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+ UFO / 미국 국립 UFO 센터 / 15년간 3 만건 목격


미국 국립 UFO 센터 / 15년간 3만건 목격



1995년도 부터 2010년까지 15년간 모두 3만건이 넘는 목격사례 보고서


National UFO Reporting Center
UFO Sighting Report Form





"I Saw Four Green Objects in a Formation"

An interactive map of 15 years of UFO sightings.


In the past 15 years, the Davenport, Wash.-based National UFO Reporting Center has collected more than 30,000 reports of UFO sightings through its hotline and Web site. The following three maps visualize that rich history.

The first plots every sighting as a small yellow dot, with lighter colors representing a higher density of reports.


[ UFO 출현 지점 지도 - 노란색 표기 ]


The second map plots the reports week by week—just click on an icon to read a description of the sighting. In many cases, several people report what appears to be the same incident. For example, there was a huge cluster of UFO spottings in the Northeast on Sept. 19, 2009. (NASA launched a rocket experiment in Virginia that night.) Astronomical events are often misidentified as well, such as in the third week of November 1999, when several people reported seeing a UFO in the Midwest. It was the same night as the Leonid meteor shower. Reports also spike in the first week of July.



최근 UFO 관련 해외 뉴스자료




[아래 클릭하시면 자료를 볼 수 있습니다 ]

Institute Announcements

Public Announcement: Exopolitics Courses for Sping 2011 begin Jan 17 - 12/21/10

New Edition of Exopolitics Journal Now Available - Transitioning from Type 0 oil dependency to a Type 1 civilization based on free energy & extraterrestrial disclosure - 06/28/10

Media Announcement: Exopolitics Institute News Service (ExoNews) Launched - 5/10/10

Declaration for the Creation of a European Agency to Study UFOs and Extraterrestrial Affairs - 7/3/09

New Video - Disclosure 101 - 04/24/09

For more Institute announcements click here.


Do Moscow UFOs fulfill NORAD officer predictions? - 1/14/11

SBS to air “Is UFO coming to Earth?” on Saturday - 1/14/11

World business leaders to discuss UFOs & extraterrestrial life - 1/13/11

1-11-11, A Day of Numerological Significance (And Maybe UFOs) - 1/11/11

Video: Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011 - 1/10/11

Report on “Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011" lecture - 1/10/11

Scientists endorse study of societal consequences of extraterrestrial life - 1/10/11

Experts Call On UN To Prepare For Extraterrestrials - 1/10/11

Earth must prepare for close encounter with aliens, say scientists - 1/10/11

Wikileaks cable confirms extensive Soviet UFO investigations - 1/8/11

E.T. Stay Home? - 1/4/11

Alien Life, Paranormal Visitors Get Official Recognition - 1/3/11

Stanley Fulham dies – leaves legacy of UFO/ET predictions - 12/23/10

UFO findings kept a secret - 12/21/10

Lunar eclipse tonight: How it helps the search for extraterrestrial life - 12/20/10


Ready for Contact - 12/16/10

The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race - 12/15/10

Evidence for ET is mounting daily, but not proven - 12/8/10

Assange arrest impacts on impending release of classified UFO cables - 12/7/10

Washington DC activist leaves door open for WikiLeak’s Assange UFO             documents release - 12/6/10

Mary Rodwell RN- Video: My Mum Talks to Aliens – full Documentary - 12/4/10

Wikileaks to release UFO             documents from US diplomatic cables - 12/3/10

UFOs predicted over Moscow and London in January 2011 - 12/3/10

Let it be …-12/3/10

A whistling teapot in a tempest - 12/1/10

It's Life but not as we know it - 12/1/10

NASA Announcement: 3 Theories on What the Space Agency Has Discovered - 12/1/10

Mystery of the Great Pyramid of Egypt intensifies - 11/30/10

NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery; Science Journal Has Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2 - 11/29

Interview with 1945 UFO crash witness - 11/29/10

The 1945 San Antonio UFO Crash: The Reme Baca and Jose Padilla witness Case - 11/29/10

