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+ 두려운 사태가 다가온다 / 세계적 붕괴가 시작되었다 - 알렉스 존스





두려운 사태가 다가온다 세계적 붕괴가 시작되었다



두려운 사태가 다가온다 

Scary Proof Something Is About To Happen (AGENDA 21 Is Here) - 6/28/14




                                                                          한글자막 - 번역키 사용해서 보세요






세계적 붕괴가 시작되었다 - 알렉스 존스

Global Meltdown Has Begun – Alex Jones - 6/29/14




                                                                          한글자막 - 번역키 사용해서 보세요



2014. 6. 29.


It's no longer denied that we are going into a global financial implosion, however It's undoubtedly clear that the orchestrated economic collapse is being accelerated. Alex breaks down how on the ashes of this global world system a highly autocratic authoritarian technocracy is being established to take over everything. Don't say you weren't warned.