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+ 트럼프는 신세계 권력을 제압했다 / "그림자 정부"는... 대항해올 때 전쟁을 불사한다




트럼프는 신세계 권력을 제압했다 / "그림자 정부"는 ...

트럼프는 신세계 권력을 제압했다


By ANONYMOUS PATRIOTS - http://stateofthenation2012.com 

by Ron . Nov 6, 2017 - 10:48:09 PM

Posted on November 5, 2017 by State of the Nation


이전 기사에서 익명의 애국자들은 워싱턴의 침체되고 부패하고 빠르게 모래 늪을 배수하는 절차를 제안했습니다. 조지 W. 부시 대통령이 백악관에서 미국 헌법과 권리 장전을 침탈하려는 목적으로 신세계권력 New World Order 를 창안하려는 시도를 종식시키기위한 할일의 목록이었다. 이 기사에서는 독자들에게 이 목록을 생각나게 하고 진행 상황을 알려줍니다.

Within a previous article, the Anonymous Patriots suggested a procedure for draining Washington’s stagnant, corrupt, quick-sand swamp. It was a to-do list for ending George H. W. Bush’s attempt to create a New World Order from within the White House that attempted to usurp the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. In this article, we remind our readers of this list and give you an update on our progress.

친구들이여, 우리가 이기고 있다.


백악관의 마피아보스들은 아빠 부시를 따라 들어왔던 인물들인데, 그들은 마치 조지W부시가 과거의 잉글랜드왕 조지인 것처럼 그에게 충성을 맹세했다. 아빠 부시의 C. I. A. 리더십의 주도적 역할을 통해 J.F.K.를 암살했고, 또 그가 C.I.A. 비밀작전을 통해 구 소련 U.S.S.R을 약탈해서 털어먹던 행태가 철저히 드러났다. 그는 또 로널드 레이건 대통령 암살을 시도했고, 이란/ 콘트라 스캔들, 911에 대한 위장공격, 그리고 많은 다른 범죄로 인해 FBI, DOJ 및 의회는 이런 무서운 범죄를 정직하게 조사하고 신속히 기소하기를 거부했다.

The White House mafia bosses that have come after Daddy Bush have all kowtowed to George senior as though he were King George of England. His deep cover C. I. A. leadership role in the assassination of J.F.K. has been thoroughly exposed as has his fleecing of the U.S.S.R. via his C.I.A. covert activities, the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, the Iran/Contra Scandal, the attacks on 911, and many, many other crimes that the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and Congress has refused to honestly investigate and swiftly prosecute.

그 권력도당은 그들의 악이 우리의 국민보다 오래 갈 것이라고 생각했습니다. 그러나 부시 - 오바마 - 클린턴 범죄 카르텔은 실패했다. 시간은 우리 편이지 그들의 것이 아닙니다. 그들의 치밀하고 타락한 관료, 기관 및 은밀한 작전은 폭로되고, 축소되고, 실패했고, Trump의 8 년 임기에 폐쇄될 것입니다. 범인은 노화되고, 시들어 죽고, 죽을 것이며, 자신의 죄의 시체 만이 역사에 의해 판단되는데 그것은 우리 자신보다 훨씬 강력합니다.

우리는 조지 W. 부시의 새로운 세계 질서를 파괴하는 데 매일 매일의 기세를 유지할 수 있도록 계속해서 주변 사람들을 교육하고 깨우칠 것입니다. 트럼프가 그간 무얼 했는지 살펴봅니다.

They thought their evil would outlast We the People. But the Bush-Obama-Clinton criminal cartel has failed. Time is on our side, not theirs. Their entrenched and corrupt bureaucracies, agencies, and covert operations will be exposed, scaled back, defunded, and shut down over Trump’s eight years in office. The criminals will age, wither, and die, leaving only the carcass of their sins to be judged by history and a far higher power than our own.

We need to continue to educate and enlighten those around us so that we can keep up the daily momentum in destroying George H. W. Bush’s New World Order.

