세계적 사기술 엔진, 거짓말, 통제수법이 끝나고 있다
세계적 사기술 엔진, 거짓말 그리고 통제수법이 끝나고 있는 5개 큰 증거
5 Big Signs The Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control Are Coming To End
마르코 토레스 By Marco Torres |
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
만일 당신이 그일이 오고 있는 것을 알지 못한다면, 당신은 지난 십년간 어둠 속에 숨어있던 것인지 모른다. 거짓말, 사기술, 공포분위기에 엘리트가 세상을 통제한다는 식으로 그려낸 환상은 이제 우리들 눈앞에서 부서져나가고 있다. 왜냐하면 세상이 깨어나고 있기 때문이다. 여기에 사기술과 표리부동한 시대가 끝나고 있는 5개 징조가 있다.
If you don’t see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities of the world are slowly crumbling right in front of their eyes as the world is awakening. Here are 5 signs that the era of deception and duplicity is coming to an end.
1. 제약산업 복합체가 폭로되고 있다
Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex Has Been Exposed
아마도 세계에서 가장 큰 통제조직의 하나를 들라면 그것은 제약산업 복합체일 것인데, 그것들이 거의 2백년간 수십억 인구를 속여왔다. 이들의 부패와 조작, 불법적 사기술은 지구상 모든 나라를 통째로 먹어들어간 것이다. 지난 10년만 해도 수백만명이 약과 백신을 집어 던져버렸다. 그에 대한 신뢰를 접은 것이다.
이들은 강력한 범죄조직을 만들어서는 대중들에게 뱀기름을 파는 일을 좀체 멈추려하지 않았는데, 이제 국민들이 그 사실을 알게 된 것이다.
지난 7년간 파이자, 글락소스미스클라인, 노바티스 등의 대형제약사가 서서히 가라앉는 모습을 보았다. 약을 발견하는 직업은 미국에서 수천명의 규모로부터 사라졌다. 유럽도 제약산업이 비용을 삭감하는 가운데 수백명이 사라졌는데 이것은 큰 수익을 내던 제약업 시대가 끝나는 것을 보여준다.
Perhaps one of the biggest controlling entities of the world is the pharmaceutical industrial complex who has deceived billions for almost two centuries. Their corruption, fabrications and outright deceit has enveloped almost every nation on Earth. In the last decade alone, millions have outcasted drugs and vaccines from their circle of trust. More people are coming to discover that this powerful group of criminals will stop at nothing to sell their snake oil to the public. Over the last several years, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Novartis — and all other pharmaceutical giants, which once seemed unassailable are slowly drowning. Drug discovery jobs have disappeared by the thousands in the United States and by the hundreds in Europe as the industry has cut costs in order to adjust to what is widely perceived as the end of the blockbuster-drug era.
사람들이 그걸 알게 되었는데 H1N1 신종바이러스 스캔들로부터 HPV 자궁경부암 바이러스, 리피터 고지혈 치료제에서 Vioxx 심장병을 일으키는 염증약 사건을 통해서 대중들은 대부분 현대 질병이 사람이 만들어낸 것임을 알게 되었다. 그것은 인류를 사망에 이르기까지 계속 병들게 하려는 사악한 사이클이며 그것에 독을 주입하는 행위임을 알게 되었다.
한편 계속되는 연구는 자연 치유와 자연 건강식품이 사람이 만든 약보다 더 효과적임도 알게 된다. 이제 의사들은 제약사 약 말고 자연 건강제재를 법으로 사용케하려 노력중이다. 이는 동종요법을 다시 부활시키는 일이 된다.
People are getting it. From the H1N1 scandal to HPV….from Lipitor to Vioxx, the publicis catching on that most modern day diseases are man-made to sell us more poison in a vicious cycle which perpetuates until our death. Research is now showing that natural health products are as effective as man-made drugs and for the first time in history, the natural health industry is aiming to amend legislation to allow physicians to include natural health products in their practice–a change that could revolutionize the allopathic treatment model.
