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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 11/9/ - 11/10/2019 ] - 고맙고 감사하다 . 시금석/기준




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

11/9/2019 ~ 11/10/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley


By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 11/9/2019 ~ 11/10/2019 ]


고맙고 감사하다

Grateful & Thankful

By Creator


오늘, 우주는 그것이 너의 존재에 대해 얼마나 고마워하는지를 네가 알기를 원한다. 우주는 너희 지구계가 파동에서 성장하고 올라가도록 돕기 위해 너희가 해온  일에 대해 감사하고 있다. 너희는 네가 너의 삶을   매일 네가 보여준  끈기와 힘에 대해 존경받고 있다. 지금은  자신에 대해 우주가 하는 방식을 생각하기 시작할 때이다. 너는 그것을 받을 자격과 가치가 있다. - 창조자

Today, The Universe wants you to know how grateful it is for your presence. The Universe is thankful for the work you have been putting in to help your Earth plane grow and rise in vibration. You are admired for the tenacity and strength you show every day as you live your life. It is time to start thinking of yourself the way The Universe does. You are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator





By Creator


믿든 믿지 않던, 너는 너의 생활 속에서 최소한  사람을 위한 하나의 기준이, 하나의 지도하는 빛이, 하나의 닻이 되었다. 심지어 네가 ‘남보다 못하다고느꼈던 때에도, 누군가는 너를 그들이 되고 싶어 하는 하나의 예로서 보았다. 너는 진실로 역경을 극복하는 것이 무엇인가의 하나의 아름답고 빛나는 예이다. 가장 친애하는 이여,  자신의 등을 두드려주어라, 우주는 너를 매우 자랑스러워한다. - 창조자

Believe it or not; you have been a touchstone, a guiding light, an anchor for at least one person in your life. Even when you have felt ‘less than’, someone has looked to you as an example of what they want to become. You are a beautiful and shining example of what overcoming adversity truly is. Give yourself a pat on the back, dearest child, The Universe is very proud of you! ~ Creator

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