또 하나의 거대한 조작적 사건이 다가온다 - 빌 홀터
Another Big Contrived Event is Coming-BILL HOLTER
https://www.youtube.com/watch?featur...&v=U5sewfjd4fs – 12/13/15 (28:20)
한글번역 자막기능
2015. 12. 13.
빌홀터는 주류언론이 내놓은 거짓말을 자르고 분석하는 나의 일에 합류하고있다. 빌은 다음 경제붕괴가 오기전에 또하나의 거대한 911 위장 테러사건이 올 것을 말한다, 이것은 성탄절 가까이 일어날 것이다. 이에 대비하세요.
Bill Holter from JS Mineset joins me to slice and dice the mainstream lies about as well as anyone can. And Bill says before the next economic collapse there will be yet another big 9/11 style event. As we near Christmas, may God bless you and your family. Prepare.
For REAL News & Information 24/7:
Music by Chris Zabriskie
"It's Always Too Late To Start Over"
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The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - SGTreport.com channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - SGTreport.com assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
거대한 세계경제의 중지와 다시 시작하기 : 해석
The Great Global Economic Reset: Decoded
https://youtu.be/uHCpluICGfg – 12/13/15 (6:09)
주요 은행가들은 은행휴업이 다가왔다고 말한다
- 이글을 읽고 은행에서 돈을 인출하는 방안을 구하세요
Key Bankers Told Bank Holiday Is Near-Read This Before Taking Money Out of the Bank -
12/14/15 Read at: http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/20...t-of-the-bank/
자료소스: Peterkim
Global Financial Order Could Utterly Collapse on Dec. 21
Dec 19, 2015 - 7:26:21 AM
Valentin KATASONOV | 17.12.2015 | 08:00 |
세계는 혼돈 국면으로 들어가는 중이다. 최근에 미국이 세계적 규모로 <<통제된 혼돈>> 을 조장하기 시작했다는 주장이 나오기도 한ㄷ다. 허나 중동에서 벌어지는 전쟁사태는 이런 환상을 깨버리는데, 이 혼돈을 조장하는 자들이 그걸 통제하지 못하기 때문이다.
통제불능의 혼돈은 세계의 국제금융을 곧 잠식할 것이다. 따라서 미국은 이런 통제불능 혼돈 사태를 폭발한 책임을 지게 된다. 그리고 우크라이나는 러시아에 진 국가채무 30억 달러 건을 상환치 못함으로써 혼돈사태 촉발에 기여한다.
![]() The world is entering a chaotic phase. There have been recent claims that the US has begun to create «manageable chaos» globally. But events in the Middle East have dispelled the illusion that the instigator of this chaos is capable of managing it. And that unmanageable chaos may very soon overtake the world of international finance. The US is once again guilty of having ushered in unmanageable financial chaos, and Ukraine’s $3 billion debt to Russia will serve to detonate the process.
금융문제가 국가채무로부터 촉발되는 것은 우연이 아니다. 워싱턴은 고의적으로 국가채무를 이용하고 있는데, 채무를 통해서 러시아에 타격을 가하려했기 때문이다. 국제금융질서를 최종적으로 망가뜨리는 것은, 결국 1944년 이래 브레튼우즈체제를 종식시키는 일이 될터인데, 그들이 러시아에 타격을 주는 쌍방 상호담보 조건때문이다.
It is no coincidence that problems are mounting around that debt. Washington is deliberately exploiting the debt to try to inflict damage on Russia. The final destruction of the global financial order that was established during the international conference at Bretton Woods in 1944 could end up as collateral damage of the anti-Russian policy.
미국은 브레튼우즈 금융체제를 고안했는데, 1970년에 이르러서 워싱턴은 달러화의 금태환제도를 폐지시키므로써 브레튼우즈체제에 손상을 입혔다. 그래서 금괴는 화폐에서 빠지고 대신에 종이 화폐가 들어왔으며, 고정환율제도 제거되었다. 금융시장은 금융투기와 함께 광적인 수준으로 팽창을 시작했다, 이것은 세계경제와 금융이 안정을 잃게된 원인이다. 금융 혼돈은 이미 시작했는데, 국제금융을 조정하기 위한 도구로 남았다. 허나 오늘 우리는 아엠에프가 파괴되는 모습을 보는 중이다. 아엠에프는 세계금융이 혼돈으로 가는 와중에서 금융의 불안정을 크게 키우고 있다.
