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Watch the Earth breathing: Mesmerising animation shows our planet's 'heartbeat' as the seasons change over a year
- Animation was created by John Nelson, a U.S. programmer for IDV solutions
- He stitched together Nasa's satellite images of Earth in one afternoon
The unexpected result makes it appear as though the Earth is breathing
By Mark Prigg
It is an incredible view of our planet ‘breathing’ over the course of a year.
Created using images from Nasa, the incredible animated images give the iconic ‘blue marble’ view of the Earth a dramatic new twist.
They were created by John Nelson, a Michigan programmer for IDV Solutions.
He stitched together images provided by Nasa as part of its ‘Blue Marble Next Generation’ project, which took a picture of the Earth each month.

‘It took an afternoon to make,’ Nelson told MailOnline.
‘And then a little bit more for me to describe why I felt the way I did about them - which, to be honest, caught me quite by surprise.
‘I of course had some expectation of what I would see as a result of animating these frames.
‘But I didn't expect to be so mesmerised by them.'

The images are based on the original Blue Marble, a composite of four months of satellite observations with a spatial resolution (level of detail) of 1 square kilometer per pixel created by Nasa.
Nelson thanked Nasa for updating the project for his version.
'This is made possible by the tremendous folks of the NASA Visible Earth team.'
He also explained how the animations were made.
He said the idea for the site came following a chat with a colleague about Nasa’s website.
‘The idea for these images came about rather randomly, as I was describing to a colleague various design options for presenting satellite data in a compelling way.

An image from Nasa's Visible Earth Project. There have been many images of the full disc of Earth from space- a view often referred to as 'the Blue Marble'- but few have looked quite like this. Using natural-colour images from the Visible/Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), this shows a new view showing the Arctic and high latitudes
‘When went to NASA's Visible Earth website to access some of their tremendous source data imagery, that they make freely available, I noted that there were images representing Earth at each month of the year.
‘I was curious if stitching them together in time into an animation would show and interesting seasonal pattern and so I went to work.
‘I downloaded the twelve cloud-free satellite imagery mosaics of Earth ("Blue Marble Next Generation") at each month of the year. I wrapped them into some fun projections then stitched them together into a couple animated gifs.’
‘Because much of the dramatic change throughout the year occurs in the northern latitudes, I chose a polar projection to focus on this area.
Nelson said he hoped the images would give people a new view of the planet.

This image of Asia and Australia at night is a composite assembled from data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite in April and October 2012. The new data was mapped over existing Blue Marble imagery of Earth to provide a realistic view of the planet
‘Overall, to me it looks like breathing,’ he said.
‘My pixel is right at an interesting intersection of life and ice, where the longest night of the year feels like forever, and the longest day of the year is a like a battery strapped to my back.
‘When I stitch together what can be an impersonal snapshot of an entire planet, all of the sudden I see a thing with a heartbeat.
‘I can track one location throughout a year to compare the annual push and pull of snow and plant life there, while in my periphery I see the oscillating wave of life advancing and retreating, advancing and retreating.
‘And I'm reassured by it.’

John Nelson used the Visible Earth website to access some of their tremendous source data imagery, that they make freely available. This 'blue marble' image is is the most detailed true-colour image of the entire Earth to date
The images, created by Nasa, are part of a series called Blue Marble: Next Generation, and give a years worth of monthly composites at a spatial resolution of 500 meters.
‘These monthly images reveal seasonal changes to the land surface: the green-up and dying-back of vegetation in temperate regions such as North America and Europe, dry and wet seasons in the tropics, and advancing and retreating Northern Hemisphere snow cover,’ said Nasa.
‘From a computer processing standpoint, the major improvement is the development of a new technique for allowing the computer to automatically recognise and remove cloud-contaminated or otherwise bad data—a process that was previously done manually.
‘The new version also improves image clarity, and gives highly reflective land surfaces, such as salt flats, a more realistic appearance.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2381764/Watch-Earth-breathing-Mesmerising-animation-shows-planets-heartbeat-seasons-change-year.html#ixzz2bdM8Wacg
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