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+ 지진.화산분출 / 큰 것이 북미남미 대륙에 들이칠 징조 12가지




큰 것이 북미남미 대륙에 들이칠 징조 12가지

12 Signs That Something Big Is Happening To The Earth’s Crust Under North And South America


(Before It's News)



Earthquake Damage - Cracks In The Earth - Photo by Martin Luff



왜 북미와 남미의 단층선, 화산이 갑자기 깨어나고 있는가?

우리는 대형 지진과 화산분출이 갑자기 다반사로 변화된 시기로 왔는가?


과학자들은 큰 것이 the Big one 언젠가 캘리포니아를 들이칠 것이 불가피하다고 말한다, 그러나 사람들은 큰 것이란 이야기에 냉담하다, 왜냐하면 아주 오랜 세월동안 조용했기 때문이다. 지금 일들이 크게 바뀌고 있다 - 이는 단지 캘리포니아 해변에서만 그런게 아니다. 아래의 12개 징조는 북남미 대륙 지각에 어떤 큰 것이 벌어지고 있음을 보여준다.


Why are fault lines and volcanoes all over North and South America suddenly waking up?  Are we moving into a time when major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will become much more common?  For the past several decades, we have been extremely fortunate to have experienced a period of extremely low seismic activity along the west coast of the United States.  You see, the west coast lies right along the infamous Ring of Fire.  Approximately 75 percent of all the volcanoes in the world are on the Ring of Fire, and approximately 90 percent of all global earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire.  Scientists tell us that it is inevitable that “the Big one” will hit California someday, but people have gotten very apathetic about this because things have been so quiet out there for so many years.  Well, now it appears that things are changing in a big way – and not just along the California coast.  The following are 12 signs that something big is happening to the earth’s crust under North and South America…


#1 지난 금요일에 엘에이를 흔들어놓은 5.1급 지진은 수년이래 그곳이 겪었던 최악의 지진이었다.

#1 The 5.1 earthquake that shook Los Angeles on Friday was the worst earthquake that the city had seen in many years.


#2 그 지진이래로 그곳에 100개 이상의 여진이 들이쳤다.

#2 Following that earthquake, there were more than 100 aftershocks.


#3 토요일에는 4.1급 지진이 엘에이를 흔들었다. 과학자들은 남부 캘리포니아에 치고있는 다발성 지진이 곧 끝날 것을 희망한다.

#3 A 4.1 earthquake shook Los Angeles on Saturday.  Scientists are hoping that this earthquake swarm in southern California will end soon.


#4 3월초에 4.4급 지진이 엘에이를 흔들었는데 뉴스를 진행하던 앵커 두명이 책상 아래로 뛰어들어가는 장면이 충격을 주었다.

#4 Earlier this month, a 4.4 earthquake rattled Los Angeles so badly that it caused news anchors to dive under their desks.


#5 역시 3월초에 북 캘리포니어 해변에 6.9급 지진이 쳤는데 이는 2010년 이래 서부지역에 온 지진중에 가장 큰 것이었다.

#5 A 6.9 earthquake just off the coast of northern California in early March was the largest earthquake to hit the west coast of the United States since 2010.


#6 오레곤 주에 위치한 후드 산은 며칠동안 100건 이상의 지진을 겪고있다.

#6 Up in Oregon, Mt. Hood recently experienced more than 100 earthquakes over the course of just a few days.


#7 지난 수개월간 오래곤 주에는 이례적인 지질 사건이 발생하고 있다.

#7 During the past month, there have also been some other very unusual geologic events that have been happening up in Oregon


- 두개의 큰 산산태가 벌어졌는데, 컬럼비아 강에 2000 큐빅야드의 바위와 잔해가 184번 도로에 쏟아져내렸다. 이는 후드강 서쪽 3마일 지점이며 포틀랜드 인근 US30 도로를 막았다.


- 링컨 카운티에서 틸라무크 주민들은 커다란 붐 소리와 땅이 흔들리는 것을 보고했다; 어떤 이들은 우르릉 거리는 소리를 보고했는데, 이 싯점에 지질연구소는 어떤 지진도 기록하지 않은 것이다.


20피트 깊이의 싱크홀이 한 여성과 그녀의 개를 삼켰는데, 포틀랜드에 소재한 그녀의 뒷마당에서 벌어졌다.


  • Two large landslides – one in the Columbia River Gorge dumped about 2,000 cubic yards of rock and debris on highway I84 just 3 miles west of the Hood River, and another blocked US30 near Portland.
  • Loud booms and ground shaking reported by people from Lincoln to Tillamook Counties; some reported hearing a rumble, as well (No earthquakes recorded by the USGS in the area at the time.)
  • A 20 ft. deep sinkhole swallowed a woman and her dog in her Portland backyard.


