면서 IMF 와 추가적 지원을 받으려 협상을 했다. 그 노력은 무산되어버렸는데 IMF 의 구제안은 엄청난 조건이 붙어서 왔기 때문이었다. 그 조건들은 우크라이나 국민가계의 비용이 증가되고 정부 지출이 제한되는 것이었다.
우크라이나의 내정은 복잡하고 혼잡스런 것이다. 그 나라의 동부지역은 러시아 향으로 경제와 문화가 얽혀져있고 서부지역은 유럽연합 향이었다. 내정은 수년간 끓는 물처럼 복잡해지면서 도저히 평화로운 해결책이 나오질 않는 것이었다.그러자 우크라이나는 유럽연합의 시각으로볼때 포커판에 큰돈이 걸린 먹잇감 신세로 전락하는 것이었다.
여기에 푸틴은 결코 온정을 베풀며 더듬수를 두는 존재가 아니지만 우크라이나 구제안을 통크게 실현했다. 그야말로 국운을 바꾸는 저돌적인 명승부를 펼쳤다.
Ukraine is facing an increasingly severe economic crisis and had been in talks with the I.M.F. for additional aid. Those talks broke off in large part because Mr. Yanukovich and other officials said they found the required terms too onerous. Those terms included increases in household utility rates and limits on government spending.
The situation in Ukraine is complex and messy. The eastern part of the country is economically and culturally oriented toward Russia and the western part toward the EU. The pot has been boiling for a number of years and there aren't much in the way of prospects for a peaceful resolution. The situation has become a pawn in the high stakes poker game for control of eastern Europe. That is a geopolitical conflict that goes back to the days of the tsars. Vladamir Putin is definitely not a warm and fuzzy character but he does the kind of personal chutzpah that makes him an accomplished poker player.
우크라이나는 유럽연합 조약 대신에 러시아 구제를 선택하다
Ukraine opts for Russian bailout instead of EU treaty
By Andrew Rettman with comments by ron Dec 30, 2013 - 10:04:40 AM
Ukraine opts for Russian bailout instead of EU treaty
18.12.13 @ 09:29
By Andrew Rettman
우크라이나 지도자 빅터 야누코피치는 유럽연합에 대한 대체방법으로 아무런 조건이 달리지않은 러시아 구제안을 선택했다.
그는 12월 17일 모스크바에서 푸틴 대통령과 회의자리에서 합의에 도달했다.
합의안에 따라 푸틴은 러시아 국부펀드 자금을 사용해서 우크라이나의 문제성 채권 150억 달러어치를 매입하기로 약속했다.
BRUSSELS - Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych has opted for a no-strings-attached Russian bailout instead of the EU alternative.
He made the agreement at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday (17 December).
Under the accord, Putin promised to use money from Russia's National Welfare Fund to buy $15 billion of distressed Ukrainian bonds. He also promised to cut gas prices from $400 or so per thousand cubic metres to $269 until 2019, saving Ukraine up to $2 billion a year.
He described Ukraine as a "strategic partner and ally."
"I want to bring to your attention the fact that it is not connected with any conditions, not connected with the increase, decrease or freezing of any social standards, pensions, subsidies or salaries," he said.
"I also want to calm everyone down: Today we did not discuss the question of Ukraine’s accession to the Customs Union," he added.
Yanukovych said: "Ukraine's trade with Russia makes it impossible for us to act in any other way … There is no alternative to this."
The alternative was to sign an EU association and free trade pact, triggering International Monetary Fund (IMF) support and top-up EU assistance.
But the EU-IMF package came with tough conditions: to increase domestic gas prices; modernise Ukrainian industry; relax his grip on judges; and free political opponents. [Ron: Regardless of whether they are criminals or not?! ].
요약번역출처; http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7867038