법의 통치를 강화했다


트럼프는 법치를 되찾기 위해 전면전을 시작했으며 쥐들은 뛰어 다니며 배를 떠나고 있습니다. Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Brennen, Rogers, Clapper, Rosenstein, Weissman과 같은 최악의 (가짜) 형사 법집행관과 최고 DC 변호사조차도 앉아있는 트럼프 대통령을 상대로 무기를 들고 모든 법적 트릭을 시험하고 있습니다. 하지만 그들은 아무리 술수와 수작을 부려도 아무 소용이 없습니다. 트럼프가 무적으로 남아있는 동안 워싱턴 D.C. 범죄자는 기소되고 또 기소될 것입니다.

Trump has started an all-out war in bringing back the rule of law and the rats are jumping ship. Even the worst (fake) criminal law enforcers and the top D. C. lawyer “fixers” like Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Brennen, Rogers, Clapper, Rosenstein, Weissman, and many others are taking up arms against a sitting president and trying every legal trick they can, but to no avail. D. C. criminals will be indicted and prosecuted while Trump remains invulnerable.

모든 미국 기관이 유엔과 관계를 가졌던걸 종식시키다


트럼프는 내년에 유엔에 대한 미국의 공헌을 50 % 감축하겠다고 공개적으로 협박했다. 그는 이미 10 억 달러의 유네스코 자금 지원을 중단했다. 트럼프는 유엔 난민고등 판무관실의 유엔 난민프로그램을 사기라고 혹평했으며 유엔 평화유지군의 남용을 지적했다. 유엔이 곧 과거의 일이 될 것으로 보인다.

Trump has openly threatened to decrease the American contributions to the United Nations by 50% next year! He has already stopped funding UNESCO by a billion dollars. He has “called-out” the UN Refugee program as a fraud and pointed at the abuses of UN “peace keeping troops.” It looks like the UN will soon be a thing of the past.

기후 협약으로부터 철회


우리는 미국이 기후 조약에 대한 5 조 달러의 약속을 철회해야 한다고 주장했다. 이 협약은 "알고어 Al Gore를 위한 기금 모금행사"라고 불렀다. 어디에서나 2 천억 달러에 달하는 기후 온난화 사기를 보여주는 실제 데이터가 도처에 나오고 있다. 조만간 인류를 종식시킬 것으로 예상된다고 선전하면서 정부가 부를 재분배하고 중산층을 파괴하는 계획을 후원하고있다.

이 사소한 거짓말은 가짜 과학자들이 제공한 사기성 데이터에 기반을 두었습니다. 가짜 과학자들은 정부 연구비 지원을 위해 기후 거짓말을 퍼트려야 했습니다. 트럼프 대통령 덕분에 미국은 5 조 달러라는 막대한 돈을 지켰습니다.

We advocated that America should withdraw from the five trillion dollar commitment to the Climate Accords, which we call “a fundraiser for Al Gore.” Everywhere, the real data is now coming out that shows the $200 billion dollar fraud of climate warming, that was predicted to end humanity soon, is government sponsored propaganda and a scheme of redistributing wealth and destroying the middle class.

This pathetic lie was based upon fraudulent data provided by fake scientists who had to spew climate lies to get government grants for further research. Thanks, Donald, for saving America $5 trillion.

모든 세계주의자 협약을 종식시키다


우리는 북미 자유무역 협정, 이란 핵협상, TPP, TIPP, NATO 및 기타 여러기구, 조약, 협정을 통해 다른 국가에 재분배되는 부당한 연방세를 통해 미국인을 유출하는 모든 "세계주의적 합의동맹" 의 끝을 보기를 희망했다. Trump의 협상의 기술 Art of the Deal은 수십 년 동안 미국을 팔아 넘기고있는 초국적 기업들로부터 공화국을 구했습니다.

