U.F.S [Universe Family Ship] U.F.F [Universe Family Fleet]
지구촌 상공에 출현한 - UFO 목격 사진과 비디오들
UFO 목격 사진과 비디오들 - 2/2/2016 - 3/8/3016
Angel UFO Is Back and It Brought A Big Friend Near Earths Sun in NASA Photo,
Feb. 1, 2016 (1:04)
Large UFO Drops Off two Orbs over Los Angeles, CA on Feb. 1, 2016 (5:56)
UFOs Fly Side By Side at Space Station on Live Cam, Feb. 3, 2016 (0:43 & 1:31)
UFO Recorded over Madison, Wisconsin Headingt into Lake Michigan, Feb. 1, 2016 (0:07)
Winged Creature on Mars in NASA Curiosity Rover from Feb. 2016
UFO Moves over Las Vegas Hills in Daytime, Jan. 9, 2016 (4:57)
Alien Entity Has Vested Interest in Human Baby, Victoria, Australia, Jan. 2016 (1:46)
UFO Fleet over Tennessee town Feb. 3, 2016 (2:40)
UFO Caught by Accident over Barrel, Argentina on feb. 2, 2016
UFO Near Sun, Feb. 8, 2016 (1:03)
UFO Caught over Aztec Volcano in Mexico, Feb. 8, 2015
UFO over Argentina Causes Woman to Scream and Run, Feb. 9, 2016
Astronomer Tracks UFO Sightings over Chicago Area, Feb. 8, 2016 (2:57)
Watch video at: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/201...ings-over.html
UFOs over Monument in Mexico City on Feb. 3, 2016 (2:42)
Glowing UFO over Winchester, Hampshire, UK on Jan 12, 2016 (2:12)
[그들이 사진 복사를 금했군요....]
Alien Sarcophagus Found on Mars in Curiosity Rover Photo, February 2016 (19:30)
Cylinder Structures Found by the Hundreds on Mars, Dec. 2015 (4:32)
Fantastic Giant Alien UFO Space Station to orbit the Sun – 2/16/16 (1:54)
Mars Mysteries: 1000's Of Alien Buildings Found On Mars? Amazingly Detailed Structures -
2/15/16 (10:52): https://youtu.be/1Q5ZATfcrEU
Hovering UFO in Chile – 1/26/16 (1:16)
Best UFO Sightings Of December 2015 – 1/3/16 (10:54)
Strange and amazing sky phenomena – 11/15/15 (1:48)
STRANGE 'CLOUD PHENOMENON' WORLD part2 - 11/26/15 (2:04)
Strange and amazing sky phenomena part1. - 11/15/15 (2:44)
Mysterious clouds. What is it? DNA? - 11/7/15 (1:56)
UFO cloud masking originally !!! - 1/26/16 (2:33)
Colima Volcano - Cylinder UFO – 2/15/16 (1:08)
Large Fireball Lights Up Skies Above Northern Italy- 2/19/16 (2:18)
Brazil Actor sees UFO from his Privte Jet over Brazil - 1/6/16 (5:03)
Glass Domes on the Moon Enhanced by Color...by Tony Wilke - 1/27/16 (9:15)
Secret Video Archive of UFO Recordings Released – 1/2/16 (2:22)
Amazing UFO Light Show in Las Vegas, Nevada – 2/22/16 (6:56)
U.F.O SAUCER CRAFT Captured Using Camouflage Technology...2/26/16 (4:07)
Lone UFO Moving Slowly Near Henderson Nevada – 2/25/16 (11:00)
Multiple UFOs From North To South in Las Vegas, Nevada – 2/25/16 (15:34)
UFO in Belleville, New Jersey - 2/25/16 (1:22)
Henderson Nevada Is A Great Place To View UFOs – 2/20/16 (13:52)
UFO BEAM Shoots At The SKY! Flying Saucers LOOK – 2/17/16 (10:29)
A Pair Of What Appears To Be Triangles With Round Balls In The Center – 2/19/16 (2:17)
The Voronezh, Russia UFO Landing 1989 – 1/10/10 (4:19)
'Clusters of UFOs' spotted in sky over Kent seen in mysterious mobile phone
– 2/17/16 (0:38)
Biological UFO or Mothership in los Angles CA – 2/2/16 (5:55)
Yellowstone Big Flash in Different Part of Sky – 3/1/16 (0:36)
CRAZY UFO Sightings! LOOK At UFOs Over Volcanoes! - 3/2/16 (37:39)
Pensioner captures picture of a ‘Close Encounters’ style UFO hovering over his home for several minutes - 3/6/16 Reat at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...e-minutes.html
Accidental video UFO while recording Plane in Cape Town – 3/1/16 (0:46)
UFO Armada taken on 8/13/2011 over Carmichael near Sacramento CA (20:40)
UFO, how it works? Let's go – inside of alien spaceship! - 2/9/16 (43:43)
Creepiest gotta-be-a-cloaked-spaceship lenticular cloud photo yet - from Hong Kong
UFO sighting Phoenix – 2/16/16 (0:27)
Ufo Sighting Over Moscow, Russia February 17, 2016 (3:19)
Australia UFO Video - UFO over Gold Coast – 2/18/16 (11:45)
Giant lenticular clouds over Tenerife, Spain - 3/7/2016
Read more: http://strangesounds.org/2016/03/giant-lenticular-clouds-tenerife-spain-pictures.html
출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_5/9230 UFO 비디오들/1138
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