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케쉬재단의 지구과학계 주도권 개시!!
과학자 케쉬를 기억하시나요? 그가 3년전부터 세계 과학계에 등장해서 신출귀몰한 이론을 제시했던 것인데요 지난 2월에 미소자장 Tiny Magnetic Field 이론을 제시하여 과학계를 새로 시작할 기반을 제공했다는 평을 받고 있습니다. 그랬는데 이젠 세계 산업계도 영향을 주고요 인류사회에 큰 희망을 던지는 놀라운 제안을 던집니다. 다름아닌 물질형성기술과 반중력기술을 공여하여 인류사회가 우주로 향한 산업을 시작할 수있도록 돕겠다는 이야기입니다. 놀랄 노짜의 하늘 문이 열리는 것인가요? 아님 말뿐인 해프닝인가요.. 좀더 읽어보시죠.
Transfer of Keshe Foundation Know-how to world governments
By Mehran Tavakoli Keshe May 3, 2012 - 1:56:22 AM
1) 벨기에에 소재한 케쉬 재단은 첫번째 국제세미나를 4월21일에 열어서 세계 각국 정부에 소립자 기술과 우주과학 기술의 완전한 공여작업을 개시했다. 이는 세계국가들 간의 평등의 정신에 입각하여 유엔 헌장의 세계 평화의 원리를 실현한다는 취지로 시행된 것이다. 이에 유럽항공국과 미국 NASA도 초청되었다.
2) 4월21일 세미나로부터 케쉬재단의 우주기술과 모든 노하우는 세계 각국정부에 제공되고있다. 이는 비용이 무료이며 다른 조약이나 법적 조건이 가해지지않는 자유로운 공여이다. 또 미국으로부터 작은 나라에 이르기까지 평등하게 제공되며 아무런 차별이 가해지지않는다. 두번째 세미나는 올해 9월 케쉬재단 센터에서 열릴 예정이다.
3) 케쉬재단은 초미의 관심이 걸린 반추진의 반중력 플라즈마 시스템기술을 케쉬재단이 개발한 것을 공여한다. 이는 어느국가이건 우주발사대 시설을 사용치않고 바로 우주공간에 여행하며 작업을 할 수있음을 의미하기에 획기적인 기술이라고 할 수있다. 이제 소수 강대국이 점유하는 우주여행과 개발을 어느나라든 서로 협력하에 진출할 수있다는 것이다. http://www.keshefoundation.com/en/applications/space
4) 우주중력플라즈마기술을 의료방면에 응용하는 것은 이미 시험되고 개발되었는데 이에 관해서는 아래 링크를 살펴보세요. http://www.keshefoundation.com/en/applications/medical
5) 우주기술 중에 에너지생산기술은 여기에 있습니다. http://www.keshefoundation.com/en/applications/energy
요약번역 ;PeterKim님 http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7863397
케쉬 재단의 주도권행사에 대항하는 미대통령 명령
벨기에 소재 케쉬재단이 4월21일부 반중력과 우주비행기술 등의 공여활동을 개시한 이래 세계 주류과학계와 산업계는 엄청난 반향이 일어나고 있습니다. 그가운데 특히 미국 대통령은 명령으로 케쉬재단과 미국민의 접촉을 금지한다는 내용의 폭탄 성명 겸 금지령을 발동해서 인류사회에 큰 충격을 던지고 있습니다. 미 대통령 금지령은 케쉬 재단의 지도부가 단지 이란출신 과학자라는 사실을 문제삼고 있는데 이는 인류사회가 크게 반기는 분위기에 반하는 미국 지배층의 정치적 반동행위로 보여집니다. 그 내용을 살펴봅니다.
1) 오바마 미대통령은 이란과 시리아 국민에 대해 자국정부가 심한 인권유린이 자행되고 있는바 역시 이란정부의 기술력도 이런 반인륜의 범죄에 가담하는 것이므로 이런 기술력이 미국정부의 국가안보를 위협하고 해외정책을 손상을 가하는 일임을 천명한다. 또한 이런 기술을 이란이나 시리아 당국이 전파하는 일도 역시 미국 이익에 반하는 것이다. 따라서 다음을 명령한다.
섹션1) 위의 사항에 해당하는 물품과 기술의 미국반입을 금지한다. 또 인력의 교류도 금지한다. Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person, including any foreign branch, of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: (이하생략)
케쉬재단의 지구과학계 주도권 개시!!
Transfer of Keshe Foundation Know-how to world governments
On the 21st of the April 2012 in the first international presentation at the Keshe Foundation centre in Belgium, the Foundation did start the full transfer of technologies to world governments.
The Keshe Foundation through its ethos of world equality did organise and executed the first of its series of presentations of all its technologies for world governments.
In this first meeting the Keshe Foundation explained and demonstrated and systems were shown and physically given to their government representatives to the ambassadors and the representative of the attending nations to handle and test.
In this meeting full operation of systems for all technologies developed by the Foundation were fully explained and most systems were demonstrated for their operation.
In this invitation all the nations on the United nation charter who could be contacted have been contacted and were invited.
For this presentation world space organisations the Like of European space agency and NASA were directly spoken to and invited.
Therefore from 21.4.2012 the Space technology and all Know-how’s of the Keshe Foundation are directly offered and are made available freely for transfer to world governments.
