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+ 임박한 공개적 사건 / 세계 어둠의 도당 1만명 체포 ?


임박한 공개적 사건/ 어둠의 도당 1만명 체포


우리가 대한민국에 앉아서 지구촌 정보를 다 알 수는 없는 것이고.. 어떻든영화같은 자료들과 동영상들이 올라옵니다. 참고로 보시면서 관망해보는 방법밖에 .. 어떻게 주류 언론에 기사화 될 것인지...우리가 들을 수 있는 현실에서 상황을 한번 지켜봐야겠습니다.


* 세계 금융권 줄 사퇴 358명으로 늘어나




* 대규모 시민전쟁은 월스트리트로부터 일어난다 - 금융엘리트들이 서로를 향해 등을 돌리기 시작했다

페니매와 프레디맥을 대리해서 월스트리트 17개 투자은행을 상대로 무려 1,980억달러의 소송이 제기되었다. 그중 BoA 가 가장 크게 걸렸다.

Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street – Financial Elite Start Turning On Each Other…



* 6조달러에 달하는 미국 채권에 대한 사기극이 이태리 경찰에 의해 적발되었다.

Record $6 Trillion of Fake U.S. Bonds Seized




Imminent Televised Event: Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global Cabal Members

Posted By : Mr.Ed Date: Thursday, 15 - Mar - 2012. 23:41:58


2012. 03. 15.에 visionarypeace 님이 올린 동영상








Imminent Televised Event:

Mass Arrests of 10.000 Global Cabal Members - 2012



A valuable source bellow that is tracking the resignation count, and includes a full listing of the known resignations with details.


Benjamin Fulford reporting on related events and the arrests that are already happening at - www.BenjaminFulford.net

News Article: FHA Files a $196 Billion Lawsuit Against 17 Major Banks


News Article: Record $6 Trillion of Fake U.S. Bonds Seized


Very soon, you will witness the world-wide mass arrests of the many criminal cabal members.

These arrests will mean the removal of the final obstacles that will allow for the implementation of the new abundance systems that are ready to immediately free humanity from the current economy and its falsely imposed conditions of debt and poverty.

There have been many men and women dedicated to this cause who have been working diligently in secret for years to bring us to this moment and are so eager to present to humanity the new system that will immediately redistribute abundance to all of humanity and release humanity from the mundane life it has known. Freedom is to be returned to the people.

The release of technologies and other suppressed elements that are to be introduced will follow to assist this transition.

The news of these mass arrests will come sudden and come hard, and many whom are unprepared with an understanding as to why may feel shocked and confused to witness so many taken into custody.

These many men and women, how ever, have served for the perpetuation of your enslavement and all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people

Certain big media groups have agreed to cover these events and assist in the disclosure timeline. These arrests will be televised and fully shared with you for it is owed to the people of the world that they witness the very moments and actions taken that will mean your release from the control of these many people whom have for so long worked to serve the control and exploitation of humanity. This manipulation will end and humanity will enter into a new life.

With this in mind, you can look upon these arrests without fear and acknowledge what they mean for your world.

There are many sources of this type of liberating information and it is requested that this information is made available to all who may, or may not, choose to at least familiarize themselves with it, for all efforts to spread this information are valuable and will help dispel fears and lessen the impact

True freedom is to be returned to you soon.

The music featured in this video is:

Valkyrie dimension [ DDRX2 ] (Water Remix)

소스: Peterkim http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7863156