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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 11/23/ - 11/24/2019 ] - 부드러움을 조성해라 . 너는 나의 목적을 보았느냐?




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

11/23/2019 ~ 11/24/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 11/23/2019 ~ 11/24/2019 ]


부드러움을 조성해라

Foster Gentleness

By Creator


그것이 전에 말해졌지만, 너희는 너희 지구계의  사람이 비밀의 투쟁을 나르고 있음을 기억하라고 요청받았다. 일부는 그것을 방출하기 위해 매우 부지런히 일해 왔고, 다른 이들은 그것을 아직 인식하지 못했다. 비난과 판단이  과정을 방해하고 있는 반면, 사랑과 공감은  과정을 돕는다. 그들이 바로  개인적인 여정의 어디에 있는지 상관없이,  사람은 공감하는 친절을 받을 자격이 있고, 따라서 그들이 계속 앞으로 움직일  있다. 그것을 알고 있어라, 그리고   속에서, 네가   있는 최대의 선물인 부드러움을 조성해라. - 창조자

It has been said before but, you are being asked to remember that each person on your Earth plane carries a secret struggle. Some have been working very diligently to release it and others have not recognized it yet. Criticism and judgment hinder the process, love and empathy assists. Regardless of where they are on this very personal journey, each deserves compassionate kindness so they can continue to move forward. Be aware and, in that awareness, foster gentleness…the greatest gift you can offer. ~ Creator



너는 나의 목적을 보았느냐?

Have You Seen My Purpose?

By Creator


우주가 끊임없이 묻는 하나의 질문은 “나의 목적은 무엇인가?”이다.  길을 여행하고 있는 그러한 너희는 네가 해아만 하는 무언가가 있음을, 그러나 분명한 대답이 있는 것처럼 보이지 않음을 알고 있다. 그것은 항상 하나의 잊어버린 기억처럼, 재촉하면서 거기 있는데, 항상 생각이 미치지 않은 곳에 있는 것처럼 말이다. 너의 목적을 찾는  열쇠는 ... 단지 살라는 것이다! (미소 지으며) 네가 갖는 각각의 체험, 네가 만드는 모든 선택, 네가 관여하는 각각의 순간은 ... 네가 가기로   방향으로 너를 가리키는데 ... 어느 , 그러한 축적된 삶의 체험들이 어두운 방안에 전등불처럼 켜질 때까지 말이다. 나의 가장 친애하는 어린이여, 만약 네가 아직 너의 것을 찾지 못했다면 경악하지 마라. 그것은 신성한 시간에 너에게 가장 확실히 드러날 것이다. - 창조자


One question that is constantly asked of The Universe is, “What’s my purpose?”. Those of you traveling the path know there is something you should be doing but, there does not appear to be a clear answer. It is always there, like a forgotten memory, always nudging, always just out of thought’s reach. The key to finding your purpose is…just live! (Smiling) Each experience you have, every choice you make, each moment you engage in points you in the direction you are meant to go…until one day, those cumulative life experiences act like a light bulb in a dark room. My dearest child do not dismay if you have not found yours yet. It will most certainly be revealed to you in Divine Timing. ~ Creator


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