푸틴은 신세계질서(NWO) 측에 신에 대한 두려움을 심는다
Putin puts fear of God in New World Order: Barrett
크리미아의 독립을 위한 국민투표가 진행되는 즈음에 힐라리클린턴은 푸틴대통령을 가리켜, 새로운 히틀러라고 불렀다. 브레진스키는 히틀러일뿐아니라 도당이며, 위협이며, 마피아갱, 무솔리니라고 덧붙였다. 서방 주류언론은 이런 어린애같은 명칭을 주어섬기고 있다.
서방외교의 지배자들은 왜 그토록 푸틴을 두려워하는가?
In the wake of Crimea's independence referendum, Hillary Clinton says Russian President Putin is a "new Hitler." Zbigniew Brezezinski, former National Security Advisor agrees, calling Putin not just another Hitler, but also a thug, a menace, a Mafia gangster, and a Mussolini. The Western mainstream media echoes this childish name-calling.
Why is the whole Western foreign policy establishment so afraid of Putin?
그이유는 푸틴이 우크라이나에서뿐 아니라 시리아와 이란에 대해 서방측의 강압적 공세를 저지시키고 있기 때문이다. 서방측은 이 나라들을 불안정하게 만들고 있는데, 이는 지난 십년간 그들의 강압적 공세가 약소국에 가해졌던 사례에서 볼수있는 것이다. 이들의 장기적인 목표는 : 전통적 국가개념과 그 나라의 가치체계를 완전히 파괴하면서 신세계질서의 세계적 지배력을 창출해내는데 있다.
Because Putin is standing up against Western aggression – not only in Ukraine, but also in Syria and Iran. ongoing Western attempts to destabilize these and other countries are just the most recent examples of a decades-old pattern of aggression. The long-term goal: Total destruction of traditional nations and values, and the creation of a New World Order global dictatorship.
1953년 이란에서 씨아이에이와 MI6는 합동으로 합법적정부를 전복시키는 작전을 해냈다. 그 이유는 그 나라 통치자가 그들에게 협조하지않았기 때문이다. 이들은 우선 국가의 경제를 파괴하고 마비시킨다. 다음은 군대 장교를 뇌물로 부패시켰고 도당과 불만세력을 매수해서 소요와 시위사태를 야기한다. (이는 한국 자유당 정권말기에 새로운 권력을 창출하려 민주정을 전복하는 과정에서도 볼수있다, 역자주) 게다가 이집트, 중동, 우크라이나에서 보듯이 시위사태에 저격수를 이용해 양측의 사살자를 양산해내서 시위가 폭동으로 확산되고 양측의 절망적인 충돌로 비화시킨다. 이러면 부패되어 조종되는 군대조직과 갱단을 밀어올려서 정권을 전복시키고 쿠데타를 완성하는 것이다.
Since the 1953 CIA-MI6 coup in Iran, the West has been using the same formula to overthrow legitimate but uncooperative leaders: First, sabotage the country's economy. Then bribe corrupt military officers and thugs and pay rent-a-mobs to create chaos in the streets. Next (this step is optional) incite violence by paying snipers to fire into crowds – and maybe set off some bombs. Finally, send the corrupt military units and gangsters to overthrow the target nation's legitimate leader, murder or imprison his supporters, install a Western puppet in his place – and announce that "order has been restored."
씨아이에이는 이런 더러운짓을 1953년도에 이란 모사덱 수상정부를 몰아낼때 벌였고, 1965년도엔 인도네시아 수카르노 (그전에 한국 장면 정부 축출에도 사용했고, 역자주) 1973년 칠레 아옌데 정권도 당했으며, 두주전에는 우크라이나 합법적 정부 야누코비치 정권을 몰아낼 때도 그랬다.
네오콘의 작전관 격인 빅토리아 눌란드 국무부 부장관은 우크라이나 정부를 전복시킬때 50억달러를 썼다고 인정한 것이 보도되었으며 그들은 유럽연합 외교수장 캐더린 에쉬턴의 통화내용을 통해 우크라이나 시위사태 총기 사살자가 자기네 저격수에 의한 소행임을 폭로당했다.
The CIA did it to Iran's democratically-elected Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1953, to Indonesia's President Sukarno in 1965, and to Chile's Prime Minister Allende on September 11th, 1973. They did the same thing to Ukraine's legitimate president, Viktor Yanukovych, a few weeks ago. Neocon regime-change apparatchik Victoria Nuland (The assistant US secretary of state,) got caught admitting that the US had spent five billion dollars to overthrow Ukraine's democratically-elected government; and EU Foreign Affairs Chief Catherine Ashton was heard on tape discussing the "news" that the Maidan Square snipers were part of the US-sponsored coup.
우크라이나 국민은 심히 우려하는데 미국이 주도한 쿠데타가 점차 피비린내나는 상황으로 돌변할 수있기 때문이다.
The people of Ukraine should be worried. US-sponsored coups can turn very bloody very quickly.
The CIA's 1965 Indonesia coup was one of the biggest holocausts in history. According to Princeton history professor Bradley Simpson, as cited by the Jakarta Globe: "The US and British governments did everything in their power to ensure that the Indonesian army would carry out the mass killings" of more than one million people following the coup against Sukarno. Most of the victims were tortured before they were murdered. The list of names of people to be tortured and murdered was provided by the CIA to their hired Indonesian thugs. While this was going on, five-year-old Barrack Obama was living in Indonesia with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro, who was working for the American mass murderers.