We hoped to see the end of all “globalist accords” that drain Americans through unjust federal taxes that are then redistributed to other nations through NAFTA, the Iran Nuclear Deal, TPP, TIPP, NATO, and many other organizations, treaties, pacts, and alliances. Trump’s Art of the Deal has saved the Republic from the transnational corporations that have been selling out America for decades.

부채상환 불이행


FRB가 감사를 받았고 미합중국에 속한 모든 자산이 이 사기 계획으로부터 영구적으로 포착된 후 부실 채권이 부도 전까지는 미국의 경제 교도소에서 실제 변화가 발생할 수 없습니다. 이는 가짜 "전쟁"때문에 빚의 늪에 빠진 미국인을 회복시킵니다.

No real change can manifest in the economic prison nation of America until the fake debt owed to the U. S. Federal Reserve is defaulted on after the Fed has been audited and all assets belonging to the United States of Americaare taken back from this fraudulent scheme to permanently entrap Americans in fake “war” debt.

end the fed

미국 전역의 연방준비 제도 (민간 기업)와 중앙 은행에 대한 조사, 감사 및 통제권을 얻기 위해 섬세한 관리가 필요할 것입니다. 미국 내 모든 중앙은행의 금 보유와 금 보유에 대한 완전한 감사는 동시에 조정될 필요가 있습니다. 미 재무부가 연방준비 은행을 감사하고 모든 자산을 동결한 후에는 부패한 민간 기업에 대한 미국 채무를 이행할 것을 권고합니다.

우리 계획에서 Fed는 파산을 선언하고 미국 재무부는 미국 전역의 12 개 중앙 은행을 포함하는 연방준비 제도의 모든 자산을 압류합니다. 금, 화폐 통화 및 채권은 연방준비 제도이사회 (Federal Reserve)를 위한 미국 통화정책을 이미 수립 한 재무부의 Exchange 안정화자금에 주어집니다.

It will take delicate care to investigate, audit, and gain control of the Federal Reserve system (a private corporation) and its central banks throughout the United States. A complete audit of U. S. gold holdings and the gold holdings of all central banks in the U. S. will need to be coordinated at the same time. once the Federal Reserve is audited and all its assets frozen by the U.S. Treasury, we recommend that the U.S. default on its debt to this corrupt private corporation.

In our plan, the Fed will declare bankruptcy and the U.S. Treasury will seize all assets of the Federal Reserve System, which includes twelve central banks throughout America. The gold, fiat currencies, and bonds will be given to the Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund which already establishes U.S. monetary policy for the Federal Reserve.

연방준비 은행에 빚진 24 조 5 천억 달러가 파산되거나 재무부는 최근 중국, 사우디 아라비아 및 기타 국가에서 판매되는 미국 채권 매수를 커버하기 위해 지난 4 조 5 천억 달러의 빚을 갚기 위해 쓸모없는 화폐 통화를 인쇄했다. 다른 나라들은 "장부외 거래"를 했습니다.

연방준비 이사회 결말로 인해 통화, 채권 또는 주식 시장이 붕괴되지 않는다는 것을 기억하는 것이 중요합니다. 이 세 가지는 모두 현재 ESF와 미 재무부가 수행한 백도어 거래를 통해 Exchange Stabilisation Fund에 의해 통제됩니다. ESF가 세 가지 "자유"시장을 모두 통제한다는 것이 입증되었습니다.

The $24.5 trillion owed to the Federal Reserve will either be dropped in the bankruptcy or the Treasury can print useless fiat currency to pay the debt as they recently did for $4.5 trillion to cover the purchase of U. S. bonds being sold by China, Saudi Arabia, and other countries in “off book transactions.”

It is important to remember that ending the Federal Reserve will not crash the currency, bond, or stock markets. All three of those are controlled currently by the Exchange Stabilization Fund through back door trading done by the ESF and the U. S. Treasury. It has been proven that the ESF controls all three “free” markets.

As we have seen through the many gold, silver, and interest rate “fixing” lawsuits brought against the major international banks, the U. S. Treasury, U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission is aware that the markets are “fixed.” Billions in penalties have been leveled against these major banks for fixing the markets. The U.S. Treasury cannot allow markets to “run wild.”

