U.F.S [Universe Family Ship] U.F.F [Universe Family Fleet]
UFF / 태양 주위에서 작업중인 우주선 함대들
UFO near the Sun - Review of Activity for March 7, 2012.(HQ)
2012. 03. 8.에 myunhauzen74님이 올린 동영상
As seen unidentified objects in large quantities, perform maneuvers with each other and relative to the sun. Perhaps, therefore, create a UFO the energy shield. Please note that the UFO flies to the sun and fly away from the Sun. This suggests that it is not an error SOHO satellite's camera is not charged particles from solar flares and is not a waste. This is the real objects of different shapes and sizes. UFO near the Sun - Review of Activity for March 7, 2012.(HQ)
For more exclusive information on UFOs, visit: http://x-u-f-o.blogspot.com
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