프랑스, 브라질, 인도, 한국이
러시아 & 중국의 포스트 달러화 체제에 합류하다
France, Brazil, India & South Korea Join
Russia & China In Post-Dollar World Order
Comatose on Fourth Of July - TDV Week in Review: July 6th, 2014 ›
쓰나미로 몰려오는 달러화
[Editor's Note: The following post is by TDV Editor-In-Chief, Jeff Berwick]
신문은 미셸 사팽 프랑스 재무장관의 말을 빌려 "BNP파리바 사건은 우리에게 다양한 통화 사용의 필요성을 깨닫도록 해야 한다"며 세계 지불시장에서 사용하는 통화의 재조정을 요구했다고 전했다.
미국 당국은 최근 프랑스 정부의 로비에도 제재 대상인 국가와 거래한 BNP파리바에 대해 90억 달러(약 9조 원)의 벌금을 부과했다.
사팽 장관은 "우리(유럽인들)는 가령 비행기 같은 상품을 우리끼리 거래할 때도 달러로 거래하는데 이런 것이 필요한가"라고 반문하며 "나는 그렇게 생각지 않으며 (거래통화의) 재조정은 가능할 뿐 아니라 필요하기도 하다"고 강조했다.
그는 유로뿐 아니라 점점 국제교역 시장에서 비중이 커지는 신흥국의 통화들도 대상이 될 수 있다고 덧붙였다.
프랑스 최대 석유회사 토탈의 크리스토프 드 마르주리 최고경영자(CEO)도 "비록 기준가격은 계속 달러로 고시된다 하더라도 석유 거래를 달러로 해야 할 이유는 없다"고 가세했다.
마르주리 CEO는 "석유의 배럴당 가격이 달러로 고시되면 정유사는 거래일 기준으로 유로-달러 환율을 계산해 유로로 대금을 지급할 수 있다"고 지적했다.
The empire has no clothes. Debt weighs down the crony-capitalist system and flowers of alternative realities are cropping up. The middle class has been brought to the brink, practically eviscerated over the past ten years in the western world. Stock markets - high on intraveneous debt cocktails - post record nominal highs daily.
The US government has become its people's own worst enemy. It has told Americans that terrorists pose the greatest threat, while in the meantime destroying the citizens of the country, and we see this playing out now clearer than ever. It's going after foreign institutions with reckless abandon and the world doesn't appreciate it. It is behaving like an indebted drunk around a poker table yelling racial slurs, throwing glasses and drawing weapons, scantily able to keep balance.
And so the world is ejecting the sinking ship of the dollar, at the heart of which you of course find the US. This means the biggest employer in the US will soon go bankrupt: The US government. At least 250 million Americans will be without a main or major source of income - the ones who suckle at the teet of the government.
*Welfare above includes those on food stamps (over 50 million)
It's The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI), and although it will be a difficult time for so many, I generally feel fine. I think it's part of an overall evolution mankind is experiencing.
France's political and business establishment has joined the de-dollarization rumbling. The alienation reached a boiling point when US authorities last week fined BNP Paribas $9 billion for ignoring certain US sanctions. French finance minister, Michel Sapin, quickly urged for a “rebalancing”of currencies used in international trade, offering that the BNP Paribas case should "make us realise the necessity of using a variety of currencies."
“We [Europeans] are selling to ourselves in dollars, for instance when we sell planes," he told the Financial Times. "Is that necessary? I don’t think so. I think a rebalancing is possible and necessary, not just regarding the euro but also for the big currencies of the emerging countries, which account for more and more of global trade.”
Chief executive Christophe de Margerie, of France's second biggest company by market capitalisation, Total, said he foresaw no reason for oil purchase to be required to be paid in dollars. “Companies like ours are in a bind because we sell a lot in dollars but we do not always want to deal with all the US rules and regulations,” he said.
Sapin pledged to raise the topic of dollar alternatives with other eurozone finance ministers today in Brussels. He declined to detail the practical steps which might emerge.
The governor of the Russian Central Bank met Vladimir Putin to report on an upcoming ruble-yuan swap deal with the People's Bank of China and Kremlin used the meeting to demonstrate the technical details of an international trade alliance that went around the dollar. Russian academics have for a long time signaled that it was time to put an end to dollar hegemony, so recent actions - especially in the face of US sanctions, some of which are being carried out unilaterally by US banks - are unsurprising.