Eventually, Trump can end U. S. fiat currency and create a new currency with a basket of commodities to back it up, including gold, silver, other precious metals, and commodities. The old “Federal Reserve notes” will become useless after a recall of old currency that weeds out money that has not been taxed – off shore accounts and tax havens.

This action immediately eradicates all off-shore tax-haven money, illegal drug money, stolen and laundered money, and currency held by foreign nations that has left America illegally. The new currency will be established after the hidden C. I. A. gold and assets have been audited and seized by the U. S. Treasury.

No one knows how many thousand tons of stolen war gold the C. I. A. (George H. W. Bush’s Barrick Gold Corporation) has amassed but it is enough to tip the balance of world gold holdings to America. [Ron: I disagree. ALL of the gold stolen by the CIA belongs to the Collateral Accounts owned and controlled by the International Treasury Controller (ITC) and must be returned to his custody and control in due course.]. This gold will cushion the radical but simple changes that must take place to eradicate globalism from the current U. S. systems [Ron: No it won't]

 that are controlled by the same shareholders who own the majority of shares in the top defense corporations – who are, by the way, almost all globalists bankers who loan money to, and sell weapons to the very enemies we are fighting.

In our nationalist Trump utopia, we had hoped that the greatest threat to world economies would end, the insane $500 trillion dollar derivatives markets controlled by the Bank for International Settlement, the most corrupt bank in the world, that must simply be abolished along with all derivatives and hedge fund betting.

외교관계위원회를 해체하라


애국자들은 다국적, 국제적, 글로벌 주의자, 예수회 통제, 록펠러가 자금을 조달할 것을 요구하고 있다. [론 : 의심할 여지없이, 록펠러 펀드가 통제한다면 무엇이든!] 외교관계 위원회라고 불리는 전쟁 기계가 해체되고 전쟁포로 정책은 파괴됨. 이 반미 단체는 수십 년 동안 미국의 외교 정책을 결정하고 대통령이 할 일과 하지 않는 일에 대해 이야기했습니다.

트럼프는 CFR의 가장 강력하고 사악한 정치적 군벌인 헨리 키신저 (Henry Kissinger)를 만났습니다. 묘한 키신저 장군은 인류에 대한 범죄로 여러 국가에서 지명수배되었고, 그의 충고에 대해 트럼프 대통령은 "고맙지만 관두겠소, "라고 말했습니다. 트럼프는 욕심 많은 은행가들, 중개인들, 군벌들로 구성된 이 글로벌 주의자들의 이야기를 듣지 않는다. [Ron : 키신저는 1979 년 2 월 5 일에 살해되고 키신저를 계속 존재케하려고 복제되었다. 예 : Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 43. 주제 1 Kissinger 엔티티는 알려지지 않은 다른 인물에 의해 통제된다].

Patriots continue to demand that the transnational, international, globalist, Jesuit controlled, Rockefeller funded [Ron: Arguably, if the Rockefellers FUND anything they control it!] war-machine called the Council on Foreign Relations be dissolved and its war-hawk policies be destroyed. This anti-American group has decided U. S. foreign policy for decades and has told presidents what they will do and not do.

Trump met with Henry Kissinger, the most powerful and evil political warlord in the CFR who is wanted in multiple nations for crimes against humanity, and told him “no thank you” for his advice. Trump does not listen to this globalist bunch of greedy bankers, brokers, and warlords [Ron: Kissinger was cloned after he was killed on 5 February 1979 and subsequent Kissinger iterations are doubles. See eg: Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 43. Topic # 1 The Kissinger entity is therefore controlled by unknown others.]