The US devised the Bretton Woods monetary system, then inflicted the initial damage on it during the 1970s when Washington stopped exchanging dollars for gold. Gold was demonetized, the world transitioned to paper money, and fixed exchange rates were eliminated. The financial markets, as well as financial speculation, began to expand at a frantic pace, which significantly reduced the stability of the global economy and international finance. Financial chaos was already at hand, but at the time it was still at a manageable level. The International Monetary Fund, which was created in December 1945, remained the tool for managing international finance. Yet today we are eyewitnesses to the IMF’s destruction, which threatens to magnify the instability of global finance in the midst of global financial chaos.
아엠에프의 역할은 상호금융질서를 유지하는데 있는데, 부채를 발행할때만이 아니라 특정국가의 신용도를 유지하며 금융규칙을 제정하는 최종 책임기관으로 활동한다. 그런데 아엠에프의 17% 발언권을 가진 미국이 이 조직을 조종하면서 우크라이나 국가채무를 상환하는 일정에 개입하면서 불법적인 금융시장 조작을 하도록 강제한 것이다. 그 사건은 우크라이나가 국가채무를 상환하지 않아서 발생한 국가부도 사태가 발생했음에도 불구하고 여전히 우크라이나에 대출을 주겠다고 하므로써 아엠에프의 신용도에 대한 기본 규칙을 어겼고 또 그런 일을 러시아에만 적용하는 특정한 편견 정책을 드러내므로써 국제기관의 신용도를 잃게된 것이다.
The IMF’s role in maintaining relative financial order in the world not only consisted of issuing loans and credits to specific countries, but also in the fact that it acted as the final authority, writing the rules of the game for global financial markets. After the United States – the IMF’s main shareholder (controlling approximately 17% of the voting power within the fund) – dragged the IMF into the games it was playing with Ukraine, that international financial institution was forced to break its own rules that it had developed and honed over the course of decades. The fund’s recent decisions have created a precedent for a game played without rules, and it is almost impossible to calculate the consequences for international finance.
The most recent ruling of this type was issued on Dec. 8. It was timed to correspond with the final maturity date for Ukraine’s $3 billion debt to Russia – Dec. 20. Washington continues to urge the Ukrainian government not to repay its Russian debt. But if Kiev fails to pay back what it owes, this will almost automatically lead to a full-scale sovereign default, and thus the IMF, in accordance with the rules that have been in place almost since the fund’s birth, will no longer have the right to make loans to Ukraine. In order to continue transferring funds from the IMF’s loan to Ukraine (a loan agreement for $17.5 billion was signed in April 2015), Washington ordered the fund to rewrite the rules so that even if Kiev defaults on what it owes Moscow, the IMF could still lend Ukraine money. The fund – ever submissive – fulfilled this seemingly unfulfillable command. Aleksei Mozhin, the IMF director for the Russian Federation, reported that on Dec. 8 the fund’s Executive Board approved reforms that would allow lending to debtors even in the event of a default on sovereign debt. Everyone knows perfectly well that the fund made such a revolutionary decision specifically in order to prop up the moribund regime in Kiev and to needle Russia. Speaking to reporters, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov stated, «The decision to change the rules appears hasty and biased. This was done solely to harm Russia and to legitimize the possibility of Kiev not paying its debts». There have been few decisions of such a radical nature in the IMF’s history. For example, in 1989 the fund won the right to make loans to countries even if the recipients of those funds still had unpaid debts to foreign commercial banks. And in 1998 the fund was permitted to lend to countries with outstanding liabilities on sovereign bonds held by private investors. However, the repayment of debts to sovereign creditors has always been a sacred duty for the IMF’s clients. Sovereign creditors are the saviors of last resort, who come to the aid of states that are being turned away by private lenders and investors. Under the IMF’s rules, a state’s liabilities to a sovereign creditor (i.e., another state) are just as «sacred» as liabilities to the fund itself. This is, in a manner of speaking, a cornerstone of international finance. And here we see how, at an ordinary meeting of the IMF’s Executive Board, this cornerstone has been hastily pulled out from under the edifice of international finance. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov drew particular attention to this aspect of the Executive Board’s ruling: «The rules for financing the fund’s programs have existed for decades and have not changed. Sovereign creditors have always had priority over commercial ones. The rules have emphasized the special role of official creditors, which is especially important in times of crisis, when commercial lenders are turning countries away, depriving them of access to resources».