In recent history (post-internet) much discussion has centered around the fact that de-dollarization is inevitable. In other words, the market would ultimately decide the fate of the US Empire and there was no way, with Washington DC's policy as it has been, it could take long for people to want out of the destructive cycle made possible by fiat dollar supremacy. That's why we started The Dollar Vigilante in 2009. History is now coming to pass quicker than ever and we see now we live at the end of the Dollar System. Today the discussion does not revolve around that de-dollarization is inevitable, but the technicalities of such a change. World finance leaders (or more aptly misleaders) the world over are ackowledging that deciding the where, what whens and hows of a new world order will be very difficult in the years ahead. But I have great news for them! They will not have to decide...the market will do so. As the old saying goes, "may the best man win." In the discussion with Putin, the head of the Russian central bank proposed a solution to the problem:
“We've done a lot of work on the ruble-yuan swap deal in order to facilitate trade financing. I have a meeting next week in Beijing...We are discussing with China and our BRICS partners the establishment of a system of multilateral swaps that will allow to transfer resources to one or another country, if needed. A part of the currency reserves can be directed to [the new system].”
A new basket of currencies is being created as we speak and the US is nowhere near the discussion table. These embryonic new partnerships between the BRIC nations has the potential to do more than supplant the dollar. It also could act as competition for the International Monetary Fund (IMF). By joining into such trade agreements as outlined above by Russia's central bank, these countries are virtually displaying that they do not have too much interest in sticking around as the western world - particularly Europe and the US - collapse. They seek alternatives. They're creating alternatives.
It doesn't end there. on Friday China assigned a clearing bank in Seoul for yuan transactions in South Korea. China is working to make the renminbi an increasingly agreed upon form of currency in international trade to represent its place as the second largest nation in the world.
러시아, 중국, 프랑스, 브라질, 인도, 한국은 달러화 대체방안에 합류하다
미달러화는 지구상 대출과 예금 교역의 기준화폐에 있어서 50% 이상을 차지한다. 최근의 세계적인 조사에서는 하루에 외환시장에서 거래되는 달러화는 5조달러에 이른다. 이는 달러화가 모든 거래에서 87%를 차지하는 규모이다.
만일 이것이 변한다면 채무를 치고 대부분 기아선상의 국가에게는 끔찍한 결과가 올 것이다.
역사는 주의깊은 학생이 되길 원하는 사람들에게 자명한 예증을 보여준다.
달러화에 대한 수요가 떨어질때는 달러화의 파도가 미국으로 되돌아간다. 그리고 독일 바이마르 시대같은 고도의 하이퍼 인플레가 초래되는 것이다.
Currently over 50% of cross-border loans and deposits are done in US dollars. In a recent global survey $5 trillion daily traded in foreign exchange markets, and the dollar was on one side of 87 percent of all trades. If this changes, it will come with dire consequences for a population in debt and largely on the cusp of starvation. History presents illuminating examples for those who wish to be attentive students. once demand for dollars drops, a tidal wave of dollars will be repatriated back into the US. Hyperinflation then ensues:
독일 바이마르 시대의 급격한 화폐 인플레이션
미국민이 이런 달러화의 붕괴사태가 가능하다는 사실을 모르는 것이 일을 더 악화시킨다.
극히 일부의 사람들만이 금과 은같은 귀금속을 사들인다. 이것은 종이화폐 시장에 위험이 닥칠때 삶을 이어주며 생존을 향한 통로가 되는 것이다. 극히 일부의 사람들만이 비트코인이나 미국 바깥의 자산에 눈을 돌리고 있다.
그 일은 고통스런 변화일 것이다, 허나 알고 있는 개인들은 자기를 보호하기위한 단계를 밟고있다.
What's worse most of the people in the US have no idea that a collapse of their way of life is even possible. So few are buying precious metals like gold and silver that their exposure to paper markets will bankrupt them and possibly cost them their livelihoods and possibly life. And even fewer have begun to move into bitcoin or get any remaining assets they have outside of the US. This will be a painful transition, but there are steps any informed individual can take for protection.
Questions or comments? Join us at The Dollar Vigilante.
Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.
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