국가방위 수권법을 종식시키다


우리는 국방 수권법에 관한 오바마 행정부의 과도한 개입이 철회되어야 한다고 주장한다. 이러한 전례없는 추가로 미 국방부가 미국에서 사업을 합법적으로 만들었습니다 - 역사상 처음으로. 선전 또한 합법화되었고 미국인들은 이제 "전쟁 행위자"와 "국가의 적"으로 목표를 정하고 있습니다. 오바마는 트럼프와 모든 미국인에 대한 불법 감시를 사용하는 경찰국가를 만들었습니다. 이제는 트럼프가 우리 국가의 진짜 적 - 기업 정보기관과 기업 군벌들 -에게 테이블을 돌리고 있습니다.

We advocate that all of Obama’s executive overreach concerning the National Defense Authorization Act be rescinded. These unprecedented additions made it legal for the Department of Defense to operate in the U. S. – for the first time in history. Propaganda was also legalized and Americans are now targeted as “war actors” and “enemies of the state.” Obama created a police state that used illegal surveillance on Trump and all Americans. Now it is time for Trump to turn the tables on the real enemies of our state – the corporate intelligence agencies and the corporate warlords.

북대서양조약기구로부터 철수


A key action factor to dismantling George H. W. Bush’s New World Order is to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Atlantic Council and all treaties or accords that require America to defend [Ron: And therefore use its military to blackmail and control] other nations. Trump has insinuated numerous times that NATO is outdated and the member countries don’t pay their fair share.

뉴욕증시를 폐쇄하라



뉴욕 증권 거래소와 그 주인인 Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE, Inc)와 관계를 끊으십시오. ICE는 주식, 채권, 모기지 담보 증권, 선물 및 파생 상품에서 가장 강력한 플레이어입니다. 기본적으로 ICE는 분수 투자, 고속 거래 및 시장이라고 불리는 "개인 과세 쉼터"의 전체 통제가 미국 투자 및 퇴직 자금을 규정하는 세계에서 가장 큰 "도박 카지노"입니다.

뉴욕 증권 거래소에서 1 년에 1 조 천억의 거래가 일어납니다. 이 모든 투자는 기본적으로 1 년 동안 면세가 적용됩니다. 시장은 ICE 도박 카지노에서 운영하는 사기입니다. 그들은 전혀 존재할 필요가 없습니다. 뉴욕 증권거래소에 상장된 12,000여 기업의 각각은 개인적으로 자본을 조달할 수 있으며 "장단기", "풋내기", 선물, 헤지, 파생 상품 또는 기타 "도박의 법적 형태"가 존재하지 않습니다.

주식 시장은 단순히 폐쇄될 수 있습니다 - 그들은 미국 납세자로부터 도용하기 때문이며, 사설 기업일뿐입니다.

Sever the ties (chains) with the New York Stock Exchange and its owner Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE, Inc). ICE is the most powerful player in stocks, bonds, mortgage-backed securities, futures, and derivatives. Basically, ICE is the biggest “gambling casino” in the world where fractional investments, high-speed trading, and the total control of the “private tax shelter”, called markets, rules American investment and retirement capital.

One quadrillion in trades happen on the New York Stock Exchange per year – all of which are basically tax-free throughout the year of investing. Markets are scams run by the ICE gambling casino. They don’t need to exist at all. Each of the 12,000 or so companies on the NY Stock Exchange can raise their own capital privately and then there would be no “longs and shorts”, “puts and calls”, futures, hedging, derivatives or other “legal forms of gambling.”

The stock markets can simply close – they are private corporations that work hard to steal from U. S. taxpayers.

모기지 전자등록시스템을 종식하라


Unplug the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, (MERS) and stop gambling with American home mortgages on the stock market by bundling them into mortgage-backed securities that have already caused one stock market crash. Use U. S. land and mortgages as a new type of Land Bankbacked by mortgages that are tracked by the state counties (using blockchain technology) where the title is issued, not the lending institutions and banks who are controlling members of MERS.

금융법 개정, 글라스스티걸법을 종식하라


The Glass-Steagall Act allows commercial bankers to also be investment bankers – which is simply insider trading. End derivative swaps, fractional banking, investment banking, and replace them with state banks, land banks, community banks, and postal banks. Trump has directly addressed these issues repeatedly and may, once he is in his second term, truly change the criminal activity of banks and brokers.

