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+ 프랑스'테러 자작극 - 파리에서 촬영된 것이 아니다? ? 또 무슨 계획 ?




프랑스'테러 자작극 - 파리에서 촬영된 것이 아니다?



France False Flag Shooting --

Attackers SPLICED IN + COPS cut out + Man in bullet proof vest watches







파리 내부사람이 저지른 범죄 ; JE SUIS CIA 거짓말







Veterans Today Radio (1-8-15)

Paris Attack Ridiculous False Flag! Gordon Duff, Stew Webb






프랑스 파리 테러자작극 - 파리에는 그런 거리가 없다고..

이슬람에 덮어씌우고 전쟁 명분찾는 악당들의 자작극이다.


게시일: 2015. 1. 8.

Gordon Duff of VeteransToday.com absolutely destroys the official fairy tale of the Paris Attack. It wasn't even filmed in Paris! It was either done in a studio or in another city and they proved that with their knowledge of Paris streets and by walking every street within 1 mile of the address. There is no street like that in Paris! They were firing blanks! Real AK-47's don't sound like that and take baseball sized chunks out of concrete. "Dead" cop was seen later very much alive. Gordon said it's the most ridiculous false flag he's ever seen!





Here’s more things Gordon Duff reported as he destroyed the official fairy tale of the Fake News on the Paris Attack!

Gordon Duff does forensic analysis on events and he’s gone over the Paris Attack extensively using the high definition video on Live Leak.

He reports the weapons don’t eject shell casings.  Sounds is that of AK-47′s firing blanks!

The event wasn’t even filmed in Paris!  They did an extensive search using their Premium Google Earth at street level and examined every street within a mile of the address.  There are no streets in Paris that match the scene of the attack!  

This is not a street in Paris.  There is no sidewalk like that in Paris, no place where cars are parked 5 feet apart without motor bikes and dog poop on the sidewalk!

Bullets of AK-47 have steel rods in them used to penetrate body armor.  These rods take out baseball sized chunks out of concrete.  None of this was seen!  

Guy that fires at police officer turns the gun away from his head to not kill him with the blast from blanks.

“Dead” cop is later seen walking around after he’s dead!

Shooting scene is falsified.

Weapons are not real, sound is not of a real AK-47 that has a supersonic crack.

Mike Harris and Gordon Duff both lived in Paris and were familiar with the area.

Gordon Duff reports this false flag attack is beyond a joke.   He said it’s absolutely disgusting and is the most childish thing he’s ever seen!


Stew Webb reported he has seen Mitch McConnell on TV saying they had to pass more Terrorism Insurance because of the Paris Attack!  Senate Votes to Extend Terrorism Insurance  Program.    I wonder who’s getting paid big bucks to increase insurance premiums for terrorism insurance?   








Proof/Paris False Flag/Brothers Framed and Murdered.









Paris Attack Staged Photo found Using Google Earth








Was The Paris Shooting A False Flag?








파리의 거짓조작 테러사건은 사우디 군주 왕정체제를 끌어 내리는 것으로 겨냥 ??

The fake Paris incident is aimed at taking down the house of Saud

