U.F.S [Universe Family Ship] U.F.F [Universe Family Fleet]
태양 주변에 UFO 들은 계속뜨고, 지구상공에도 UFO
UFOs activity near the Sun and solar anomalies -
Review for February 10, 2014
Solar anomalies and UFOs near the Sun - News for February 9, 2014
Alien technology, anomalies and UFOs near the Sun -
Review for February 8, 2014
Large UFOs activity of different types near the Sun - February 7, 2014
UFO over Taiwan - 2/8/2014 (8:58)
UFO Over Taiwan Air Force Base On Google Earth,
Feb 8, 2014, UFO Sighting News.
UFO over Fort Mill, South Carolina - 1/30/2014 (1:47)
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Ovni sobre el mar en Monte Hermoso 2014 (Buenos Aires - Argentina)
UFO Sightings Compilation January 2014 best UFO
Stunning CLOUD SHIP in Spain recently.... found on facebook.
There must be a portal over those mountains to the underground.
출처: 빛의시대 http://www.ageoflight.net/1-5.htm UFO. 자료들/1009 발췌
'지구촌 얘기들 !' 카테고리의 다른 글
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+ 중국 신장서 7.3 강진 발생 후 여진 800차례 - 지금 계속되고 있다 (0) | 2014.02.13 |
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+ UFO [외계인] 은폐 정보 폭로 세미나 / 다큐 - 디스클로져 프로젝트 - R (0) | 2014.02.09 |
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