식약청에 대한 재벌 통제를 종식하라


border wall 2

Stop corporate control of the Food and Drug Administration. Stop Monsanto’s poisonous glyphosates, pharmaceutical poisons, pharmaceutical control of vaccines, immunity for drug companies, and end mandatory vaccinations. Allow no Monsanto, or Big Pharma lobbyist or employees anywhere near government, especially not in the FDA.

국경 장벽을 세우라


Secure American borders to protect US citizens. Enforce all immigration laws and rules. End all sanctuary cities. Deport all illegals and respect all U. S. immigration laws. We have seen Trump be victorious in this area again and again.

의회의 회기 제한을 가동하라


Create term limits for all state and federal congressional members. Reform election rules so that only public dollars support candidates not corporate Super Pacs driven by corporate donations. Trump has said he supports term limits and political reform that ends the control of Washington by career politicians. [Ron: Arguably totally new form of governance arrangements are needed. In future localised Republican forms of governance need to be instituted. Moreover, while humanity on this planet still uses money, ALL forms of private corporation must be eliminated from involvement in governance. Also, the unlawful granting of personhood to corporations MUST be abolished and ALL owners and shareholders of corporations must be personally responsible and liable for the actions and inappropriate inactions of the corporations they own or control.].

로비를 종식하라


There is no need for biased, vested interests to “buy control” in Washington D. C. except to undermine, manipulate, and control our government through corporate corruption.   Trump has taken action against lobbyists and even made rules about limiting participation in lobbying after holding public office. [Ron: Arguably private lobbying needs to be eliminated.].

의회의 이중국적자를 없애라


Prohibit “dual-citizenship” for congressional members. only American citizens, without dual citizenship, may hold public office in any state or federal elected office. [Ron: Possible conlicts of interest of any kind need to be proscribed.].

주택과 도시개발청을 감사하라


Audit the Housing and Urban Development Agency which has traditionally been known for being the slush-fund for the C. I. A. and the Department of Defense.  Thank you, Dr. Carson, for finding $200 billion in fraud so far.

오바마 의보를 개혁하라


Repeal Obamacare and deregulate insurance companies while investigating medical practices in general throughout America. Curtail the medical industries monopoly on pricing and services. Create medical insurance options that are affordable and useful. Trump has already worked hard on these ideas and will eventually get congress to create a reasonable plan. [Ron: Medical industries as we know them need to be abolished. Health care needs to be deregulated and oversighted and controlled by local communities.].

조지소로스를 체포하라



Arrest George Soros for treason, sedition, and fraud for fomenting violence, killings, and economic terrorism through a conspiracy of anti-America political organizations (not-for-profit, tax-exempt NGOs) and his “color revolutions” (regime change) in many countries, including the Purple Revolution in America to overthrow a duly elected president. [Ron: Also, the top management of all NGOs whether funded by Soros or not need to be scrutinised and audited as regards their activities and funding sources.].

국세청을 개조하라


Revamp, if not eliminate, the IRS and make filing taxes as simple as possible. [Ron: the IRS is a private corporation and MUST be abolished.]. End the need for tax lawyers and tax accountants. Abolish payroll taxes replacing it with a flat sales tax on all purchases. No more tax exemptions, no more off-shore tax havens, no more movement of money out of America to avoid taxes.[Ron: Arguably all national activities should be reduced in scope so that a flat tax of 14% levied on the sale of NEW unessential products is sufficient to fund them.]

Everyone pays the same taxes. [Ron: I disagree. Income taxes on private individuals are unlawful under divine (cosmic) law and should not be levied. Corporations should be taxed as deemed appropriate.].

If you purchase more – you pay more taxes. [Ron: Arguably the only taxes that ought to be levied should be on new products not considered essential to reasonable sustainance and basic living.]. The rich will no longer “avoid” taxes through legal tax loopholes. Corporations will pay their fair share – finally.