#8 옐로우스톤 국립공원에는 일요일에 4.8급 지진이 쳤고, 이 사건 전에 목요일부터 그 지역에 최소 25개 지진이 쳤다.

#8 A 4.8 earthquake rattled Yellowstone National Park on Sunday, and there have been at least 25 earthquakes at Yellowstone since Thursday.


#9 과학자들은 옐로우스톤 슈퍼화산이 헬륨가스를 방출하고 있음을 발견했다, 이는 예상된 것보다 많은 량이다.

#9 Scientists recently discovered that the Yellowstone supervolcano is now releasing far more helium gas than they had anticipated.


#10 지난 수개월동안 오클라호마 주에 130건 이상의 지진이 쳤다. 이는 극히 이례적이다.

#10 Over the past month, there have been more than 130 earthquakes in the state of Oklahoma.  This is highly unusual.


#11 페루에도 지난 수개월간 수십건의 지진이 쳤다. 이중에는 세계에 타전된 6.3급이 들어있다.

#11 There have been several dozen earthquakes in Peru over the past month, including a 6.3 earthquake that made headlines all over the globe.


#12 이달초에 칠레 북쪽 해변에 7일동안 300건이 넘는 지진이 쳤다. 이중에 41건은 4.5급이 넘는 중형지진이었다.

#12 Earlier this month, the northern coast of Chile was hit by more than 300 earthquakes in a seven day stretch.  41 of those earthquakes were stronger than magnitude 4.5.



Fortunately, the quake that hit Los Angeles on Friday did not cause too much lasting injury.  But it sure did shake people up.  The following is how the Los Angeles Times described the damage…


The quake, centered near La Habra, caused furniture to tumble, pictures to fall off walls and glass to break. Merchandise fell off store shelves, and there were reports of plate glass windows shattered.


In Brea, several people suffered minor injuries during a rock slide that overturned their car. Fullerton reported seven water main breaks. Carbon Canyon Road was closed.


Residents across Orange and Los Angeles counties and the Inland Empire reported swinging chandeliers, fireplaces dislodging from walls and lots of rattled nerves. The shake caused a rock slide in Carbon Canyon, causing a car to overturn, according to the Brea Police Department.


Why this particular earthquake is of such concern is because it occurred along the Puente Hills fault line.  According to one seismologist, this is the fault line that would be most likely to “eat L.A.”


Experts said that the earthquakes occurred on the Puente Hills thrust fault, which stretches from the San Gabriel Valley to downtown Los Angeles.


Last night’s quake was shallow, which ‘means the shaking is very concentrated in a small area,’ said Caltech seismologist Egill Hauksson.


Hauksson revealed that the earthquake was unusual because the 5.1 quake was preceded by the weaker foreshock.


Scientists such as Hauksson are very concerned about the Puente Hills fault because it runs directly under downtown Los Angeles.


This is the fault that could eat L.A.,’ seismologist Sue Hough told The LA Times in 2003.

The fact that this fault appears to be waking up is really bad news.


According to seismologists, a major earthquake along this fault line could cause hundreds of billions of dollars of damage

Video simulations of a rupture on the Puente Hills fault system show how energy from a quake could erupt and be funneled toward L.A.’s densest neighborhoods, with the strongest waves rippling to the west and south across the Los Angeles Basin.


According to estimates by the USGS and Southern California Earthquake Center, a massive quake on the Puente Hills fault could kill from 3,000 to 18,000 people and cause up to $250 billion in damage. Under this worst-case scenario, people in as many as three-quarters of a million households would be left homeless.


For years, we have watched as the rest of the Ring of Fire has been absolutely ravaged by major seismic events.

We all remember the earthquakes that caused the Indonesian tsunami of 2004 and the Japanese tsunami of 2011.

And the world mourned when major earthquakes devastated New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Japan and the Philippines.

Scientists assured us that it was only a matter of time before the west coast started to become seismically active again, and now it is happening.


If you live on the west coast, I hope that you will consider these things very carefully.

Just because the earth under your feet has been relatively quiet for a very long time does not mean that it will always be that way.


Something big appears to be happening to the earth’s crust, and you won’t want to be in the “danger zone” when things finally break loose.

Source: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/12-signs-that-something-big-is-happening-to-the-earths-crust-under-north-and-south-america

번역출처: 피터김의 체험나누기 http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7867621