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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 1/7 ~ 1/8/2020 ] - 너의 언제[할 것인지]를 찾아라 . 분위기를 놓아라...




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

1/7/2020 ~ 1/8/2020 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 1/7/2020 ~ 1/8/2020 ]


너의 언제[ 것인지] 찾아라

Find Your When

By Creator


특히 투사하고 편향된 생애를 가진 후에  자신과 너의 에너지에 대해 책임을 지는 것이 하기에 매우 도전적인 일이   있다.  과정을 시작하는데 필요한 3가지 일은 어디서 시작하는가, 어떻게 생각을 바꿀 것인가, 그리고 언제  것인가를 찾는 가이다. 만약 네가, 네가 행한 역할에 대해 책임감을 마지못해 받아들인다면,  재건축이 지연될  있다. 네가 완전히 준비가  ... 우주는 네가 필요한 많은 조건 없는 사랑과 도움을 가지고 기다릴 것이다. - 창조자

Taking responsibility for yourself and your energy, especially after a lifetime of projecting and deflecting, can be a very challenging thing to do. There are three things needed to begin the process: where to start, how to change the thinking and finding the when. If you are unwilling to accept responsibility for the role you have played, the rebuilding may be delayed. When you are fully ready…The Universe will be waiting with as much Unconditional Love and assistance as you need. ~ Creator



분위기를 놓아라...

Set the Tone...

By Creator


다음  주들에 걸쳐, 네가 어떻게 너희 내적이고 외적 세계들로 대응하기를 선택하는가가 네가 무엇을 체험할 것인가를 위해 분위기를 놓을 것이다. 너는 항상 하나의 선택이 주어졌다. (미소 지으며) 너희 지구-계는 어떤 흥미로운 시간들을 통해 움직이고 있으며... 거기 버티면서, 너의 빛을 계속 빛내어라. 그것이 너희 세계가 바로 지금 가장 필요로 하는 것이다. - 창조자

Over the next few weeks, how you choose to respond to your inner and outer worlds will set the tone for what you experience. You have always been given a choice! (Smiling) Your Earth plane is moving through some interesting times…hang in there and keep shining your light. It is what your world needs most right now. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/13923 재림/2203 ~ 4