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+ 미국 국방부 / 이슬람민족에게 유전자 변형시도

미국 국방부 /이슬람민족에게 유전자 변형시도

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Leaked Pentagon Video – DOD Officials Discuss Eliminating Islam Religion By Using Virus And Vaccine To Manipulate DNA

Posted by Alexander Higgins - June 13, 2011 at 4:22 am - Permalink - Source via Alexander Higgins Blog

DOD Officials Discuss A Nasty Eugenics Plan – Release a Virus And Use The Vaccine For The Virus To Alter The DNA Of Those Vaccinated To Remove The God Gene And Rid Iraq and Afghanistan of The Islam Religion.

Department of Defense officials discuss releasing a flu virus and using the FunVax (Fundamentalists vaccine) to manipulate the “God Gene” in DNA of those inoculated to eliminate religious fundamentalists.

Q: So what we have got here, is by spreading this virus, we are going to eliminate individuals who are going on to a bomb fest, who are going into a market and blowing it apart.

A: Our hypothesis is that these are fanatical people, that they have over expression! of the VMAT2 gene and by “vaccinating” them against this we’ll eliminate this behavior.

From the Video:

DOD Project Id – 149AZ2
DOCID FX36.879..AX.AZ2.14
Submission Data – 4/10/05
Submission ID- 983459.4.05

VMAT2(God Gene Expression! in Religious vs. Non Religious Individuals)

On the left we have the expression! of the VMAT2 gene in those who are religious, fundamentalists. On the right the same expression! of the gene in those who are not particularly religious.

Comparison Of God Gene In Religious Vs Non Religious

Comparison Of God Gene In Religious Vs Non Religious

출처 ;http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7861756