The submissive posture of the fund and the audacity of its main shareholder (the US) can be seen in the way the Dec. 8 decision was quickly rubber-stamped, while for five years Washington has blocked efforts to reform the fund (to review the quotas of the member states and to double the fund’s capital). According to Siluanov, given the IMF Executive Board’s Dec. 8 decision, «America’s unwillingness to address the issue of the ratification of the agreement to replenish the IMF’s capital appears particularly egregious, especially when that capital would be very useful in solving Ukraine’s debt problems». On Dec. 10, a 34-page report was published containing details of the reform that had been approved by the IMF’s Executive Board on Dec. 8. According to that document, some of those changes apply to debt to sovereign creditors that is not covered by the Paris Club agreements. However, a debtor country must meet a number of conditions in order to maintain its access to IMF funds, including «making good faith efforts» to restructure its debt. The reference to «good faith efforts» raises a very interesting point. So far Kiev has made no efforts at all in its capacity as a debtor state. The statements by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk do not count. Those were not attempts at «good faith efforts,» but rather ultimatums made to Russia, a sovereign creditor: in other words, you will either join the restructuring talks we are holding with our private creditors or else we will not pay you anything at all. It’s also typical that these statements were not even made through the official channels of correspondence but were issued verbally on television. I found one statement by Yatsenyuk particularly moving, when he claimed that he had not received any formal proposals from Moscow regarding Ukraine’s debt. This is something new, in intergovernmental relations in general and in international monetary and credit relations in particular. Almost since the birth of the IMF, a rule has existed (and still does), according to which: a) any initiative to alter the original terms of a loan must come from the debtor, not the creditor; and b) that initiative (request) must be issued in writing and sent to the creditor via official channels. If Mr Yatsenyuk is unaware of these rules, perhaps the officials of the IMF could explain them to him. However, nothing like this has been done. Let’s return to the Dec. 8 decision. Whether Kiev wants to or not, if it is to continue obtaining credit through the fund, Ukraine must at least show evidence of an attempt to negotiate with its creditor, i.e., with Moscow. It must provide evidence of «a good faith effort,» so to speak. And of what should that evidence consist? There must be at least three steps: a) a formal request to begin talks to review the terms of the loan must be drafted and sent to the creditor; b) the debtor must receive an official response from the lender; and c) if the creditor agrees – negotiations must be held to revise the terms. Of course Kiev’s negotiations with its private creditors regarding the restructuring of its debt began almost immediately after the latest IMF loan agreement was signed, i.e., they lasted from March 2015 until late August 2015. The negotiation process lasted until October, which means that the debt restructuring dragged on for six months. Don’t forget that the deadline to repay the debt to Russia (Dec. 20) falls on a Sunday. Kiev has very little time left to demonstrate «a good faith effort» and even in a best-case scenario could not possibly manage more than the first two of the three steps I have listed. There is no time for the third and most important step. It will be very interesting to hear what the IMF has to say on Monday, Dec. 21. Where will it be able to find evidence of Kiev’s «good faith efforts»? Or will it wait for its cue from the main shareholder? Although that main shareholder is not renowned for its mental finesse, it makes up for its doltishness with sheer nerve.
Dec. 21 promises to be the most shameful day in the history of the IMF, which could be followed by the death of this international financial institution. Unfortunately, the IMF would still be capable of blowing up the global financial system before its own demise, using Ukraine’s debt to Russia as the detonator. Of course, Washington is the one really playing the game – the fund is merely a toy in its hands. But why would Washington want this to happen? Strictly speaking, it is not even official Washington that wants this, but the «money masters» (the Federal Reserve’s main shareholders), and every official connected with the White House, US Treasury, and other US government agencies is on their payroll. The money masters have been forced to defend the weakening dollar using proven tools – the creation of chaos outside America’s borders. Any kind of chaos will work – political, military, economic, or financial. * * * After the ruling by the IMF’s Executive Board on Dec. 8, 2015, which was made in order to prop up the bankrupt regime in Kiev and solely for the purpose of harming Russia, some financial experts have cautiously expressed their opinion that there will soon be little reason for Russia to remain in the IMF. I can only endorse their position, although Russia’s withdrawal from the IMF would be a necessary but insufficient prerequisite for bolstering Russian statehood. Russia must still create a reliable defense against global financial chaos, which, after Dec. 21, will quickly grow unmanageable.
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