U.F.S [Universe Family Ship] U.F.F [Universe Family Fleet]
지구 상공에 여기도 뜨고, 저기도 뜨고 있는 UFO 들
Giant UFO Anomalies near the Sun in the images NASA satellites -
February 22, 2015
Night Time UFO - Dripping Plasma – 2/15/15 (0:21)
Best UFO Video Collection February 2015 – 2/15/15 (11:57)
Green object above Earth.- 2/18/15 (1:08)
UFO Hunter catches several UFOs crossing Moon Feb. 15, 2015 (3:44)
UFO over San Antonio, Texas on Feb. 10, 2015 (6:15)
Over 10,000 Declassified UFO Case Sightings Hit the Web
Read at: http://theghostdiaries.com/over-1000...s-hit-the-web/
Cigar UFO over Volcano Popocatepeti on Feb. 15, 2015 (2:40)
Clear Evidence of Ancient Cities on Mars - 11/6/14 (8:00)
UFO watching Construction Site in Lima, Peru, feb. 10, 2015 (1:05)
UFO over the Hydroelectric Plant, Argentina Jan 25, 2015
Sphere with strange beings inside – 7/14/14 (4:14)
Whistleblower: Massive Extraterrestrial Crafts Hiding Behind Moon – 11/1/13 (9:39)
Breaking News UFO Sighting At The Train Yard Boston 2-6-2015 (1:05)
Hexagon UFO Matches Speed with Space Station, Feb. 8, 2015 (7:26)
High Speed Cloud Orb caught over Avare, Brazil on Jan. 31, 2015
출처: 빛의 시대 http://www.ageoflight.net/1-5.htm UFO 비디오들/1099~100 일부발췌
'지구촌 얘기들 !' 카테고리의 다른 글
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+ “태양 질량의 1200만배 ‘초대형 블랙홀’ 발견” (0) | 2015.02.26 |
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+ 사람 눈 닮은 ‘아이볼 행성’ - 제2의 슈퍼지구 생명체 가능성 (0) | 2015.02.24 |
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