지구인을 지배해 온 악의 축 : 10명의 세계 전범자들
10명의 세계 전범자들
Top 10 Most Wanted Global War Criminals
10명의 세계 전범자들 : 그들은 결코 무슬림들이 아니다!
Ten Top Global War Criminals: All non-Muslims!
Posted on July 25, 2013
유태인 작가, 시버 플록커는 "스탈린의 유태인"이란 저서에서 현대에 있어서 최악의 살인자중 일부는 유태인들이라고 했다. 그 말은 스탈린이 최초의 유태인국가, 소련을 건국한이래 80년을 두고볼때 사실이었다.
Jewish author, Sever Plocker in his book, Stalin’s Jews claimed that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish. That statement seems to be true 80 years after Stalin created the first Jewish state in Russia.
죠니 퍼니쉬, 미국 음악가이며 시인, 작가는 그의 블로그의 2013년 3월 20일자 기사에서 10명의 세계 전범자들 리스트를 발표했다. 그중 6명의 전범자는 유태인이었다. 그들은 베냐민 네타냐후, 헨리 키신저, 루퍼트 머독, 제이미 다이먼, 헨리 폴슨, 폴 울포비츠 들이다. 나머지 4명 전범자는 전대통령 조지 부시, 딕체니, 도널드 럼스펠드, 토니 블레어인데 이들은 기독 시오니스트 이슬람혐오자들이다.
Johnny Punish, an American muscian, poet and writer, published a list of Top Ten Most Wanted Global War Criminals on his blog on March 20, 2013. Six of the top ten war criminals, Benjamin Netanyahu, Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch, Jamie Dimon, Hank Paulson and Paul Wolfowitz, are Jewish or have Jewish family roots. The remaining four are Christian Zionist Islamophobes, former president George Bush, former US vice-president Dick Cheney, former US secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld and former British prime minister Tony Blair.
딕체니는 헨리키신저가 10위에 오른 반면 최 우선 반열에 올랐는데 아마도 크리스토퍼 히친스 (2011년 작고)가 이슬람 혐오자로 그를 찍었기 때문일 것으로 추측한다.
Dick Cheney tops the list while Henry Kissinger is at the bottom of the list. However, I bet, the US-British writer-author and an Islamophobe, Christopher Hitchens (died 2011) would have disputed Henry Kissinger being at the bottom of the list. Johnny Punish’s ratings in order follow:
1) DICK CHENEY, the Global Sith
1. 딕체니 Dick Cheney: 새 미국의 세기 프로젝트 설립자, 911 사태의 기획자, 고문 전문기술 분야 부통령, 중동전쟁 옹호자, 이라크 아프간 전쟁 기획
Signator of the PNAC, Cheney is the accused mastermind of the 911 “terrorist” attack against the people of the world. Cheney has been called “The Vice President For Torture” by the Washington Post. A staunch supporter of the Middle Eastern Wars for resources, Cheney, like Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld bears particular responsibility for the conduct of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
2) GEORGE W. BUSH, Idiot Drunk and Coked Up Innocent bystander
2. 조지 W 부시 Dubya Bush: 광대, 미 역사상 가장 황당한 대통령, 바보, 911 사태 방조자
He is a clown. He was by far the most embarrassing US President in history. He’s such a moron that you kind of feel sorry for him. I mean this clown on 9/12 had the whole world on his side and, within 1 year, blew that goodwill to hell completely. It’s precisely that kind of talent that puts Mr. Mission Accomplished on this list at #2.
3) BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, Prime Sinister of Israhell
3. 베냐민 네타냐후 Benjamin Netanyahu: 온갖 반인륜범죄의 중심점, 미국 대중을 기만, 미국이스라엘협회 AIPAC 를 통한 이중 스파이질, 팔레스틴 토착민에 대한 천인공노할 인산폭탄세례로 세계를 경악케해,
Bibi, we love you! You’ve been around so long we’ve lost track of how many crimes against humanity you’ve committed. I mean you’ve screwed the American public for so long headed by your spy and bidding ring in America commonly known as AIPAC that we no longer know what is up and what is down. And to make it even worse, you do it soooooo effortlessly. It’s impressive.
I mean you take white phosphorus dumps on the indigenous populations and then call them terrorists while the American public cheers you on,; even more than their U.S. President. Wow! That’s amazing!
Talent? No way! It’s much more! I think the word is Mastery.
You are that Master Po guy in the 70′s Kung Fu TV show teaching poor little Grasshopper Obama how to control the universe. And that puts you on this esteemed list.