[Ron: Ideally corporations should contribute all excess income over and above what is reasonably necessary for payment of adequate wages, salaries, depreciation and equipment replacement etc, including costs incurred for maintainence and continuation of their business activities. In other words, corporations should only be licenced to perform desireable functions and services for the benefit of the communities they serve and NOT for private profit. IF this is done the fact that technological advances will continue to replace human labour in the performance of the bulk of manufacturing and most physical and intellectual commercial activities required for the maintainence and improvement of society will not create problems as regards so-called unemployment, scarcity and poverty in society. This would obviate the need for Big Governments and the huge Welfare Budgets currently needed to provide for the ever growing numbers of people left unemployed by corporations that are replacing human labour with robots and other technologies, AND keeping the profits thus created for the use of owners and shareholders.]. Trump is working hard currently to create the biggest tax changes in modern history and to bring back the wealth that has left America through corporate scams.

반미 세계주의자 조직을 금지하라


Ban the operation of globalist organizations in the United States that have demonstrated ill-will towards America through undermining U. S. Constitutional rights by claiming the superiority of corporate rights: Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, DARPA, In-Q-Tel, SAIC, Bilderberg Society, Knights of Malta, Council on Foreign Relations, Highland Forum Group, etc., etc., etc.

This also includes NGOs that operate within the U.S. with agendas to undermine American Christian moral values and debase American civil liberties. Trump is a nationalist who is demolishing the substructure of the globalists, the New World Order, the devotees of the United Nations, or whatever you want to call these anti-Americans. Even the word “globalism” has become a dirty word during Trump’s administration.

기술의 독점을 종식하라


Tech monopolies were originally designed and funded with military resources (tax-payer money) through patent theft by DARPA, In-Q-Tel, SAIC, Leidos, and other Department of Defense agencies that created the Internet, Sysco Systems, Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Facebook, and all the others. These tech giants should become U. S. publicly-owned utilities since tax-payers paid for the original source code that was then given out as open-source material to these tech giants who now profit by the weaponization of that technology against Americans.

Trump is not in bed with the “fake” tech barons like Obama was and therefore you see them shaking in their boots for fear of anti-trust actions Trump could take against them. We already see that some tech warlords are now having to pay taxes in the countries they were hiding in to avoid taxes in the United States. Zuckerberg is always running, running, running. Trump has given him something to run from – anti-trust lawsuits and jail-time.

Just look what patriots have prepared over almost a 20 year span, waiting for the right time to expose the deep corruption in the tech industry.



End all climate control efforts: geo-engineering, chemtrails, HAARP, microwave transmissions, etc.

Start a moratorium on all genetic manipulation, growing of clones for embryos, stem cell recovery programs.

Stop the protection of big tobacco and abolish the use of the most powerful narcotic in existence – nicotine. [Ron: Private growing and use of tobacco, marijuana and herbal remedies etc should not be legally prohibited or criminalised.].

End all refugee programs in America until we end hunger in America for our own citizens.

Stop giving U. S. tax dollars to universities unless each American citizen can get a free college education. End foreign student enrollment in American public universities. End sports as a part of university education. Universities should be completely free to all state residents.

Allow no one who has worked for the CIA or FBI to hold public office after they have left those agencies. [Ron: The CIA and FBI should be abolished. They are publicly funded criminal organisations.].

End the illegal Federal Department of Education and re-establish the state’s right to administer education. End the Common Core curriculum movement and teach civics to students so that they know how their government runs. Trump is currently dismantling the U. S. Department of Education.

Repeal the Patriot Act (U. S. Freedom Act) and all Obama executive orders that take civil rights from Americans.

End all off-shore banking, tax havens, and other methods of stealing American money without paying taxes. [Ron: IF, as appears to be the case, humanity is not yet ready to eliminate the money meme, banking MUST be transformed by ensuring that currency is created and distributed usury free, by rigidly audited and controlled PUBLIC organisations that are subject to rigorous and continuous public scrutiny. Banks would then have a much reduced function more akin to Post Offices where fees are charged for routine services.].