2. 언론은 더이상 신뢰를 얻지 못한다
The Media Is No Longer Capable of Instilling Trust
최근의 조사는 국민의 80%가 주류언론의 뉴스를 신뢰하지않는다는 압도적인 반응을 보여준다. 언론은 전쟁에서부터 건강문제에 이르기까지 거짓을 말하고 선전을 조장했는데, 이제 주류언론은 더이상의 뉴스가치가 있는 선동물을 생산해내지 못할 것이다.
코난 오브라이언은 주류언론이 초점을 맞춰서 떠들어대는 뉴스가 의도적인 소동임을 여실히 폭로했다. 이런 일이 어떤 문제에 대해서건 매일 벌어지는데, 언론은 그들 말로, 수백만의 의식을 프로그램하고 조작하고 또 속이려는 하나의 거대한 조크로 간주된다. 이들의 지배와 독점은 대체언론에 의해서 위축되었다. 대체언론은 한번에 하나씩 거짓 보도를 폭로한다. 이토록 우리는 거대한 성공을 거두었다.
Recent polls now show that an overwhelming 80% of the population no longer trusts mainstream newscasts. From the lies and promotion of wars to our health, the mainstream media is incapable of generating any unbiased newsworthy content without corporate or government propaganda. Conan O’Brien easily revealed how mainstream media’s scripted taking points are just a farce. This happens almost everyday on any issue you can imagine, across all networks at any time. The media, as they say “is a joke” branded to program the minds of millions though manipulation and deception. But their dominion and monopoly has been thwarted by the alternative media who are now fully engaged in exposing every lie one at a time….and we are achieving great success.
3. 기존의 식품산업은 붕괴한다
The Conventional Food Industry is Collapsing
유전자변형 식품에 반대하는 진영과 몬산토사 로비스트 그룹 사이의 거대한 투쟁을 지켜보며 우리는 대형 농업회사, 바이오테크사 또 전 식품 산업이 혼돈에 빠졌음을 알게 되었다.
지금까지의 통상조약은 유전자변형 식품에 있어 원산지 원재료 표시행위를 불법으로 규정한다는 것이었다. 허나 점차 유전자변형 식품 사실을 숨기는 것이 가능하지 않게 되었다. 정부가 국민에 해로운 재료를 숨기는 행위를 불법으로 단속하고 있기 때문이다. 이제 통제되던 표시 반대행위는 폭로되고 있다 또 이들 조직이 투명한 운영을 할 것이 불가피 해졌다.
By observing the chess match between anti-GMO camps and Monsanto (and their lobbyists), we see a clear indication that big agriculture, biotech and the entire food industry is in turmoil. Trade agreements currently being drafted in developed nations are attempting to secure legislation dictating all GMO labeling as illegal. Resistance against GMOs are being defined as “anti-free trade practices” that governments are attempting to enforce in the form of economic sanctions against nations that attempt to ban GMOs. Labeling initiatives spawned by various groups are being exposed as controlled opposition and the true intentions and transparency of these organizations is inevitable. Food giants are being held accountable for their manufacturing processes, toxic ingredients and lack of credibility.
All of these things are sure signs that the biotech industry is losing control as the entire world is awakening to the dangers of genetically modified foods and the conventional food supply. Technology is coming forward that will soon allow on-the-spot tests for environmental toxins, GMOs, pesticides, food safety and more with their smartphones and other hand-held devices as a defiant public will stop at nothing to regain independence within the food supply.
4. 자유 운동은 구심력을 모으고 있다
The Freedom Movement Is Gaining Momentum
사실상의 외국기관들인 산업체와 금융기관, 대학, 군대 지도자들은 주권국이며 자유국가에 자기들의 변화를 가하려고 무척 바빴다. 허나 이제는 상황이 바뀌었는데, 국민의 활동과 자유무역 또는 권리제한을 할 권위가 사라졌다. 이것은 모든 이들이 제한없이 자유권을 추구하게 되었다는 말이다.
과거의 엘리트 사회는 인권에 눈을 뜬 국민들에 대해서 겁을 먹고 있다. 경찰은 불법으로 엘리트의 행동을 뒷받침하지 못하고있다. 아예 경찰이나 권력층도 국민을 두려워하며 바뀌고 있다.
