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+ '돈' 안전한가요? / 우리의 은행계좌는 안전하지가 않다




'돈' 안전한가요? / 우리의 은행계좌는 안전하지가 않다



우리 은행계좌는 안전하지가 않다

Our Bank Accounts are Not Safe









2014. 02. 6. 


당신의 은행계좌 예금이 안전하다고 생각하나요? 거기에 돈을 넣지 마세요.

이것은 리더스다이제스트 전 편집자인 로웰 폰테씨가 말하는 것입니다. 또 씽크탱크 미래학자들 이야기고요.


Do you think your bank account deposits are safe? Don't bank on it. 

That's according to Lowell Ponte, former editor of Readers Digest and think tank futurist.


폰테에 따르면 스티븐 코튼이 지난달에 런던의 거대은행 홍콩상하이은행에 1만달러를 인출하려 갔다고 해요, 그러나 은행은 코튼은 은행으로부터 자기 계좌의 돈을 인출하는걸 거부당했답니다.


왜냐고요? 그 이유는 코튼이 은행에 만족할만한 설명을 하지 못했기 때문이랍니다. 허얼 ~


자기 돈을 꺼내는데 무슨 이유가 있어여하냐고요? 코튼씨는 자기 돈을 써야할 이유를 설명하면서 뻑이 가버렸습니다. 


그러나 폰테씨는 코튼이 계좌의 돈이 자신의 것임을 설명하는데 실수를 했다고 말합니다. 새로운 은행법에 따르면 당신의 예금이라해도 그 돈이 은행에 속해있다는 것입니다. 당신이 소유하는 모든 것이 예금 속에 들어있지요, 또는 그게 내가 소유했다는 것이고요.


According to Ponte, last month, Stephen Cotton walked into London-based giant HSBC to withdraw about $10,000 dollars. But the bank refused to let Mr. Cotton have money from his own account. 


Why? Because they said Mr. Cotton couldn't provide the bank with a satisfactory explanation for what the money was to be used for. Of course this enraged Mr. Cotton since he was asking for his own money.


But Lowell Ponte said Mr. Cotton was mistaken about just whose money it was. According to new banking laws, your deposits belong to the bank. All you 'own' is a deposit receipt, or an IOU.


미국 정치인들은 유럽국가가 국민의 은행계좌를 어떻게 빼냈는지를 연구하고 있답니다. 그들은 미국 연기금 20조 달러의 돈을 은행쪽의 파산위험을 당할때 유럽처럼 적당한 지분만큼 빼내려고 하는 것이랍니다..


(이하 번역 생략)


American politicians have watched how some European countries are getting away with raiding the bank accounts of their citizens and since U.S. lawmakers are desperate for more money they are considering new ways to grab their 'fair share' of the $20 Trillion now in private U.S. retirement accounts - bringing fresh meaning to Obama's proposed "MyRA" program!


Ponte says U.S. and other Western governments have agreed that future bank crises will be handled not by taxpayer bail-outs but by "bail-INS" that first seize a banks' "unsecured assets" to pay the government. Ponte said, "If the government seizes your bank's funds, you can kiss your assets goodbye."


But, you may ask, "What about the FDIC? It says right on my bank window that they guarantee my money. 


Here's a scary fact: The FDIC has only $27 Billion, less than one percent of what might be needed to cover more than $7 Trillion of deposits that could be lost in a national financial panic and storm.


Remember the recent financial panic in Cypress when depositors woke of to find their bank accounts frozen? That happened just months after the FDIC and Bank of England signed a joint document allowing government to seize customer deposits as part of a bank's property.


So, what's to stop that from happening in the United States? Nothing. 


And it doesn't stop with banks. Cash deposits are only the beginning. IRAs and other retirement accounts are in the crosshairs for consideration as alternative sources to pay down government debt. Ponte reminds us how in 2008 Argentina replaced its citizens' cash savings with government bonds, valued at only 27% of its currency. Americans also might soon be forced to by trillions and trillion in Federal debt.


All of this and more are covered in Lowell Ponte's new book, "The Great Withdrawal," which he is making available for free for the asking as a public service, courtesy of Swiss America. 


Please forward a link to this video to your family, friends and people you are concerned about.


Ask for your free copy of "The Great Withdrawal" by calling: 800-289-2646


영상요약 번역출처: http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7867304