[디아트 통신]
히틀러, 그는 유태 금융체제와 맞서 싸운 사람이었다
Adolf Hitler, the Man who Fought the Bank
The Realist Report
Adolf Hitler, the Man who Fought the Bank
하단과 같은 이러한 내용의 영상은, 제작자의 표현대로
가능한 한 전 세계로 최대한 퍼져 나가야만 하겠습니다.
(* 편집자 주: The Art http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7869961
히틀러는 자신의 자서전 나의 투쟁 (mein Kampf) 에서
유럽 전역의 고조된 전쟁의 분위기는 유태인들에 의해 빈틈 없이 사회전역에 가득차게 되었고
자신은 단지 그 방아쇠를 당겼다고만 표현했습니다.
지역우주에서도 다양한 반역적 범죄행위들을 저질러 왔고
유란시아 행성의 역사에서 악랄한 피비린내의 역사를 만들어 왔고
지금 이 순간도 만들어 나가고 있는 타민족 폭력적 지배와 정복의 유전인자를 지닌 채로 육화한
카쟈르 계열 및 무영혼 계열들의 피칠갑은 여전히 이어져만 가고 있습니다.
정통 독일 민족이며 역사를 올바르게 이해하고 있는 사람들이라면 그들은 독일이
오만한 자들에 의해 왜곡된 범죄적 누명을 뒤집어 썼음을 이해 할 것 입니다.
하단의 동영상은 종전 이전부터 이후까지 모든 유태금융의 지배체제를 고발하고 있으며
히틀러 역시도 JFK 와 마찬가지로 유태금융 지배체제에 항거한 내용을 보여 주고 있습니다.
히틀러의 청년기는 유태지배 체제하 극도로 불안해진 근대유럽의 혼돈상을 목도하는 나날이었으며
JFK 를 살해한 총탄을 날린 자들은 그가 FRB 의 해체와 금 본위제로의 복귀를 통해 미국의 역사를 유태금융의 족쇄로부터 해방시키며 외계인들에 관한 정보를 구소련과 공동으로 폭로하고 외계기술을 인류해방의 평화적 도구로 삼으려던 이유였습니다.
하단 동영상은 영문 자막을 참조하시기 바랍니다.
누가 제작, 편집했는지 몰라도 역작이 아닐 수 없습니다..
여러분들의 다양한 계정들에도 걸어 두시기 바랍니다.)
Adolf Hitler, the Man who Fought the Bank
원문: http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/01/adolf-hitler-man-who-fought-bank.html
"So-called democracy exists in this Angle-French world, which means the rule of the people by the people. Now, the people must possess some means of giving expression to their thoughts or their wishes. Upon examining this problem more closely, we see that the people themselves have no original convictions of their own. Their convictions are formed, of course, just as everywhere else. The decisive question is who enlightens the people; who educates them? Capital actually rules in those countries; that is, nothing more than a clique of a few hundred men who possess untold wealth and, as a consequence of the peculiar structure of their national life, are more or less independent and free. They say: 'Here we have liberty.' By this they mean, above all, an uncontrolled economy, and by an uncontrolled economy, the freedom not only to acquire capital but to make absolutely free use of it. That means freedom from national control or control by the people both in the acquisition of capital and its employment. This is really what they mean when they speak of liberty.
One might well believe that in these countries of liberty and riches, the people must possess an unlimited degree of prosperity. But no! on the contrary, it is precisely in these countries that the distress of the masses is greater than anywhere else. Such is the case in 'rich Britain.' She controls sixteen million square miles. For example, in India some hundred million colonial workers with a wretched standard of living must labour for her. one might think, perhaps, that at least in England itself every person must have this share of these riches. By no means! In that country the class distinctions are the crassest imaginable. There is poverty - incredible poverty - on the one side, and equally incredible wealth on the other. They have not solved a single problem. The workers of that country, a country that possesses more than one-sixth of the globe and of the world's natural resources, dwell in misery, and the masses are poorly clad. In a country which ought to have more than enough bread and every sort of fruit, we find millions of the lower classes who have not even enough to fill their stomachs, and go about hungry. A nation which could provide work for the whole world must acknowledge the fact that it cannot even abolish unemployment at home...
... It is self-evident that where this democracy rules, the people as such are not taken into consideration at all. The only thing that matters is the existence of a few hundred gigantic capitalists who own all the factories and their stock and, through them, control the people. The masses do not interest them in the least. They are interested in them just as were our bourgeois parties in former times - only when elections are being held, when they need votes. Otherwise, the life of the masses is a matter of complete indifference to them..."
- Adolf Hitler speaking to German armaments workers on December 10, 1940, as recorded in the Voelkischer Beobachter (quoted in Veronica Clark's excellent book Warwolves of the Iron Cross: The Union Jackal: "england's bloody path to empire and downfall")
인용출처: 디아트 통신 http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7869961
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