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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 8/9/2019 - 8/10/2019 ] - 그 시간이 (마침내) 앞에 왔다!. 두려움을 버려라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 8/9/2019 - 8/10/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 8/9/2019 - 8/10/2019 ] 


빛을 가져오라

Bring Light

By Creator


우주는 최근의 변화들이 너희 영적이고 에너지적 몸들로 아주 힘들었음을 알고 있다.  길에 오고 있는  많은 것과 함께, 너의 자기-관리 규범들을 기억하고 실천하는 것이 극도로 중요하다. 들어오는 정보를 처리하는 것이 너희 지구 계의 성장의 다음 국면을 이해하는 것으로 결정적이  것이다. 무질서가 지금 지배할  있지만, 서서히 그리고 매우 확실하게, 평화가 정착하기 시작할 것인데,  많은 너희가 완전히 깨어나기 시작할  말이다.

다정한 어린이여, 주위에 도움을 필요로 하는 자들이 지도와 지원을 위해 너에게 이끌려올 것이다. 너희는 너의 전체  동안 이것을 준비해왔으며 ...  시간이 (마침내) 앞에 왔다! - 창조자

The Universe knows the recent changes have been very taxing on both your spiritual and energetic bodies. With more on the way, it is extremely important to remember and practice your self-care rituals. Processing the incoming information is going to be vital to understanding the next phase of your Earth plane’s growth. Chaos may reign now but, slowly and very surely, peace will begin to settle in as more of you begin to fully awaken.

Look around, darling child, those who need assistance will be drawn to you for guidance and support. You have been preparing for this your whole life…the time is (finally) at hand! ~ Creator



두려움을 버려라

Release Fear

By Creator


나의 아름다운 어린이여, 오늘날 너희 세계에서  자신을 제시하는 어둠을 두려워하지 마라. 그것이 강렬해지는 것처럼 보인다 해도, 그것은 그의 마지막 숨을 부풀리고 있다. 세계의 사람들이 전례 없는 비율로 깨어나고 있는데, 빛과 사랑 속에서 자라면서 말이다. 어둠은 이것을 느끼고/보고,  많은 두려움, 증오와 부정을 만들면서  장악을 유지하기 위해 투쟁하고 있다.

어떤 이들은 전투나 전쟁이 싸워질 필요가 있다고 느끼지만, 문제의 진실은 이것인데,  많은 성실성을 네가 보일수록,  많은 조건 없는 사랑을 네가 보낸다는 ,  많은 너희가 너의 진실을 말할수록, 어둠이 존재하는 것을  어렵게 만든다는 것이다. 창조되고 있는 두려움으로 너의 의지가 기울어지게 허용하지 마라, 그리고 기억해라... 오즈의 마법사는 단지 커튼 뒤에서  자신을 – 실제  자신보다 - 훨씬  크고,  무섭게 만들고 있는 단지  남자라는 것을. - 창조자

My beautiful child; do not be afraid of the darkness presenting itself in your world today. Even though it seems that it is intensifying, it is heaving its last breaths. The people of the world are awakening at an unprecedented rate, growing in light and love. The darkness feels/sees this and is struggling to maintain a hold by creating more fear, hatred and negativity.

Some feel a battle or war needs to be waged but, the truth of the matter is this; the more integrity you show, the more Unconditional Love you send, the more you speak your truth, the harder it becomes for the darkness to exist. Do not allow your will to be bent by the fear being created and remember…the Wizard of Oz was just a man behind a curtain making himself much bigger and scarier than what and who he was. ~ Creator



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