미국 특수전쟁 급증 : 134개 나라에서 비밀전쟁 中
미국 특수전쟁이 급증하다 : 비밀전쟁이 134개 나라에서 벌어진다
Special Ops surge: America's Secret War in 134 Countries
Wednesday Jan 22, 2014 Read at: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/346157.html
A US Special Forces
그들은 남서 아시아에서 나이트비젼의 녹색 영상을 켠채 작전한다 그리고 남미의 정글에서 은밀한 작전을 한다. 그들은 마그레브의 민가에 들어가 사람을 납치해낸다 그리고 아프리카의 뿔 지역에서는 중무장한 군대를 보내서 쏴갈긴다.
그들은 카리브 해역부터 태평양 깊은 곳에서 파도를 가로지르며 소금 물에 젖는다.
그들은 중동 사막에서 공격적 열기를 대항하며 작전하며 스칸디나비아 동토까지 뛴다.
전 지구상에 오바마 정부는 비밀전쟁을 돌리는 중이다. 그것들은 완전히 폭로되지 않았다 -- 아직까지는.
They operate in the green glow of night vision in Southwest Asia and stalk through the jungles of South America. They snatch men from their homes in the Maghreb and shoot it out with heavily armed militants in the Horn of Africa. They feel the salty spray while skimming over the tops of waves from the turquoise Caribbean to the deep blue Pacific. They conduct missions in the oppressive heat of Middle Eastern deserts and the deep freeze of Scandinavia. All over the planet, the Obama administration is waging a secret war whose full extent has never been fully revealed -- until now.
2001년 911 사태이래로 미국 특수군은 모든 면에서 성장했다. 군대 수효부터 예산까지 늘었다. 그에 따라 특수군의 배치가 세계적으로 지수적으로 급증한다. 그들의 배치는 지구상 국가의 거의 70%에 달하는데 - 비밀전쟁이 얼마나 큰 규모로 방대한 지역을 카버하는지 새로운 증거를 보여준다.
Since September 11, 2001, U.S. Special Operations forces have grown in every conceivable way, from their numbers to their budget. Most telling, however, has been the exponential rise in special ops deployments globally. This presence -- now, in nearly 70% of the world’s nations -- provides new evidence of the size and scope of a secret war being waged from Latin America to the backlands of Afghanistan, from training missions with African allies to information operations launched in cyberspace.
In the waning days of the Bush presidency, Special Operations forces were reportedly deployed in about 60 countries around the world. By 2010, that number had swelled to 75, according to Karen DeYoung and Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post. In 2011, Special Operations Command (SOCOM) spokesman Colonel Tim Nye told TomDispatch that the total would reach 120. Today, that figure has risen higher still.
In 2013, elite U.S. forces were deployed in 134 countries around the globe, according to Major Matthew Robert Bockholt of SOCOM Public Affairs. This 123% increase during the Obama years demonstrates how, in addition to conventional wars and a CIA drone campaign, public diplomacy and extensive electronic spying, the U.S. has engaged in still another significant and growing form of overseas power projection. Conducted largely in the shadows by America’s most elite troops, the vast majority of these missions take place far from prying eyes, media scrutiny, or any type of outside oversight, increasing the chances of unforeseen blowback and catastrophic consequences.
Growth Industry
Formally established in 1987, Special Operations Command has grown steadily in the post-9/11 era. SOCOM is reportedly on track to reach 72,000 personnel in 2014, up from 33,000 in 2001. Funding for the command has also jumped exponentially as its baseline budget, $2.3 billion in 2001, hit $6.9 billion in 2013 ($10.4 billion, if you add in supplemental funding). Personnel deployments abroad have skyrocketed, too, from 4,900 “man-years” in 2001 to 11,500 in 2013.
A recent investigation by TomDispatch, using open source government documents and news releases as well as press reports, found evidence that U.S. Special Operations forces were deployed in or involved with the militaries of 106 nations around the world in 2012-2013. For more than a month during the preparation of that article, however, SOCOM failed to provide accurate statistics on the total number of countries to which special operators -- Green Berets and Rangers, Navy SEALs and Delta Force commandos, specialized helicopter crews, boat teams, and civil affairs personnel -- were deployed. “We don’t just keep it on hand,” SOCOM’s Bockholt explained in a telephone interview once the article had been filed. “We have to go searching through stuff. It takes a long time to do that.” Hours later, just prior to publication, he provided an answer to a question I first asked in November of last year. “SOF [Special Operations forces] were deployed to 134 countries” during fiscal year 2013, Bockholt explained in an email.
Globalized Special Ops
Last year, Special Operations Command chief Admiral William McRaven explained his vision for special ops globalization. In a statement to the House Armed Services Committee, he said:
“USSOCOM is enhancing its global network of SOF to support our interagency and international partners in order to gain expanded situational awareness of emerging threats and opportunities. The network enables small, persistent presence in critical locations, and facilitates engagement where necessary or appropriate...”
134 Chances for Blowback
Although elected in 2008 by many who saw him as an antiwar candidate, President Obama has proved to be a decidedly hawkish commander-in-chief whose policies have already produced notable instances of what in CIA trade-speak has long been called blowback. While the Obama administration oversaw a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq (negotiated by his predecessor), as well as a drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan (after a major military surge in that country), the president has presided over a ramping up of the U.S. military presence in Africa, a reinvigoration of efforts in Latin America, and tough talk about a rebalancing or “pivot to Asia” (even if it has amounted to little as of yet).
전체 원문보기: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/346157.html
요약번역 출처: http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7867188
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Elites Call for "Extraordinary Crisis" to Preserve NWO
2014. 01. 18.
워싱턴 DC 의 씽크탱크 , 어틀랜틱 카운슬의 할란 울만은 "거대한 위기" 가 필요하다고 주장한다. 그이유는 그것을 통해서 "신세계질서" 권력이 보존된다는 것이다. 그는 이런 충격요법으로 에릭 스노우든 같은 반국가 요인이 저지른 위협을 해결할 수있다고 한다. 스노우든 같은 이는 국민들에게 스스로 힘을 찾아 갈수있도록 자극하고 있기에 ...
Writing for the Atlantic Council, a prominent think tank based in Washington DC, Harlan K. Ullman warns that an "extraordinary crisis" is needed to preserve the "new world order," which is under threat of being derailed by non-state actors like Edward Snowden, because they are encouraging individuals to become self-empowered.
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Enemy no. 1 Edward Snowden has made some dangerous enemies, who detail how they'd like to casually kill him.
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