"22미터 높이 초대형 파도가 영국해변을 들이치다"
대서양 초대형폭풍이 영국을 내습한다
February 8th 2014:
Monster 75 FOOT wave smashes into BRITISH coast:
Atlantic superstorm to hit UK TOMORROW
By http://theboldcorsicanflame.wordpress.com
Feb 9, 2014 - 8:37:49 AM
영국은 사상최대 파도에 두드려맞는다 - 엄청난 22미터짜리 괴물 파도 - 불과 몇시간전에 대서양 초대형 폭풍이 본토에 도달할 것으로 경고발령
BRITAIN has been battered by the biggest wave in HISTORY – a staggering 75ft monster – just hours before a huge Atlantic superstorm is set to smash into the mainland.
The largest wave ever seen in British waters was recorded at 3.30am yesterday by a buoy operated by the Plymouth Coastal Observatory at Porthleven, Cornwall. The beast destroyed the previous record British wave of 67ft and forecasters warned it was only the beginning of 72 hours of storm hell.It came as experts recommended a TSUNAMI warning system be installed in the Atlantic to protect Britain and Ireland from enormous waves they claimed were ‘increasingly likely’.
The UK was battered by 90mph winds and torrential rain again overnight – but by far the most violent storm forecast in recent times is yet to hit with widespread damage and disruption expected in the coming days. Parts of a key railway line were destroyed and nearly 10,000 homes were left without power as the brutal weather wreaked havoc yesterday. Police helicopters were scrambled to help evacuate 150 properties in the Somerset flooding danger zone as David Cameron set up a £100million emergency fund to assist communities in coping with the crisis. Winds of 105mph were recorded on the Isles of Scilly, off Cornwall while one pub in Chesil Beach, Dorset was completely submerged by a giant 60ft wave.
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