[디아트 통신 279]
" 켐트레일 "
미 국방부에서 기원한 것임이 자료에 의해 폭로되다
Documents Reveal “Chemtrails” Originated at Department of Defense
by Harold Saive
Contrary to rumors of “conspiracy theory”, the Department of Defense first published “Chemtrails” in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots attending the esteemed US Air Force Academy.
It’s reasonable to speculate that “Chemtrails”, and its implied meaning was eventually adopted by civilian observers to describe unusual military jet contrail emissions and later, commercial aircraft persistent contrails.
In etymological terms, the origin of a word is very important. Regardless the intended definition, history clearly shows the term “Chemtrails” originated at the US Department of Defense as the title for a Chemistry manual used at the Air Force Academy cadet training program in the early 1990′s.
The purpose of this post is to establish the term “chemtrails” was invented by the DoD for the Air Force Academy. However compelling, we resist claiming that the title and/or content is directly linked to the covert aerosol geoengineering and “chemtrails” operation that has been infecting planet earth since the early 1990′s. The course content, however suggests possible methods for manipulation of the earth’s atmospheric chemistry and conductivity, and could be construed as a course requirement for pilots who could be engaged in deploying chemicals into the atmosphere.
음모론 따위에서나 취급되던 켐트레일의 실체는 알고 보니 1990년 미 국방부 공군사관학교 생도들의 커리큘럼 교재의 하나로 제작된 것임이 드러남.
Saive 영감님이 직접 어디선가 미국 공군사관학교의 1990년도 교재를
구해다가 관련 내용을 설파하는 모습으로 보입니다..
Chemtrails Defined
Definition – A: The Oxford Dictionary provides an accurate description of “chemtrails” even if they are unaware that the DoD is the “inventor” and original publisher of the word, “chemtrails”.
Pronunciation: /ˈkɛmtreɪl/
a visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft and believed by some to consist of chemical or biological agents released as part of a covert operation.
Origin: 1990s: blend of chemical and trail, on the pattern of contrail (Oxford Dictionary)
Definition – B: Defined as an “exotic weapon” in HR 2977, Space Preservation Act of 2001. (Gov. Doc – PDF)
In 2001, US Rep., Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 2977 “Space Preservation Act of 2001″. The text of the Bill defines Chemtrails as an ‘exotic weapon”
Origin: Department of Defense title to a chemistry manual as required study for future pilots enrolled at the US Air Force Academy.
A Microfilm copy of “Chemtrails” is available through the Inter Library Loan system (ILL). Exhibts and chain of custody is included below.
The complete 202 page Chemtrails manual is available for download – HERE or HERE (Large 28 MB file. Use right-click method to download)
About the Chemtrails Manual Cover
- The Air Force Academy Chemtrails manual cover shows a flame from a Bunsen burner that appears to be producing two “trails”.
- The title of the manual “Chemtrails” is printed between the two “trails”.
- Considering the intentional graphic depicting “trails” it’s possible the Bunsen burner represents a jet engine producing “chemically” induced, persistent contrails.
- A Bunsen burner is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame which is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion.
- A test tube filled with a liquid is emptying contents into a flask.
- The remaining graphic appears to be a chemical representation for “methane” (CH4). Since Natural gas contains mostly “methane” it’s possible this symbol alludes to the fuel providing the flame to the Bunsen burner. (Natural Gas)
Method: An inter-library loan initiated by the Alachua County main library yielded a microfilm copy of the 1990 Chemistry 131 Manual used in training by the US Air force Academy. The lending institution was the William T. Young Library at the University of Kentucky as shown in the label below.
The microfilm was in acceptable condition, however the 1990 Chemtrails manual was scanned in 1992 under less than optimum conditions from a well-used original.
The Alachua County Library equipment was used to scan each of the 200 pages to digital *.TIF files. Photoshop was used to optimize each image to the smallest file size that would permit adequate resolution for on-line viewing. Each image was imported to a Microsoft Word page where the complete manual was saved to a 28 MB PDF file. (Portable Document File).
Air Force Academy Admissions Requirements-2013
이렇게 큰 탱크에 담아 어제도 오늘도 내일도 흩 뿌리고...
천상의 호스트들은 이를 철 없이 안타까워 하며 청소를 해 줍니다.
과거에 천상정부 측은 메시지를 통해 켐트레일에 대한 해악성과 일부 함대들에 의해 행성 수준에서
관련 청소 작업들도 있었다고 언급했었지요..
하지만 이 놈들은 또 뿌리고 뿌리고 뿌리고..
지구 대기환경을 변화 시켜 기후조종 및
(예전에 HAARF 시스템이 그들에게 유효했을 때 대기 촉매의 목적으로도 사용되었고요..)
동시에 지상의 사람들의 체내에 혹은 두뇌에 축적이 되도록 함으로써
관련 질병 및 사고 및 판단력 저하를 유도하려는 목적이었습니다.
물질의 대기살포를 위한 방법과 관련 시스템에 대한 특허 - 특허넘버 : 7413145
또 켐트레일 화학물질과 생물학적 무기를 싣고 가던 비행기가
인도와 나이지리아에 강제로 착륙 당했던 사건도 튀어 나옵니다..
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