미국 하룻사이 폭발 4곳
캘리포니아 가스 선 폭발
Several injured in Fresno gas line explosion
Fresno Fire Chief Details Gas Explosion
14명 부상 도로 폐쇄
Gas-Line Explosion in Fresno Injures 14 People, Shuts Down Highway 99
KARNES CITY --- A large explosion sent flames more than a hundred feet into the air Friday afternoon
at an oil facility north of Karnes City, but no injuries were reported.
The fire started at 4:10 p.m. after lightning struck at least one tank at Shale Tank Truck's business property
while heavy rainstorms moved through the area, said Karnes County Sheriff Dwayne Villanueva.
Highway 181 north of Karnes City was closed due to the fire and was expected to reopen at about 7:30 p.m., Villanueva said.
Tweleve tanks containing oil and salt water continue to burn and are expected to burn throughout the night, Villanueva said.
There have been no evacuations and there is no air threat to the community, he said.
콜로라도 주 폐수주입탱크장 폭발
폭발 건물 붕괴 버지니아주
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