지상의 상황은 머지않아 곧 전개되리라
지구상승 프로젝트 개시 ! - 안전한 곳은 없다
Channelled message- Arch Angel Michael -26/03/10
[ 요약 ]
헤이즐은 중요한 전문을 최적의 타이밍에 전하는 말하자면 4번타자입니다. 그런 그녀의 것이 떳으니 좀 긴장되더군요.
대천사 마이클은 CM 아톤 영적정부의 참모총장 격이지요, 야전군 사령관이기도 하고요. 그는 이제까지 축적된 모든 채널 전문을 집대성해서 때가 왔으니 믿음속에 굳건히 버티라고 주문합니다.
지상의 우리들은 신이 하시는 일의 성격을 잘 이해하지 못하니 그에 대해 평가한다면 의심에 빠지고 오해를 일으킬 수 있다고 경계합니다. 영적 정부에서는 이미 지구상승 프로젝트를 개시했으니 지상의 상황은 머지않아 곧 전개되리라 권고합니다.
이 일에 관해서는 세계 어느 나라라 해서 예외가 없고 안전한 곳도 없다합니다. 미국 유럽만이 문제가 아니란 것입니다. 중심을 잡고 가족과 지인들의 안전을 최우선으로 고려하며 신중히 지내라 합니다.
[ 원 문 ]
Hazel Sinanan <hnsinanan@.
Channelled message- Arch Angel Michael -26/03/10
To All
Love and Light
Arch Angel Michael
Please grace me with your Angelic presence and speak to me
on the state of current events as they relate to Earth changes. Some are now
doubting the Father’s word and celestial revelations because so far promises
have not been fulfilled.
> I am most present dear one and was awaiting your call. I come
> in the light of God.
> Dear one the spate of events will come fast and furious when
> unleashed. There is a lull at the moment to work out various dynamics in the
> process so that all will be seamless when the button is pressed. There are a
> lot of factors to be considered but this you already know even though those
> scientific and forensic details have not been revealed. The Father’s word is
> pure dear one and events may not have yet been fulfilled in accordance with
> your understanding of time but it has already occurred in the spiritual realms.
> You on earth cannot truly comprehend how the greater divine
> plan unfolds. You must maintain your equanimity at this time for this is the
> telling period for many things. Will the light workers abandon at this final
> hour in the play? Will they be able to resist the forces of darkness which seek
> to deter them from their lighted path?
> This time is as much as a challenge for you as it is a
> challenge for the dark ones. How many
> times have many different celestials channelled through so many of you giving
> you the assurance and comfort and knowledge that you need? Why do you doubt?
> You are too anchored by time and rigid notions of time and events. Your
> spiritual knowledge should be referenced during this time to keep your centred
> on your path.
> I can assure you that events are transpiring as I speak to
> you. Dear one if only you know what is to embark on your world. When it does
> occur all disbelievers will have the light turned on in their minds, perhaps,
> some for the first time. You have all been speculating on where the disasters
> will occur- Everywhere and anyway dear one. No country will be saved from the
> effects albeit some will suffer greater hardships.
> For those who have turned away it is their choice, they have
> free will to do so. This is the time to be entrenched in what you know.. The
> toughest time is before the light dawns. You have to go through that final maze
> of darkness in the tunnel, but you trudge through because you know the light of
> freedom awaits at the very end. Do not
> get stuck in the maze of doubt and thereby deprive yourself of the freedom you
> have so long awaited.
> The zones have been demarked, physical as well as spiritual
> for all concerned and there is no turning back. Protect yourselves in these
> final hours from negativity; see it for what it is. Tend to yourself and your
> spiritual sanity for the end of the tunnel is in sight.
> Do you think that during these critical times that the
> celestials will choose to disseminate information that may be corrupted to
> those who genuinely serve the light? All
> is divinely orchestrated. Each chaneller is given a message that their spirit
> allows them to comprehend for the purpose of adding to the large jigsaw puzzle
> so that all pieces fall in place that not only confirm!s and re affirms, but
> gives vital information to help others comprehend. You are all children of God,
> you all serve the light. Do you not know the truth? Do not back pedal in what
> you know for to do so would place you at a grave disadvantage. Stay ahead of
> the game for you are given the tools of knowledge in order to do so. You ones
> have been given an additional resource (the one called Vince) which provides
> frequent channels of information to keep you informed. Can you not see how
> things are changing and moving?
> This is a time for fortification of your spirit. Stand tall
> in your light please for we in the celestial realms are depending on you. I
> leave you with my light of joy and protection and call upon you to seek me when
> you need fortification. Visualise my signature light and call me and I shall sustain
> you with strength.
I am Arch Angel Michael.
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