From this point on it is the responsibility of the nations to bring the space, health, food and the energy discoveries and technologies developed by the Keshe Foundation to their citizens.
The copy of the invitation letter to world ambassadors in Belgium is attached below and information in the invitation clearly states that our technologies are, will and have been transferred free of charge and without any ties to all nations.
We invited the ambassadors of the United State of America, ambassadors of the smallest islands nations in carbines to ambassadors of the poorest nations in Africa. Thus we have started the full transfer of technology to all nations irrespective of their size, colour, belief, financial strength and political orientation.
The second round of the presentation for the nations whom could not attend for whatever reasons will be organised and to be held at the Keshe Foundation centre in September of the 2012.
Our technology from this point on is in the hand of your nation and from the Holly day of the 21.04.2012 our knowledge has become your nations knowledge and assets.
We hope that the world nations will use this new knowledge for its peaceful development for the advancement of human race.
Yours faithfully
M T Keshe
The founder of the Keshe Foundation.
Below is the Copy of the invitation to the representatives of the governments
Subject: Invitation for His/Her Excellency the Ambassador
Your are cordially invited
Keshe Foundation kindly invites His/Her Excellency the Ambassador and your scientific representatives or specialists in the fields of space, energy and health to attend the first international space gravitational plasma technology presentation by the Stichting the Keshe Foundation for governments and their officials in Belgium.
In this presentation the new space gravitational plasma technology developed by the Keshe Foundation will be offered and the know-how and the full technology will be available for transfer to your government.
The new space gravitational plasma technology will allow your nation to have access immediately, directly and without much expense to the space program, energy production system and medical system technologies, which have been developed for space exploration by the Foundation over past forty years, where these new discoveries can create promptly new jobs and give access to new and energy resources for your nation.
This presentation will include:
The explanation of the first non-propulsion and the use of new gravitational positioning space plasma system, which has been developed by the Keshe Foundation. This allowing the space to be opened to every nation without delay rather than waiting for tens of years for other nations hand-downs of such a technology.
Where, from now on the human- race will work and develop the space technology as collective unit and not as separate space programs of different nations:
The medical application of the new space gravitational plasma technology, which has been tested and being developed by the Keshe Foundation can be read and seen in more detail at:
The energy production capabilities of the new space technology can be seen at:
According to the ethos of the Keshe Foundation our knowledge belongs to your nation and we transfer it as a whole and as a gift and free of any charges and without any ties attached the full know-how and all our discoveries to your nation, and we hope that your government will use this new knowledge for further improving the life of your nationals and bringing them in-line with the rest of the prosperous nations of today and in one collaborated move into space program of the 21st century.
The new space gravitational plasma technology works through principle of burning no fuel as the space propulsion and energy industries are accustom to at the present. The new technology uses the universal laws of physics and its principles are in-line with the creation of motion and energy as is attained in the universe by all celestial objects without burning of any fuel in the universe.
As we say in the Keshe Foundation “We do not observe any wings or jest engines and power stations attached to the earth, but earth has been in motion and creating its own energy and keeping its distance from other celestial objects in the solar system through universal principle of creation and positioning of its magnetic fields for millions of years using the interaction and positioning of it magnetic fields as is done by all dynamic celestial objects in the universe.
Hence the mans knowledge from this point on with this new technology has reached the point that we have finished with mans habit of burning of matters to achieve motion and creation of electric power and we use the universal principle of positioning of magnetic fields in our developed systems for creation of motion, energy and in the health-care.
What your government will do and how it will implement this new technology, which we transfer to your nation for advancement of your nationals, is your government’s decision.
You can read more about this new scientific development on the Website of the Keshe Foundation.
It will be kind of you if you could provide us with the name of the officials and in the capacity that they will be representing your nation in this presentation that we can deliver their personal invitation to your embassy for their attendance.
Please confirm the acceptance that representative(s) from your nation will be attending this presentation by e-mail to
----------------------------------------------------------- no later than 20.04.2012
For this presentation governments official and international diplomatic-core from all nations are invited.
We have foreseen maximum three to five representative per nation for the first presentation as the auditorium of the Foundation has one hundred seats capacity.
The space gravitational plasma technology presentation is arranged for 6 pm on 21.4.2012 at Keshe Foundation centre in Ninove, Near Brussels.
Yours faithfully
M T Keshe
The director of the Keshe Foundation
Space Technology at the service of humanity
The Keshe Foundation
Ring Oost 14
9400 Ninove
Telephone contact number: Mr M T Keshe on ============
The presentation will be in English
Please advise of the address for the delivery of the invitations
Buffet dinner will be provided.
The Keshe Foundation releases free energy to World Governments - US Presidential Decree and Keshe Foundation response. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/The-Keshe-Foundation-releases-free-energy-to-World-Governments---US-Presidential-Decree-and-Keshe-Foundation-response.shtml
Free Energy - Nuclear Engineer M.T. Keshe @ ElektorLive! See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Free-Energy---Nuclear-Engineer-M-T-Keshe-ElektorLive.shtml
Keshe Foundation: Plasma Energy and Anti-Gravity Applications. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Keshe-Foundation-Plasma-Energy-and-Anti-Gravity-Applications.shtml
Top 5 Free Energy Technologies Unfolding Now. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Top-5-Free-Energy-Technologies-Unfolding-Now.shtml
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