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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 6/2/2019 - 6/5/2019 ] - 생각들/행동들을 긍정적으로 유지해라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 6/2/2019 - 6/5/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 6/2/2019 - 6/5/2019 ] 



너희는 네가  자신이 그렇다고 믿는 대로 항상 강해질 것이다. “나는 강하다라는 생각을 허용하는 것은 우주가 압도적이고 도전적이  상황들과 체험들로 너를 두드리기 시작할 것임을 의미하지 않는다. 그것은 네가 너의 관점을 바꾸고, 너의 주위의 자들이 거기 항상 무엇이 있었는지를 알게 내버려두는 것을 단순히 의미할 뿐이다. 너는 네가 잊어버렸을  있는  자신의 일부를 -발견하는 과정에 있다. 힘은 항상 다른 사람들에게 다른 일들을 의미할 것이다. 그것이 너에게 무엇인지를 찾고, 네가 강해질  있음을 알아라. - 창조자

You will always be as strong as you believe yourself to be. Allowing the thought, “I am strong”, does not mean The Universe will begin hammering you with situations and experiences that will overwhelm and challenge. It simply means that you are changing your perspective and letting those around you know what has always been there. You are in the process of re-discovering a part of yourself you may have forgotten. Strength will always mean different things to different people. Find out what it is for you and know you can be strong. ~ Creator




Another Way...

너희가 너의 지구 계로 도착하기를 선택했을 , 너는 관련된 어떤 일이 있을 것임을 알고 있었는데, ( 모든 사랑스러운 특징들을 가진) 인간의 , 감정들, 모든 종류의 상호작용들, 가장 중요하게는  자신과의 관계 속에 있으면서 말이다. 시간의 80% 동안, 너는 그것을 통해 너의 길을 갈았으며,  일을 아주  했다. (미소 지으며) 네가 너의 삶을 통해 움직일 , 어떤 이유에서든 네가 받아들이기로 선택했던 충돌들, 판단들, 투사들이 있을  있다.

오늘, 너희는  다른 시선을 가지고, 무엇이 정말로 너의 것인지, 무엇이 다른 이들에게 속하는 것인지를 결정하도록 초대 받고 있다. 배워진 행위들로 대응하기 보다는, ‘무릎 반사적반응을 버리고, 우주에게 무엇이 진실한 수단인지를 너에게 보여 달라고 요청해라. 어떤 체험이나 상황에 대한  나은 이해는 네가 다소 우아함과 용이함 이상을 가지고 지나가도록 허용할 것이다. 이것은 네가 획득하고 받을 자격이 있는 무엇이므로, 그것을 사용해라! 네가 길의 모든 매번의 걸음에서 완전히 지원받고 있음을 기억해라. - 창조자

When you chose to arrive on your Earth plane, you knew there was going to be some work involved; being in a human body (with all its lovely idiosyncrasies), emotions, interactions of all kinds and, most importantly, the relationship with yourself. 80% of the time, you have plowed your way through it and have done quite well. (Smiling) As you move through your life, there may be bumps, judgments and projections that, for whatever reason, you have chosen to accept.

Today, you are being invited to take another look and decide what is really yours and what belongs to others. Rather than responding with learned behaviors, forgo the ‘knee-jerk’ reaction and ask The Universe to show you what it is truly means. A better understanding of an experience or situation will allow you to move past it with more than a little grace and ease. This is something you have earned and deserve so use it! Remember you are fully supported every step of the way. ~ Creator



너의  위에서...

... On Your Path

너희가  새로운 에너지의 파도를 체험하고 통합할 , 너는 고조된 감정들과 너를 놀랍게 사로잡는 상황들로 네가 균형이 깨진 듯이 느낄  있다. 이것이 너를 너의 길로부터 너를 포기하게 하지 마라! 너는 인간이고, 인간적 감정들을 체험하는 것은  과정의 일부이다. 오늘 일부 시간을 가지고, 길을 다소  부드럽게 만들기 위해 네가 필요한 것을 모아라, 그것이 그래야 하듯이 단지 지나갈 것임을 알면서 말이다. - 창조자


As you experience and integrate this new wave of energy, you may feel as if you have been knocked off balance with heightened emotions and situations catching you by surprise. Do not let this dissuade you from your path! You are human and experiencing human feelings is a part of the process. Take some time today and gather what you need to make the road little smoother, knowing that it will pass just as it should. ~ Creator



내가 이것을 전에 들었던 적이 있는가?

Have I Heard This Before?

가끔 그것은 마치 너희가 같은 정보를 거듭 다시 받고 있는 것과 같이 보일  있다. 어떤 경우들에서, 너희는 그렇다. (미소 지으며) 네가  자신에게, “이것이 어제/지난 주일에/전에 언급되었던가?” 말할 , 그것은 “관심을 이것으로 기울여라, 그것이 중요하다!“라고 말하는 우주의 방식이다. 너희는 메시지를 완전히 이해할  다른 기회가 주어지고 있거나, 아니면(특히 어떤 강렬한 배움의 국면 후에) 그것은 너의  자신의  다른 수준으로 제시되고 있다. 배움과 성장이 모든 부분들로 관련되는데... 뇌와 몸과 영혼으로 말이다. 너희가 너의 여정의 어디에 있는가에 상관없이, 자기 관리를 실천하고, 너의 생각들/행동들을 긍정적으로 유지해라, 그리고 우주가 너를 항상 지원하고 있음을 알아라. - 창조자

On occasion, it may seem as if you are receiving the same information again and again. In some cases, you are. (Smiling) When you say to yourself, “Wasn’t this mentioned yesterday/last week/before?”, it is The Universe’s way of saying ‘Pay attention to this, it is important!” You are being given another chance to fully understand the message or (especially after an intensive learning phase) it is being presented to another level of your Self. Learning and growth involves all parts…brain, body and soul. Regardless of where you are on your journey; practice self-care, keep your thoughts/actions positive and know The Universe supports you always. ~ Creator


번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12584 재림사무국/1980- 3