Probe into alien life forms picks up steam - 11/23/10

Nazi spaceship film sparks UFO debate - 11/17/10

'Warp speed has no place in modern physics' - 11/16/10

SETI astronomers launch new campaign - 11/13/10

Are We a Biological Miracle? - 11/9/10

Journos: It’s OK to cover UFOs - 11/5/10

‘ET GO HOME’ vote outcome not helpful to ET plan to cleanse Earth’s environment - 11/3/10

The truth about UFOs? - 11/1/10

Why voting YES on Initiative 300 is vital - 10/29/10

Top NASA Atronaut discloses shuttle encounter with disc UFO - 10/29/10

Denver to Vote on Extraterrestrial Life - 10/29/10

Colorado Flying-Saucer Believers Have Ghost Hunters in Their Sights - 10/29/10

New Yorker Wants Vote on Big Apple ET Affairs Commission - 10/28/10

UN Press Conference discusses extraterrestrial life and implications of contact - 10/15/10

Is FAA covering up flight delays due to New York UFO sighting? - 10/15/10

Retired NORAD officer accurately predicts UFO appearances over major cities - 10/15/10

Denver Voters Debating Proposed E.T. Affairs Office - 10/14/10

Mystery shiny objects floating over Manhattan spark UFO frenzy - 10/13/10

Report on Royal Society Conference on Extra-Terrestrial Life - 10/11/10

Is UFO/ET Activism Again On The Rise? - 10/8/10

Denver City Auditor predicts Denver ET Affairs Commission ballot initiative 'is going to pass' - 10/8/10

Astronomers Worldwide Forge New Rules for ET Engagement - 10/8/10

Redefining Consensus Reality: American Media's Coverage of UFOs - 10/7/10

On The Threshold of a Dream - 10/7/10

The Dawn Of Disclosure: UFOs Paralyse US Missile Bases - 10/7/10

CBC Television in Canada covers US Nuclear Missiles Compromised by UFOs – According to ranking USAF officers - 10/1/10

Astronomers announce first exoplanet with potential to support life - 9/30/10

Mystery behind initial report of UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact - 9/29/10

Alien planet looks 'just right' for life - 9/29/10

Aliens have landed ... in the headlines - 9/28/10

Stephen Hawking may be right about marauding space aliens - 9/28/10

United Nations to Appoint Alien Ambassador? - 9/27/10

2010 extraterrestrial disclosure wave surges around UN, nuclear shutdowns, Denver ET/UFO vote - 9/27/10

United Nations to appoint official for First Contact with extraterrestrial life - 9/26/10

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens - 9/26/10

Pope's Astronomer Would Baptize ET - 9/24/10

Aliens Are Monitoring Our Nukes, Worry Ex-Air Force Officers - 9/23/10

Key Latino leader endorses Initiative 300 - the ET Affairs Commission - 9/23/10

Apollo 11: Were There UFOs on the Moon, Part 4 - 9/23/10

Astronomers meeting in Rome share discoveries, dreams of finding life - 9/22/10

Mr. Salas goes to Washington (again) - 9/22/10

Princeton University astrobiology certificate explores potential for extraterrestrial life - 9/21/10

I'd love to baptise ET, says Vatican's stargazer - 9/21/10

NBC's 'The EVENT' : Speculation divides the UFO community - 9/20/10

Hiding the truth in plain sight – Hollywood’s coverage of extraterrestrial visitation 9/19/10

Hollywood and the media industry in UFO disclosure - 9/19/10

Getting the ‘truth’ about extraterrestrials out there - 9/19/10

UFO Uprising concert in Denver coincides with extraterrestrial Ballot Initiative - 9/18/10

Revisiting those far-out firefighters - 9/17/10

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects - 9/15/10

Exopolitics Hong Kong Attends Cseti Event with Dr Greer - 9/14/10

History uncovers extraterrestrials - Author highlights foreign activity - 9/12/10

China’s payoff for hiding free energy technology is real cause for U.S. unemployment - 9/9/10

Leslie Kean and Jeff Peckman on The Richard Syrett Show - 9/8/10

Famed researcher of human extraterrestrial contact passes away - 9/8/10

Jerry Wills, Council of World's extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti, speaks his truth on 2012: Part 1 - 9/5/10

