이 전쟁은 시민전쟁도 아니고 반란사태도 아닌, 오로지 서방의 침공일뿐이다
시리아에서 보고된 새로운 학살 특공대의 만행
New Death Squad Massacre Reported in Syria

Wednesday, August 7, 2013
브랜던 터크빌 Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
현재 공공연하게 자행되는 짓들중에서 시리아의 알카에다 학살부대가 무고한 시민을 살상하는 사태가 표면에 또다시 오르고 있다.
이란 통신사인 알-알람뉴스에 따르면 남자와 여성 330명과 어린이 120명이 시리아 북쪽 도시 탈 아비야드에서 살해되었는데, 이들은 대부분이 쿠르드 족이었다고 한다.
In what has become commonplace, yet another report has now surfaced regarding a massacre of innocent civilians by al-Qaeda death squads in Syria. According to reports from Al-Alam News, an Iranian news agency, approximately 330 men and women have been murdered along with 120 children in Tal Abyad, a district of northern Syria. The majority of the victims appear to have been Kurdish.
무참한 시민 학살을 저지른 자들은 테러조직인 알누스라 전선 부대원들이었다고 전해진다. 이들은 미 CIA 와 터키 정보부에 연계된 자들로써 시리아 내부에서 활동중이다.
The perpetrators of the attack were allegedly members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, a terrorist organization which has been active inside Syria for some time and one which has clear ties to both the CIA and Turkish intelligence. [1]
Al-Alam aired what RT described as “horrific uncensored footage from the scene,” although RT has stated that it has been unable to confirm the authenticity of the footage as of yet.[2]
현재 시리아 정부나 학살 특공대 양측에서 누구도 알-알람이 보도하는 소식을 확인해주지 않고 있으나 러시아타임즈는 시리아 영내의 수많은 소스를 접촉해서 그 지역에서 전투가 가열된다는 것을 확인하고 있다.
At this time, neither the Syrian government nor the death squads have confirmed the reports coming from Al-Alam. However, RT was able to contact a number of sources inside Syria, including several Kurds, who confirmed that fighting in their areas had been increasing.
학살특공대의 만행으로 인한 희생자의 친척이라는 야신 탈부시는 러시아타임즈 방송에 이렇게 증언했다. " 알누스라 용병과 다른 반란군이 마을을 포위했다. 그들은 집집마다 찾아다니며 거기에 남자가 있으면 죽였고, 여성과 어린이는 인질로 붙들어갔다. 러시아타임즈의 이리나 갈루쉬코는 쿠르드 언론인 발잔 이소를 인터뷰했는데, 그는 알-알람이 보도한 내용을 확인해줬다.
"알카에다가 7월 19일자로 쿠르드 마을을 공격하기 시작했다. 이들은 수많은 쿠르드 인을 납치해갔는데 정확히 얼마나 되는지는 알려지지 않았다. 이소는 말하길 이 지역의 상당부분이 학살 특공대가 통제하는데 이들은 쿠르드 인들이 정보를 모으거나 조사를 하는 행동을 허락하지 않고 있다."
Yasin Tarbush, a relative of one of the victims of the death squad atrocity, stated to RT, “The al-Nusra militants and other rebel forces surrounded the village. They started going door to door, entering every house. If there were any men, they killed them and took the women and children hostage.”
Kurdish journalist Barzan Iso, in an interview with Irina Galushko of RT, confirmed some of what the Iranian news agency has reported and lent credence to what Al-Alam has claimed. He said, “Al-Qaeda started attacking Kurdish villages on the 19th of July. After these attacks they kidnapped many Kurds. We don’t have a specific statistic.” Iso also pointed out that many of these areas are controlled by the death squads, who do not allow Kurds to gather information or investigate.
이소는 이렇게 증언한다. "시리아 사태가 발생한 초기에 쿠르드인들은 시민 분쟁에 휘말리지 않으려 노력했다... 그중에는 알라위 쿠르드인 같은 무슬림이 아닌 쿠르드인들이 있었다. 그래서 더우기 시리아 분쟁에 들어가지 않았던 것이다. 그러나 지금은 쿠르드에 대항하는 조직들이 알카에다와 알누스라 용병을 통해서 쿠르드 인을 공격하고 있다. 그 이유는 이자들이 근본주의 민족주의자이기 때문이다. 이들은 알카에다의 명분을 걸고 쿠르드 인을 공격한다.
