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+ 美 대통령과 CIA가 마약거래 중심 - 폭로 다큐


美 대통령과 CIA가 마약거래 중심 - 폭로 다큐


마약거래의 숨은 손이 누구이고 , 수입을 누가 얻는 것인지, 마약의 천국이 되게 한 것은 누구인지를 폭로하는 진실의 영상물 - 전 세계적인 시장을 무대로 CIA 가 마약 거래를 하도록 조성한 미국 역대 대통령들과 어둠의 엘리트들을 고발하는 폭로 다큐멘터리



CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy-Unaired Documentary-Full Length





CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy-Unaired Documentary-Full Length

By ?????
Dec 20, 2011 - 7:19:05 AM

This was posted on the forum. I have not reviewed it, because of the length, nearly 2 hours. But appears to cover a story that was mostly buried at the time, but covered in the PJ's some place. I am NOT sure who made this    documentary, not made clear on you tube.


This is a    documentary series that was never aired where an investigative journalist uncovers truth to the rumors about Iran-Contra during the Reagan years, CIA drug trafficking, CIA drug operations in Mena, Arkansas during the Clinton governorship and presidency. It also implies that former president George H.W. Bush, who was vice president during the Reagan years, and was also former head of the CIA was also involved. This    documentary to my knowledge was recorded from a hacked satellite tuned to an "edit" channel which was feeding coast to coast "preview programming" to network executives in NYC. Apparently the decision was made against running this program due to its content and the "heat" that it would generate. The CIA poses as FBI more often than not, so perhaps the "FBI" stated this would interfere with their investigation......