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+ 미국연준 FED-무제한적 실탄으로 주식시장 유지 의도는 ?


미국연준 FED -

무제한적 실탄으로 주식시장 유지 의도는 ?


미국 연준 FED 가 사실상 미국경제를 운용하는 정부라는 것은 다 알려진 사실인데요 미국경제가 심한 불황으로 인해 이미 기울어진 것 또한 잘알려져 있는 사실이지요. 그런데 미국 주식시장은 경제 침체에 따라서 고꾸라진 것이 아니라 지난 두주일 동안에 11%나 올랐다고 합니다. 어째서 이런 묘한 일이 벌어지나요? 그 직전에는 두달동안18%로 급락했던 것이었는데 말입니다.

미국 금융의 저간의 사정을 알아보니 연준이 7,700억 달라의 정부 채권을 금융권으로부터 인수해주고 그 은행들에게 달러를 공급해주더군요. 그런 막대한 달러화를 갖고서 금융권은 주식시장을 떠받칠 수있었던 것이고요. 주식시장이란 미국의 부자들의 재산을 유지시켜주었다는 이야기입니다. 그에 소요된 돈은 소위 양적완화라는 명분으로 정부가 비준한 연준에 대한 구제금융이었고요. 이런 상황이니 미국민에게 돈이 내려갈 리가 만무한 것입니다. 상류층이 자기네 재산 유지하는데 사용하고 있으니 말입니다. 그럼 왜 이렇게 미국 지배층은 주식시장 유지에만 혈안이 되어져 있는가요?

미국 주식시장의 시세를 유지시키면 아무리 경제가 침체되고 금융시장이 폭락을 해도 마치 별일이 없는듯 금융이 돌아가는 것처럼 보이게끔 되어져 있습니다. 거대한 야바우 같은 사기극을 벌이는 것입니다. 왜, 그런 짓을 하느냐고요? 오로지 지배권이지요. 금융시장을 장악하면 세계 권력을 지배하는 것이란 등식이 있으니 말입니다. 어떤 국가권력도 자국의 금융시장을 붕괴시킬 것이란 위협 하에서 권력을 유지할 수가 없게 되어져 있습니다.

우리 한국의 실정은 어떠한가요? 우리는 이미 금융란의 위협하에서 협박을 당하고 있는 형국이 아닌가요? 우리 금융시장은 미국 큰손들의 손아귀에서 놀아나고 잇는 처지가 아닌가 말입니다. 심히 우려됩니다.


Is the Stock Market Being Manipulated By the Fed and its Banks?

By Lew Rockwell & Gary D. Barnett

Oct 18, 2011 - 11:58:09 PM

The U.S. economy has continued to falter since the housing bubble burst. Virtually every part of the economy has worsened, and continues to do so. This is also true on a global scale. Whether discussing unemployment, housing, inflation, GDP, retail sales, etc., the picture is clear, we are still in a depression. Even though the economic picture is bleak, the stock markets have continued to go up in value during this period. Why is this happening?

After the market collapse of 2008 and 2009, where losses were generally around 55%, the markets have gone up substantially. During that same period were QE1 and QE2. This is no coincidence. Bernanke took full credit for the rise in the stock markets, and for good reason.

The "Quantitative Easing" programs were structured to transfer money (out of thin air) from the New York Fed to its primary dealer banks. This is done when the Fed purchases treasury bonds from these dealers, some of which include Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan, along with 18 others. This process infuses the banks receiving this money with instant liquidity. During QE2 for example, from November 3rd of 2010 through June 30th of 2011, the New York Fed bought from its primary dealers $770 billion worth of treasuries, not the $600 billion it claimed. These banks acquired many of these treasuries during the bailouts by trading worthless securities for full value treasuries. This was, by the way, at taxpayer expense.

There is a direct correlation between these bond purchases and stock market performance. When QE1 ended, after an increase of approximately 90% in the markets, the markets began to fall. After falling about 23% from those highs, QE2 was announced, and began in November of 2010. The markets proceeded to go up again until QE2 ended in June of 2011. After the money stopped flowing, there was a sudden drop of over 18% from July through September of this year.

Now it gets even more interesting. In just the past two weeks, the stock markets have gone up about 11%. During that same time frame, the Fed has purchased $39.9 billion of treasuries from its dealer banks, in the same manner as it did during QE1 and QE2. If continued, this is an $85 billion a month pace, similar to that of QE2. But remember, there is no announced QE3, and no report that I’ve seen has mentioned anything about this bond buying, but it is going on nonetheless.

The only survivor left standing in this economy seems to be the stock market. This performance should not be happening given the dire economic conditions we’re in today. This tells me that when the money stops for good, and the markets crash, all else will follow. In my opinion, the New York Fed is doing everything possible to make sure that the markets remain somewhat stable, and it is taking a lot of money to keep up this sham. Every time the money starts flowing, the markets rise, and when the money stops flowing, the markets go down. There is now a clear pattern, and it is directly related to money pumping by the Fed, money that goes directly to its primary dealer banks. This allows the banks to make large trading profits running up the markets, and allows the government to point to the markets as a sign that things aren’t so bad after all. This is a lie!

By going to this page of the New York Fed Permanent Open Market Operations, you can easily see how many purchases, and in what amounts, have taken place in just the past two weeks. Then compare what has happened in the stock markets over this same time frame. The same can be done for QE1 and QE2. This direct correlation is not accidental nor is it coincidental. Something is very wrong here, and the Federal Reserve is smack in the middle of this fraud.

The Federal Reserve System is not only destroying the value of our hard earned money, but it is involved in lies and manipulation, and is cloaked in secrecy. It is bailing out banks all over the world with fake money. The Federal Reserve is rotten to the core! How could any sane people allow one entity, a very corrupt one at that, to control the entire monetary system? That is a travesty, but it can be remedied. The Federal Reserve should be abolished immediately, and those running it should be prosecuted for their crimes! If it is not abolished, the value of our hard earned money will simply disappear into the dustbin of history, and most will be left with nothing!

Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is president of Barnett Financial Services, Inc., in Lewistown, Montana.


© 2011 Copyright Gary D. Barnett- All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.


요약번역 : 피터김 http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7862470