Iso also stated,
Since the beginning of the events in Syria, the Kurds tried not to be a part of the civil conflict…there are non-Muslim Kurds, as well as Alawite Kurds – that’s why they tried to be away from [it]. But now, some of the opposition groups are using al-Qaeda and al-Nusra to attack Kurds. The main cause is that they have the mentality of radical nationalists. That’s why they are using al-Qaeda as an umbrella to attack the Kurdish people.The Kurdish population appears to resent the death squads as much other Syrians, even though the Kurds have attempted to remain as neutral as possible in generalized terms since the beginning of the conflict. Recently, however, Kurds have beenmobilizing armed militias in an attempt to defend their territory and neighborhoods from “rebel” assaults.
After the assassination of Isa Huso, a prominent Kurdish leader, Kurdish groups such as the YPG (Committees for the Protection of the Kurdish People) have been calling for Kurdish defiance of the death squads. For instance, a statement posted to the YPG website read, “We call on the Kurdish people ... to step forward ... Anyone fit to bear arms should join the ranks of the Committees for the Protection of the Kurdish People [YPG] and to face the assaults of these [jihadist] armed groups.” [3]
In addition to the reports made by Al-Alam, the news agency Suriya al-Ain has reported that the death squads are executing Kurdish prisoners as “revene on the Kurds, for defeats inflicted on them.”
Furthermore, RT states, “One week ago, al-Nusra militants attacked two Syrian towns, taking around 200 civilians hostage. It was reported that all of those abducted came from the families of soldiers of the Kurdish Brigades who were previously part of the opposition Free Syrian Army, but later defected to the Kurdish Self-Defense forces.”
As Charles Lister of IHS Janes, a firm which is monitoring the Syrian crisis, has stated,
The victory [i.e. the taking of an important military airport in northern Syria] again underlines the leading strategic impact being played by militant Islamists, particularly in northern Syria. Every major offensive in northern Syria this year has been announced, led and coordinated by Islamists.
Colin Cavell, a political scientist at Bluefield State College in West Virginia, was even more blunt in his analysis when he stated to RT,
Right now most of the American people are very unclear about exactly what is going on. Our media kind of keeps it down low on one end, and on the other end it says we are supporting moderate democratic opposition, which is hilarious to anybody who is following this. We are supporting Al-Qaeda-linked Jihadists, who are massacring people.
Cavell is, of course, correct. Indeed, by this time, it should be abundantly clear to anyone who is observing the Syrian crisis that the so-called “rebels” are nothing more than terrorist death squads, religious fundamentalists, and mercenaries, all of whom have been founded, organized, trained, armed, and directed by Western powers. [4]
소위 말해서 반군이라 하는 조직은 테러를 자행하는 학살 특공대에 다름아니며, 종교적 근본주의 세력이며 용병이며, 서방 세력에 의해 지원되고 훈련받은 죽음의 군대이다.
이 전쟁은 시민전쟁도 아니고 반란사태도 아닌, 오로지 서방의 침공일뿐이다.
The war taking place inside Syria is not a civil war, nor is it a rebellion.
It is an invasion.
[1] Dilks, Andy. “Syria: US Supported Rebels Carry Out Another Massacre of Civilians.” Global Research. August 7, 2013. http://www.globalresearch.ca/syria-us-supported-rebels-carry-out-another-massacre-of-civilians/5345269
[2] “Disturbing Report Alleges Killings of 450 Kurds In Syria.” RT. August 7, 2013. http://rt.com/news/syria-kurds-massacre-lavrov-132/
[3] “Syrian Kurds urged to rise up against Jihadists.” Daily Star. July 31, 2013. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Jul-31/225717-syrian-kurds-urged-to-rise-up-against-jihadists.ashx#axzz2abNPE66m
[4] Turbeville, Brandon. “Globalist Hidden Hand Revealed in Destabilization of Syria.” Activist Post. April 8, 2013. http://www.activistpost.com/2013/04/globalist-hidden-hand-revealed-in.html
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