De facto foreign administrations of unelected industrialists, financiers, academics, military leaders along with representatives from our elected government officials have been very busy the past century implementing changes into nations who were once sovereign and free. However, they have no real authority to restrict public mobility, free trade or limit access to anything. That means that everybody is free to drive without insurance, driver’s license, license plates, free to trade any articles of exchange including vitamins, supplements, healing modalities and free to consume and ingest anything they wish without restriction. This is a right of all people born on any land, and the movement to educate millions on these issues is rising across the globe. Mass populations are starting to see the reality that there is no longer sovereignty within nations. The people of these nations have lost their ability to write their own laws, avoid arrest, injury and damage from corporations which seek to remove all the freedoms from the people.
The elite societies of the world are now petrified of the awakening of these fundamental human rights. This is the fear of every official who deems their opinion can be enforced over others through artificial laws that don’t hold any weight in the highest courts. We are now declaring those rights more than ever and every beneficiary of the corrupt system is sending the police to insist that we are in wrong and they are right. It is about knowing what absolute sovereignty truly is and embracing the power to express that right regardless of anybody else’s interpretation. Police are being held accountable for these injustices and their homes and possessions are being taken from them in the highest courts as the people fight for their rights to be free and will accept no damage by illegal enforcement (the police) in the interim.
5. 자연의 힘이 펼쳐지고 모든 독성물질을 폐기하는 일이 불가피해졌다
The Liberation of Nature and Abolishment of All Things Toxic Is Now Inevitable
12개 이상의 미국 주에서 마리화나를 소유하는 행동을 범죄시 했던 것에서 바뀌고 있다. 콜로라도주와 워싱턴 주는 사람들이 마리화나를 소지하고 팔고 수송, 경작하는 일을 합법화했다. 이런 경향은 전국으로 곧 합법화할 것이다.
이전에 권력층이 마리화나를 용인하지 않는 의료 수단으로 간주하며 헤로인처럼 고도로 위험한 약물로 분류했던 것에서 2011년부터 완전히 바뀌었다. 연방정부는 이에 대한 태도를 180도로 바꾼 것이다.
국민이 모든 수준에서 자연과의 교감을 갖는 것이 인정되었고, 그에 따라 카나비스 대마잎은 자유화되며 놀라운 인권의 신장을 본 것이다.
More than a dozen U.S. states have now completely decriminalized the act of possessing marijuana and both Colorado and Washington have made it legal to possess, sell, transport and cultivate the plant. But soon it may be legalized across the entire country. That is quite the 180 from the federal government’s tune in 2011 when they decreed that marijuana had no accepted medical use and should remain classified as a highly dangerous drug like heroin. Nobody has the right to criminalize or restrict anybody from possessing a plant or smoking it for that matter. The rights of people to interact with nature are being recognized on all levels and cannabis liberation is a amazing step forward.
The restoration of clean drinking water through the removal of toxic fluoride is another example of how governments can no longer contain their lies, in this case the 60-year old deception of fluoride. Almost the entire world is now coming full circle to the health consequences of poisoning the water supply with fluoride. Most developed nations, including all of Japan and 97% of western Europe, do not fluoridate their water. Israel was recently added to that list. Many communities, over the last few years, stopped fluoridation in the US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Recently, both Wichita, Kansas and Portland, Oregon rejected fluoridation 60% to 40%. Hamilton, NZ, councilors voted 7-1 to stop 50 years of fluoridation after councilors listened to several days of testimony from those for and against fluoridation. Windsor, Ontario, stopped 51 years of fluoridation. Sixteen regional councils have halted or rejected fluoridation in Queensland since mandatory fluoridation was dropped there in Nov. 2012.
The news is spreading and a renaissance is blooming worldwide. There is no stopping it. The potential war in Syria which has no support from the American public is a beautiful reminder that people are tuning into their own hearts and wisdom as they come to understand that war will never accomplish anything but create more war.
Get ready my friends because we are headed for an incredible ride as we pave the way for a new consciousness as we rebuild the Earth, take back our power as united and free citizens of this wonderful planet.
About the Author
Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.
This article was reposted with the express permission from the kind crew over at preventdisease.com
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