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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 6/6/2019 - 6/8/2019 ] - 대기하며 서있는 것 - 포기하지 마라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 6/6/2019 - 6/8/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 6/6/2019 - 6/8/2019 ] 


대기하며 서있는 

Standing By

만약 너희가 이미 준비되어 있지 않다면, 지금은  시간이다.  개의 연속적인 웨이브가 지금 너의 지구로 도달하고 있으며, 하나 이상의 메시지들이 '준비되어 있음' 중요성을 전달했다. 만약  정보가 길가로 떨어졌다면, 안심해라, 아직 시간이 있으므로.

 과정에서 너희가  멀리 들어갈수록, 너희가  깊이 들어갈 것임을 ... 염두에 두어라. 너희가  깊이 들어갈수록, 숨어 있던  검은 일들이 빛으로 나올 것이다. 너희는  체험들과 상황들을 다른 이들과 함께 나누기를 선택할  있거나, 아니면 ‘혼자 가기를선택할  있다. 그것은 너를 가장 편안하게 만드는 것이 무엇인가에 대한 것이다. 그것에 대해 가야  ‘올바른 이나 ‘잘못된  결코 없었다. ‘너의  있으며, 그것은 완전히 멋지고 완벽하다! (미소 지으며) 언제나처럼, 우주는 필요할  원조와 지원을 위해 대기하며 서있다. - 창조자

If you have not already prepared, it is time. Several consecutive waves are arriving to your Earth now; more than one message has relayed the importance of being prepared. If this information has fallen by the wayside, rest assured, there is still time.

Keep in mind…the further along you move in the process, the deeper you will go. The deeper you go, the darker things that have been hiding will be brought to the light. You may choose to share these experiences and situations with others or choose to ‘go it alone’. It is about whatever makes you most comfortable. There has never been a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to go about it. There is ‘your way’ and it is absolutely wonderful and perfect! (Smiling) As always, The Universe is standing by for assistance and support as needed. ~ Creator



사랑을 보내고, 가게 내버려두어라

Send Love And Let Go

가끔 너의 최선의 노력들에도 불구하고,  주위의 있는 자들이 너의 도우려는 시도들에 감정을 상하거나/상처 받거나/화를 내게  것이다. 가장 다정한 이여, 우주는 ‘그것을 개인적으로 받아들이지 말라 너에게 말하기 위해 여기 있다! 각각의 인간은 그들 자신의 신념 체계들을 가지고 있고, 그들 자신의 패러다임 안에서 살며, 바로 그들 자신의 방아쇠들의 세트를 가지고 있으며... 그것의 어떤 것도 너는 알지 못하므로, 따라서  자신에게 휴식을 주어라! ‘ 낫게 만들려는필요성이나, 네가 전적으로 알지 못하는 기대감들을 충족시키지 못한 것에 대해 사과할 필요성을 버려라. 다른 누군가의 투사로 매달리는 것은 너에게 봉사하지 않고, 결코 봉사하지 않을 것이다. 일단 네가 무엇이 일어나고 있는지에 대한 의식적인 앎을 가지고 있다면,  이상 ‘거기서 이유가 없다. 사랑을 보내고, 그것을 가게 내버려두어라. - 창조자

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, those around you will become offended/hurt/angry with your attempts to help. Dearest one, The Universe is here to tell you; do not take it personally! Each human has their own belief systems, exists in their own paradigm and has their very own set of triggers…none of which you know so, give yourself a break! Release the need to ‘make it better’ or apologize for failing to meet expectations wholly unknown to you. Holding onto someone else’s projection does not (and never will) serve you. Once you have a conscious awareness of what is going on, there is no reason to ‘live there’ anymore. Send love and let it go. ~ Creator




포기하지 마라

Do Not Give Up

우주는 너희  일부가 다소 거친 여정을 체험할  있음을 알고 있다. 너희가 지금 거치고 있는  변화들은 도전적이며... 그것은 좌절감과 스트레스를 유발할  있다. 우주는 또한 너희가 괜찮아질 것임을 알기를 원한다! 다시금 이것은 너희에게 ‘교훈을 가르치기 위해서, ‘너희를 처벌하기 위해서이루어지고 있지 않다. 너의 모든 부분이 일들을 보는 매우 다른 방식을 보여주고 있고, 인간의 뇌는 이따금 적응하는데 어려운 시간을 가진다. 너희는  자신에 (그리고 다른 이들에) 대한 판단을 버리라고 요청되고 있으며, 숨을  것을 기억하고, 일단  웨이브가 끝날  너희가 동경해온 존재/삶을 향한 어떤 멋진 걸음들이 획득될 것임을 알아라. 포기하지 마라, 너희는 놀라운 일을 하고 있다! - 창조자

The Universe knows that some of you may be experiencing a bit of a rough ride. The changes you are going through now are challenging…it may be frustrating and stress-inducing. The Universe also wants you to know that you are going to be okay! Again, this is not being done to ‘teach you a lesson’ or ‘punish you’. Every part of you is being shown a much different way of looking at things and the human brain will, on occasion, have a hard time adapting. You are being asked to release judgement of yourself (and others), remember to breathe and know that, once this wave is over, some great strides toward the existence you have been longing for will be attained. Do not give up, you are doing an amazing job! ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12607 재림사무국/1984-6