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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 12/17/ - 12/18/2019 ] - 너의 ‘지금’ . 믿어라!. 지금은 시작할 시간이다




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

12/17/2019 ~ 12/18/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley





By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 12/17/2019 ~ 12/18/2019 ]


너의 ‘지금

Your ‘Now’

By Creator


너의 ‘지금속에서 산다는 것은 너의 과거를 잊어버림을, 또한 너의 미래를 위해 계획하는 것을 멈춤을 의미하지 않는다. 항상 너의 길로 오고 있는  아름다운 순간이 있음을 알면서, 모든  순간의 충만함을 즐겨라. - 창조자

Living in your ‘now’ does not mean forgetting your past, nor does it mean stopping the planning for your future. Enjoy the fullness of every moment knowing there is always a more beautiful one coming your way. ~ Creator





By Creator


너희 현재 해가 끝으로 다가가고, 새해가 시작할 준비를  , 우주는 너희가 너의 가슴을 거대한 변화의 가능성으로 열기를 격려할 것이다! 너희가 요청했던 많은 것들이 준비되어, 기다리고 있으며... 너희가 해야  모든 것은 그것들이 도착하도록 허용하는 것이다. (미소 지으며) 우주의 눈에는 너희가 항상 받을 가치가 있고, 받을 자격이 있었으며, 지금은 [그것을]믿기 시작할 시간이다. - 창조자


As your current year draws to a close and a new one is ready to begin; The Universe would encourage you to open your heart to the possibility of great change! The many things you have asked for are ready and waiting…all you have to do is allow them to arrive. (Smiling) In the eyes of The Universe, you have always been worthy and deserving of receiving, now it is time to begin believing. ~ Creator

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