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+ 지구촌 환란의 심각한 경고 소식들이 올라옵니다



지구촌 환란의 심각한 경고 소식들이 올라옵니다


환란이 시작된 날에 전해진 심각한 경고의 글




1) 후쿠시마 반응로는 절대 냉각 폐쇄될 수가 없다. 왜냐하면 연료봉들이 부분적으로 용해되고 있다. 이미 그 안에서 핵분열이 일어나고 있고 반응로 보호시설은 파괴되어있다. 이들은 방사능을 계속 분출하는데 아마도 수백년 동안 계속될 것이다.

오로지 할 수 있는 일이란 그 속에 물을 붓는 일일뿐인데 만일 물이 끊긴다면 엄청난 방사능 분출이 일어날 것이다. 그러니 그저 물을 공급하는 일 외엔 할 수 있는 일이 없다.

2) 방사능은 태평양을 건너와서 미국 하와이를 타격하는데 속수무책이다. 일전에 어류양식 공장 aquaponic 방식의 먹거리 생산방식을 제안한바있는데 이를 진지하게 고려해보라.

3) 이제 경제가 무너질 때 사람들은 각종 투자한 것들이 연기처럼 사라지는 것을 볼 것이다. 자기 집 침대 매트 밑에 감춰놓은 것을 빼고 말이다. 그런데 금과 은에도 투자를 했겠지만 그런것은 먹을 수가 없다. 장차 식량을 구하는 것이 하늘의 별따기가 된다.

이제 환난의 날에 대비해야한다.

시장은 길을 잃었으며 혼란 상태이다. 이는 회복될 수 없을 것이다.



미국인들이 거칠어졌다

Americans Gone Wild





1) 미국은 거칠어지고 있다. 사람들이 모든 것을 잃어버리고 더 이상 잃을것이 없을 때 그 자신을 잃어버리게 된다. 그들은 두려워하고 있으며 그래서 폭력이 난무하고 폭동에 쉽게 노출되고 있다. 수년전에는 직업을 잃은 것 때문에 문제였지만 지금은 그게 문제가 아니다. 식당이나 도처에서 사람들이 쉽게 싸움에 연루된다. 이런 일은 이전에는 상상도 못할 일이다. 미국 문명사회가 붕괴되고 있음이다. 사람들은 이전의 사람이 아니다.

2) 경제가 점점 더 붕괴되면서 이런 두려운 사태는 더 심화되고 있다. 초등교 교사가 학교 복도에서 발가벗고 걷는 장면이 목격되서 그는 해고되었다. 왜 그런가? 그는 해고되길 바라고 한 행동으로 보인다. 맥도널드에 임시고용원이 되려고 수만명의 사람들이 지원하는 과정에서 싸움이 일어나고 소동이 벌어졌다. 거기에도 폭력이 난무했다.

3) 아래 영문 자료는 미국의 경제붕괴가 얼마나 심각하고 실업률이 33%를 넘은 상황이 얼마나 인품을 무너뜨리는지를 보여주고있다. 우리 한국도 준비해야할 때가 되었다..

요약멘트: http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7861527



There MAY Be A Two Year Window
IF No More Big Quakes Hit
By Tom Burnett
Those of you who have been following me at Hawaii News Daily or on my blog may not have been thrilled with my initial assessments back in March - and ongoing - that Fukushima isn't going away.

The reactors can NEVER be placed in 'cold shutdown' because the cores are partially melted together. We are talking about hundreds of tons of fissile material inside reinforced concrete containment vessels. The containment vessels are cracked. They are releasing radiation. Fission excursions are still occurring and no one can go inside those containments for hundreds of years - even if they could crack one open.

They can continue to pour water on them and drain it off into the ocean because there is nothing else they can do. If they stop pumping water, the genie comes out. If they keep pumping water, it has to go somewhere and that somewhere is the ocean. It is still stop gap. Those reactor cores cannot be put into 'cold shutdown' or dismantled or entombed. Never.

That cannot treat as much radioactive water as they have to keep pumping in. No one can. So the radiation is going to come across the Pacific and impact the US and, certainly, Hawaii. Yes, I read that they are going to start treating it, but it is impossible. The inside of reactor cores have to be maintained in a 'clean room' environment or the water picks up particles - which then become radioactive - which then irradiate the reactor plumbing - and, eventually, become fuel. That's why they have to keep pumping fresh water in and dumping it out. They cannot recirculate it, even if they manage to get new plumbing installed. The next major earthquake there will begin an extinction event.

I am not going to say 'told you so'. I am going to suggest that anyone who wants to participate in my aquaponics concept of growing vegetables, fish, red wiggler worms and Hawaii freshwater shrimp in (3) two-tiered, enclosed, greenhouses, had better make the decision now. Before the radiation gets here.

Growing food in enclosed greenhouses protects from fallout and the organic uptake of radionuclides. I have developed an ion-exchange filter to remove radioactive isotopes from rainwater. I can still use catchment. The water inside the greenhouses, and water we need to drink, will be clean.

Consider this. When the economy collapses, as it must, the money people have invested almost anywhere except under their mattresses will be gone. It will simply disappear. If, instead, a group of people decided to donate to this project the two things we need, money and land, then in two years you would probably have a continuous supply of non-radioactive food. There are no guarantees in life, but I have been working to this end for some time on another farm until I could develop the aquaponics strategy.

We are now at the crossroads. The economic collapse IS coming. The radiation IS coming. I am going to have a radiation-free food source. In the past I have offered shares or part ownership and no one was interested. Now all I offer is a chance to be one of the first people in line for food. If you believe you have your money and food supply secured into the future and that we will not devolve into a greenhouse economy, you don't need me. If you guess wrong, you will have lost both your money and your chance.

