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DRAKE - What to Know, What to Do, and What Not to Do
By Drake - Freedomreigns.us. Apr 3, 2012
Please Click the FreedomReigns link below. We had it yesterday IN the post, the chart, but they have changed the page. Please look at those 3 lists very closely. Notice that the TV will carry that this is Martial law, but don't believe the TV. People, this is what is planned, it is planned for martial law. This is NOT OUR (starfleets) program. I watched that video nearly into an hour before I goofed and shut it off. I need to go find a place somewhere after 30 minutes that stood the my hair on end.
The dark must always wear a sign of some sort, and this is quite a sign. This Freedom Reigns website ALERT was pushed heavily early in this interview. The interview itself is probably worthy for some of the actual truth in it, but our dark ones will give truth also to cover the hidden lie. That chart is the hidden lie, the SIGN they must wear. -Candace
What to Know, What to Do, and What Not to Do
아래 클릭
audio (12 parts)
David Wilcock Interveiws Drake part 1
David Wilcock & Drake 2012-03-28 1-3 Mass Arrests
아래 클릭 !
캔데이시 - 데이빗 아이크와 드레이크에 대해서 우려 표명
'지구촌 얘기들 !' 카테고리의 다른 글
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