Somebody give this man a standing ovation! Wait! What’s that? The U.S. Congress already did that? Dam he’s good! Ga Ga Ga Gitmo time! Read full wiki bio >>>
4) JAMIE DIMON, J .P. Morgan Chase Chairman and Known Global Tapeworm
4. 제이미 다이먼 Jamie Dimon 제이피모건 회장: 세계의 사악한 머니게임의 중심, 모든 화폐금융놀이를 통해 미국민과 인류의 돈을 갈취. 그들이 막대한 돈을 빼내는 통에 인류는 빈곤과 생계위협에 몰림. 돈 게임의 규칙을 맘대로 주물럭거린 사악한자
Mr. Dimon, how sweet it is! The Tapeworm! We love this guy! In fact, most of the global peoples don’t even know your name which makes you so so really evil because you do it in plain site. You screw the masses each day leading an evil empire that controls the money game enslaving the populace while you create wealth for you and your buds in a game where you control the rules.
5) RUPERT MURDOCH, Global Media Master Brainwasher
5. 루퍼트 머독 Ropert Murdoch 스타 티비그룹 회장: 세계 기만의 언론의 원본기사의 소스, 세계민 의식을 교묘하게 통제, 사법과 정치인을 공갈협박하며 기사날조. 세계사의 진정한 조작자
Ahhhh, the Australian globalist posing an American gentleman. Hey wasn’t this guy in that James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies? I am sure that was him looking to control the global media. Except this maniac is for real.
Does anyone have a straight jacket the size of his megalomania. How old is this clown act anyway? Is he really a human being or just a hologram?
6) HANK PAULSON, Global Bankster and Financial Rapist
6. 헨리 폴슨 Hank Paulson 전 재무장관: 2008년 미국금융쓰나미와 서브프라임 모기지사태때 재무장관으로 7천억달러 구제금융을 입안해 그 돈을 국민을 구제하는데 쓰지않고 금융마피아의 배를 불리고 금융헤게모니를 완벽하게 쌓아올리는데 사용함
When Paulson left the top job at Goldman Sachs to become Treasury Secretary in 2006, his big concern was whether he’d have an impact. He ended up almost single-handedly running the country’s economic policy for the last year of the Bush Administration insuring that his buddies got bailed out after screwing everybody. Wow, what a performance! Can you say Agent Double-Oh-Bilderberger?
7) PAUL WOLFOWITZ, the Iraq War Architect
7. 폴 울포비츠 Paul Wolfowitz 전쟁전략가: 끝없는 중동전쟁의 기획자, 이라크 전쟁의 1백만명 사망자를 초래한 무참한 무차별 전쟁의 옹호자. 그러고서도 세계 은행 총재로 승진.
The architect of the Middle Eastern War Without End. Casualties in two pre-emptive wars now exceed 1,000,000 deaths, not including the 4,000+ US deaths and over 40,000 wounded. And this clown act won a Presidential Medal of Freedom for his evil work and a promotion to the head of the World Bank. You can’t write comedy better than this. I would send him to Gitmo but the laughs seem to be worth having him around on TV trying to justify his actions. It’s better than watching the comedy channel. Too funny!
8) TONY BLAIR, Wingman to G.W. Bush in the Fabricated Wars
8. 토니블레어 Tony Blair: 조지부시의 전쟁 공모자, 이라크전쟁을 기획 동조 개전함. 무수한 기만의 술책의 광대
Blair, with his buddy Georgy, better known as G.W., launched a war of aggression that broke international law. In attacking Iraq, Blair committed a crime against peace, defined by the Nuremberg Principles as the “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression”. The Iraq war was waged for a reason other than self-defence, which made it a crime of aggression and violated Articles 33 and 51 of the UN Charter. Besides, he smiles while he lies. That’s worth a ticket to Gitmo.
9) DONALD RUMSFELD, Loyal Neo-Conned
9. 도널드 럼스펠드 Donald Rumsfeld: 새 미국의 세기 프로젝트 설립자, 911 사태의 기획자, 이라크전쟁 개전 팀, 열화우라늄탄을 전쟁에 도입해 방사능 오염을 만연시킴
Signator of the PNAC document that calls for pre-emptive hostile acts of US imperialism conducted by overwhelming military means (War) against weaker nations possessing scarce resources. Aside from the estimated 1,000,000 Iraqi deaths, the estimated 40,000 US casualties (dead and injured), and the untold tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands unaccounted for who suffer from the effects of depleted uranium now and in the years to come, well Rummy, you win! You get on this list. I mean Rumsfeld remains convinced the “war on terror” was just. Does Gitmo have a super insane wing? If so, he belongs there.
10) HENRY KISSINGER, The Original War Criminal
10. 헨리키신저 Henry Kissinger: 근대사 40년간 주요 전쟁인, 칠레, 베트남, 이스라엘 전쟁을 기획하고 뒷받침함. 그러고서도 노벨 평화상 수상하여 인류의식을 흐리게 함
He had a hand in killings around the world for over 40 years. Some argue he’s still involved. From Chile to Vietnam to Israel, lovable Henry was the man. Heck, he was so good that they even gave him a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. Wow, good job Europa! I loved this man so much that, with my old punk rock band Twisted Nixon, I penned a song in his honor called ‘Kissinger is Dead’. Listen to the song below.
원문 : http://www.johnnypunish.com/blog/2013/03/top-10-most-wanted-global-war-criminals/
(인용편집) 요약번역 : http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7865881
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