It is true that I am a doomsayer and actively prepare for the worst situation I can imagine. If I don't, that's what will happen. If I do, and it doesn't happen, I will still have an active, organic aquaponics enterprise. It is win-win for me when I get it built on whatever scale I can do.

Let me be clear. This sounds like a solicitation. It isn't. I am going to make fresh food and clean water no matter what. It's merely the practical matter of how many people I can feed. In one greenhouse I can produce enough food for myself and the people who help me. With two, I can produce a surplus and feed other people. I envisioned three, but I may have to convert the third one to a water treatment/storage facility. I presently don't have enough land for more than three and I don't have access to more than three greenhouses in any case. I still have to buy them, prep the ground, do the plumbing, dismantle them. move them, re-erect them and build the two-tier infrastructure inside them. Then I have to make them produce.

I have friends - maybe a lot of friends - who are investing in silver and gold. You can't eat it. Since no one can eat it, I won't trade you food for it. I'm just saying - the markets are going back up today after what looked like a downward spiral on 3 May. They are fluctuating and confused. That is not a foundation for stability.
One of these days you will look at the clock and it will say "too late".
[Colour fonts and bolding added.].


Americans Gone Wild

Gerald Celente is known to love to make the following statement: "When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose - they lose it." Sadly, Celente is exactly right about this. As the U.S. economy continues to collapse, Americans are going to becoming increasingly frustrated, and this frustration will inevitably boil over into rioting and violence. Could we be starting to see the start of this already? The number of Americans that have "gone wild" seems to be escalating. Years ago, losing a job was not that big of a deal. Now a job loss is enough to cause some Americans to snap and go over the edge. We are seeing restaurant brawls and open violence in the streets that would have been unthinkable 50 years ago. All over the nation people are losing it and are literally going crazy. The news stories and the videos posted below of "Americans gone wild" are very graphic and very shocking. There is a reason for this. These examples are meant to show you that the very fabric of our civilized society is falling apart. It won't matter who ends up leading us politically if this is the kind of people we become.

Sadly, it appears that we are not the same kind of people that we used to be. Something has changed in America. Something is different. We have forgotten many of the things that made us great as a nation. We no longer live by the same principles. We no longer value the same truths.

There are examples of "Americans gone wild" all over the nation. The things you are about to read about below are not just isolated incidents. The truth is that I could have easily included dozens more examples.

As the economy continues to crumble this trend is going to get even worse. The following are just a few examples of how Americans have been freaking out and losing it recently....

*One elementary school teacher in the town of Monroe, Georgia was arrested recently for something very unusual. One day he made the decision to walk around the halls of his school completely naked. So why was he naked? Well, it turns out that he learned that he was going to be fired and so he snapped.

*As I have written about previously, McDonald's recently held a "National Hiring Day" and about a million Americans showed up to apply for jobs at McDonald's restaurants all around the nation. Well, in Cleveland a horrible fight broke out between some girls and it ended up with three people being run over by a car. Do not watch this video if you are sensitive to graphic violence....

*In Sioux City, Iowa a 41 year old man recently walked into the office where his boss worked and beat the living daylights out of him. The boss suffered four chipped teeth and needed surgery to repair his nose. Apparently the boss was planning to fire the man.

*At a McDonald's restaurant in the Baltimore, Maryland area two young girls recently beat and kicked another young girl so brutally that she started having seizures. The following video is very graphic and has some very strong language....

*Recently, one gold thief was so desperate to get into a jewelry store that he rammed his truck backwards through a wall of the store at very high speed. The thief got away with a bunch of gold and jewelry and the owner is scared to death that he is going to come back and do it again.

*In the following video from a Denny's restaurant, young women are actually throwing plates and furniture at each other....

*In Brooklyn, New York a security camera recently captured chilling footage of a cold-blooded execution right in the middle of the street. One resident has named that particular street "body-a-week avenue".

*In Atlanta, two dozen teens violently assaulted two Delta flight attendants on a train recently for no apparent reason. The following is how a local Atlanta newspaper described the attacks....

Their "Clockwork Orange" style blitz was over soon after it began. The teens boarded the train, headed to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, at the Garnett station a little after midnight seemingly intent on instilling fear. They succeeded.

“There was blood everywhere, people were hollering and screaming,” a witness told Channel 2 Action News. “We were intimidated. People were terrified. People were trying to run. But there was nowhere to run.”

Sadly, there are hundreds more examples like these. There are so many restaurant brawl videos up on YouTube that it would take an entire weekend to watch them all.

You don't think America has changed?

What does it say about America when the murder rate in Flint, Michigan is worse than the murder rate in Baghdad?

There are some areas of the country where people simply do not go out of their homes at night.

We refused to discipline our young people and demand the best out of them so now we are reaping a bitter harvest.

According to one recent report, approximately half of all the people that live in the city of Detroit are illiterate.

Can you imagine that?

Half of the people that live in a major American city can't even read?

Can that possibly be true?

What does that say about the way that we are educating our children?

Sadly, due to harsh economic conditions up in Detroit, about half of the schools in the city are being closed down for good.

That certainly isn't going to make anything better.

But this is where we are at as a nation.

We borrowed and borrowed and borrowed and we never thought that we were going to pay the price.

Now the "credit card bills" are coming due, and state and local governments from coast to coast are completely broke.

There are signs of economic decline all over the United States. More than 33 percent of our men do not have a job. Over 44 million of our fellow citizens are on food stamps. Our country is literally falling apart.

So is there any hope for our nation or are we going to see even more "random acts of violence" as frustration comes to a boiling point for tens of millions of Americans?