That's right: Obama's stepfather was a holocaust perpetrator.
1971년 씨아이에이가 주도한 칠레 쿠데타에서 피노체트 꼭두각시정권은 3천명의 시민을 살해하고 3만명을 고문했다. 이런 악행은 미국의 배후자가 완전히 지원했는데 그들이 도당과 고문자를 훈련시키고 돈을 주었던 것이다.
시키라 헤카톰 대학살은 미국주도의 쿠데타가 무언지를 잘 보여준다.
In 1971, following the CIA's coup in Chile, the American stooge Pinochet murdered 3,000 people and tortured 30,000. These actions were fully supported by Pinochet's American sponsors, who trained and paid the thugs and torturers.
The hecatomb in Syria, too, is best understood as yet another US-sponsored coup attempt.
The NWO-driven Americans and their Western allies have killed tens of millions in these coups, interventions, destabilization campaigns, and undeclared wars. According to André Vltchek and Noam Chomsky's book on Western Terrorism, the total number killed is over 50 million since World War II. If we add to this the number of people tortured, brutalized, falsely imprisoned, forced to become refugees, or who had their lives ruined by Western terrorism, the number of victims reaches the hundreds of millions.
Today, the American terrorists and their NATO allies seem less interested in installing puppet governments than in reducing entire nations to chaos. The CIA-NATO coup against Gaddafi has destroyed Libya as a modern nation-state. Western-backed false-flag terror in Iraq is splitting up that country. Syria is being decimated by a Western-backed attempt to overthrow Assad. Venezuela, too, is being destabilized by a CIA-backed coup effort.
요약하자면 신세계질서라는 유태금융지배자들은 단일세계지배력을 수립하려고 세계의 약소국정부를 전복시켜왔다, 그들이 자기들의 지배력에 저항하기 때문이다.
러시아 푸틴대통령은 신세계질서에 저항한다. 그러니 서방 선전선동언론은 푸틴을 악한 독재자로 부르며 부정의 이미지를 채색한다. 그러나 러시아와 이란을 주목할 필요가 있다 - 이 두나라는 신세계질서 체제에 성공적으로 저항했기 때문이다 - 그것도 신의 이름으로 주권을 지켰다.
In short, the New World Order – a shadowy group of global [Ron; Jewish] banking oligarchs bent on establishing a one-world dictatorship – is trying to overthrow every leader on earth who resists. Russian President Putin is resisting. That is why the Western propaganda machine is calling him names.
It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God.
가톨릭 지식인, 마이클 존스에 따르면 1979년 이란혁명은 서방의 무종교주의적 전통가치 파괴행위에 대항하는 첫번째 기념비적 사건이라고 말한다. 당시에 미국의 1980년 대선은 소위 섹스혁명이란 역겨운 종파주의가 휩쓸었다면 폴란드 솔리대리티 연대운동은 공산주의 무신론에 대항했고, 이란 이슬람 혁명은 종교주의로 환원하는 신호탄이 되었다.
According to Catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones, the 1979 Iranian Revolution was the opening salvo of a global backlash against secularism's destruction of traditional values. Like the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan (driven by Americans' disgust with the so-called sexual revolution) and the rise of Poland's Solidarity movement (which opposed communist atheism), the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran was a landmark event signaling an end to the 20th-century wave of militant secularism and atheism – and a revival of traditional religion.
푸틴대통령은 러시아에서 엄청난 인기를 누리는데, 이는 그가 전통의 종교적 가치를 옹호했기 때문이다. 지난 12월 국가 연설에서 푸틴은 말하길 : "많은 유럽대륙 국가들이 그들의 뿌리인 기독교 가치로부터 이반되었다... 정책을 시행하면서 대가족의 가치를 동성애 가치와 동등하게 만들었고, 신에 대한 신앙을 사탄에 대한 신앙과 동급인것처럼 전락시켰다."
푸틴이 사탄주의를 언급한 것은 신세계질서측 지배자들을 겨냥한 비난이었다 - 그들이 군사적 헤게모니를 휘두르며 사회가치를 파괴하는 것을 겨냥했는데 그 이면에 사탄주의란 이념이 있기 때문이다.
President Putin enjoys overwhelming popularity in Russia due to his defense of traditional religious values. In his State of the Nation address last December, Putin said: "Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values… Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan."
Putin's reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who – though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine – are closet Satanists. Anyone who doubts this should run the name "Lt. Col. Michael Aquino" through a search engine. Aquino, an avowed Satanist and credibly-accused mass child abuser, was rewarded for his crimes against children with an appointment as Chief of Psychological Warfare for the US military. (For background on the satanic international banking elite, and its near-total control of Western institutions, read Nick Bryant's book The Franklin Scandal alongside the work of Canadian scholar Henry Makow.)
The shock troops of the NWO's war against religion and tradition (and Russia and Iran) are the neoconservatives. Operation Gladio terrorist Michael Ledeen explains: "Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace ... We must destroy them to advance our historic mission."
Putin is stopping New World Order "creative destruction" in Syria and Ukraine. He is part of a growing coalition opposing the NWO – not just religious traditionalists, but also progressive anti-globalization forces, including Hugo Chavez inspired anti-imperialists in Latin America.
We are facing an epic struggle between those who espouse sacred values such as justice and decency versus those who wish to destroy all values.
God bless President Putin, who is putting the fear of God into the New World Order.
번역출처: http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7867536
미국의 실질적인 대통령 죠 바이든의 행보..라네요. ^&^
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