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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 8/7/2019 - 8/8/2019 ] - Key. 너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐?




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 8/7/2019 - 8/8/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley


By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 8/7/2019 - 8/8/2019 ] 



The Key

By Creator


네가 ‘올바른일을 하거나, 말하지 못할  있는 많은 때들이 있을 것이다. 우주는 너희가 알기를 원하는데, 방출되려고 올라오는 과거의 현재 에너지와 함께, 실패들은 실패들이 아니며... 단지 성공에의 시도들일 뿐이라고 말이다.

너의 최선의 이해에 있지 않았던 방향을 네가 선택했을  있었던 때들로 돌아가 생각해봐라, 그것이 다른 이들로부터  내적(혹은 외적) 압력인가, 아니면 네가 자기-보호의 수단으로서 ‘낡은 프로그램 운영하고 있는가를 말이다. 상황들에 상관없이, 우주는 항상 너에게 성공을 위한  다른 시도[기회]  것이다. 이러한 시나리오들의 어떤 것으로 가는 열쇠는 ... 너이다!

 자신이 잘못들을 인정하도록, 그것들로부터 배우도록 허용하고, 앞으로 움직이는 것은 너에게 주어진 가장 위대한 능력들의 하나이다. 따라서 친애하는 어린이여, 지금은 심호흡을 들이키고, 앞으로 움직일 시간이다. 정말로 점수를유지하는 유일한 자는 너이고, 지금은 그것과 끝낼 시간이다. - 창조자

There will be many times that you may fail to do or say the ‘right’ thing. The Universe wants you to know that, with the current energy of the past coming up to be released, failures are not failures…just attempts at success.

Think back on the times you may have chosen a direction that was not in your best interest; was it internal (or external) pressure from others or were you running an ‘old program’ as a means of self-protection? Regardless of the circumstances, The Universe will always give you another attempt at success. The key to any of these scenarios is…you!

Allowing yourself to acknowledge mistakes, learn from them and move on is one of the greatest gifts you have been given. So, darling child, it is time to take a deep breath and move forward. The only one truly keeping score is you and it is time to be done with it. ~ Creator



너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐?

What Are You Waiting For?

By Creator


많은 너희가 어떤 변화를 기다리고 있다. 실현들을 빛으로 가져올 변화로 막강한 무언가를, 표현하고, 느끼고, 사랑하거나 참가할 어떤 기회를 위해 ‘너의 삶의 사랑 너의 문을 두드리기를 기다리면서 말이다. 너는 허락을 기다리고 있을 수도 있는데, 네가 원하고/바라는 모든 것이  아직 나타나지 않았는지를 의문하면서 말이다.

 순간을 가지고 생각해봐라, 무엇이 가장 중요한 말인지를?

기다린다는 !

우주는 네가 자라고, 배우며, 실현하고, 사랑할 모든 것을 공급했지만, 여전히 너는 기다린다. 문제의 진실은 행동이  그림의 필요한 조각이라는 것이다! 만약 네가 실패할지도 모르기 때문에 기회를 잡는데 마음 내키지 않아 하면서 네가 너의 위안 구역의 밖에서 움직일  없다면, 그럼 머무는 것이 최선이다. 지금은 너의 두려움을 버리고, 너의 꿈들로 걸어 들어갈 시간이다. 진실에서, 실패들은 존재하지 않으며 ... 성공을 위한 단지 시도들만이 있을 뿐이다. (미소 지으며) 따라서, 가장 친애하는 이여, 너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐? - 창조자

Many of you are waiting for a change. Waiting for something mighty to shift that will bring manifestations to light, for the ‘love of your life’ to knock on your door, for an opportunity to express, feel, love or participate. You may even be waiting for permission and wondering why all that you want/wish for has not appeared yet.

Take a moment and think; what is the operative word?


The Universe has provided everything you need to grow, learn, manifest and love but, still you wait. The truth of the matter; action is a necessary piece of the picture! If you are unable to move outside your comfort zone, unwilling to take a chance because you might fail, then it is best to stay put. It is time to release your fear and step into your dreams. In truth, failure does not exist…there are only attempts at success. (Smiling) So, dearest one, what are you waiting for? ~ Creator


번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/13032