Upcoming book 'After Disclosure' is guide to UFOs, ET contact - 9/3/10

The ‘truth’ is out there Peckman launches educational campaign on ET commission initiative - 9/3/10

Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission 'Initiative 300' campaign begins - 9/2/10

Amazing UFO video supports claim of alien base inside Mt Adams, Washington - 8/29/10

The debate over extraterrestrial contact continues among the experts - 8/29/10

VIDEO: Canada's Michael Ignatieff, future ET Disclosure Prime Minister in a nation ready for change? - 8/28/10

Bassett Launches Exopolitics World Network Cities Initiative - 8/27/10

Amazing video of multidimensional object filmed over Mt Adams, Washington State - 8/26/10

UFOs are real, government cover-ups exists, but don't assume they're extraterrestrial spacecraft - 8/25/10

The truth is out there, but not everywhere - 'Colbert Report' interview launches renewed O'Hare UFO hype - 8/24/10

New Solar System Discovered - 8/24/10

'Extraterrestrial hypothesis' is now public operative explanation for UFOs in France, U.K. and China - 8/24/10

Veteran China astronomer claims UFOs are extraterrestrial space craft - 8/24/10

Michio Kaku admits UFO are real & worth investigating - 8/24/10

Alien Life Could Be Mechanical, Not Biological - 8/23/10

Alien Predators - Would You Put Our Eggs In One Basket?- 8/20/10

The Pros and Cons of Alien Visitation - 8/20/10

A Book Review: UFO: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record - 8/18/10

George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers - Book Review - 8/17/10

Do we dare let aliens know we’re here? - 8/17/10

New French aerospace report endorses reality of UFOs - 8/16/10

UBC professor Erik Rosolowsky searches for extraterrestrial life in other galaxies - 8/12/10

Alien life - 8/10/10

British bookmakers slash 'alien' odds - 8/7/10

Exopolitics Conference for Leeds looks to the skies - 8/6/10

WWII UFO and RAF Plane Encounter Covered Up by Churchill and Eisenhower, MoD Documents Reveal - 8/6/10

Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower covered up UFO sighting in England, letter claims - 8/5/10

Churchill UFO cover-up supports Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with Aliens - 8/5/10

Commercial Airline Pilot Says UFOs Are Real - 7/30/10

Researchers discover H2O is widespread INSIDE and OUT The MOON... 7/30/10

John Podesta writes probing foreword for new book on UFOs - 7/28/10

Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers - 7/28/10

World-leading Physicist: "ET Artifacts Could Be Camouflaged as Natural Objects in the Universe - 7/27/10

Chinese researchers dismiss UFO photos while authorities remain silent - 7/26/10

NASA discovers hundreds of new Earth-like planets - 7/26/10

Galaxy is rich in small, Earth-like planets - 7/25/10

Sifting Through The Story- 7/25/10

UFO near White House emits ray of light: horseplay, false flag or ‘socially destabilizing’ event? - 7/23/10

Universe singularity now emanating pre-wave energy for ‘enlightened unity consciousness’ - 7/20/10

Washington Post report supports accounts of military personnel keeping UFO secrets from commanders - 7/19/10

Exclusive: Italian Politician Claims EU Is Hiding 'Secret UFO Files' - 7/19/10

If Mars Attacks …Do we have an alien-contact contingency plan? - 7/16/10

Before UFOs in China, US played UFO Spy Games - 7/16/10

China UFO photo mixed with fakes in psyop to thwart disclosure - 7/15/10

Are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline? Or are you on a 2012-13 positive future timeline? - 7/14/10

UFO in China's Skies Prompts Investigation - 7/14/10

A Chinese menu of possibilities 7/14/10

Life at the SETI Institute: Europa -- Exploration of an Extraterrestrial Ocean - 7/13/10

White House UFO Afghan Hamster Guy is 'Outed' - 7/13/10

Paola Harris on UFOs, Europe and Mario Borghezio - 7/13/10

For more Newsflashes click here