End all bombing of foreign countries and remove any troop deployments that are not fully sanctioned by the U. S. Congress. [Ron: Bring all US military home asap and have the military perform disaster relief and emergency services etc within the US, and where requested by other nations suffering natural disasters.].

Take away the Catholic Church’s tax-exempt status for the crimes its priests have inflicted upon children and others. Seize all Catholic assets in America and distribute the funds to the many, many victims whose cases have not been heard. End all formal ties with the Vatican or any of its affiliates. [Ron: ALL current religions should cease to be given government benefits.].

Create non-aggression agreements with China, Russia, and all other nuclear nations. End nuclear proliferation and dismantle all weapons of mass destruction.

End Planned Parenthood abortions and the use of fetal tissue, embryo harvesting and other inhumane practices concerning birth.

End Big Pharma’s control of U. S. citizens by mandatory immunizations.

End covert U. S. military terrorism throughout the world through the CIA utilizing the 662 U. S. military bases in foreign nations.

트럼프는 위의 리스트를 작업하고 있다


George HW Bush quote

The Anonymous Patriots are impressed with the work Trump has already done in dismantling the New World Order. one mighty presidential action after the next is leaving the globalists crying and trying to pick up the pieces of their shattered plans.

Trump is “not their president” and he is messing up the entire system that has been developing since 1913 when the Fed made its bid to “take over the Republic” via international bankers, brokers, and warlords.

Since the founding of the United Nations (League of Nations), international elites have been fighting to take over the flow of money in America. The United Nations almost supplanted the U. S. Congress when George H. W. Bush went to war with Iraq with only a U. N. Resolution to back his private oil war. The U. S. Congress did not vote to go to war either time in Iraq or the many other countries Bush, Clinton, and Obama have bombed, and subsequently fleeced.

President Obama ignored the U. S. Constitution as he bombed seven countries without a declaration of war or even the support of the U. S. Congress or the United Nations. Two million dead and 55 million refugees later, Europe is invaded by the refugees created by Obama and Hillary Clinton. These wars will not be easy to get out of, but Trump is doing a great job removing America from these White House sponsored, terrorist attacks on other sovereign nations.

RIP tombstone

There is no need to repeat the horrifying crimes and treason committed by the Bush/Clinton/Obama mafia families that are coming to light in the news every day. All the other living presidents hate Trump because their fake “good names” in the corporate propaganda media are coming unraveled. Each day, news arises of the blatant corruption, greed, and lawlessness of the former U. S. presidents and their cronies.

Now that our bucket-list of wishes is almost empty, perhaps we should take our corrupt former presidents and put them in the bucket and take them out with the trash – where they belong – and say good-bye to the their dream of the New World Order.


원문출처: https://aim4truth.org/2017/11/05/trump-conquers-the-new-world-order/



번역출처: Peterkim  http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7879384

"그림자 정부"는 트럼프 대통령과 사우디 권력이 911 쿠데타 체제에 대항해올 때 전쟁을 불사한다

“Deep State” Nears War After Trump And Saudi Arabia Make Rapid Moves Against 9/11 Coup Plotters                                               

By Sorcha Faal

November 6, 2017

“Deep State” Nears War After Trump And Saudi Arabia Make Rapid Moves Against 9/11 Coup Plotters

깊은국가 정보부 소차팔, 서방측 회원에 보고된 사항

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

"전쟁의 바람"이 불고있는 오늘날 크렘린의 불길한 새 외무부 정보국 (SVR)의 보고서는 미국 국가안보국 (NSA)이 도날드 (Donald) 대통령에게 충성을 바침에 따라 묘한 움직임을 보고한다. 트럼프 대통령과 사우디 아라비아 군대가 모하메드 빈살먼 (Mohammed bin Salman) 왕세자를 지지하면서, 헐리우드와 미국의 주류언론 엘리트들을 파괴하는 "난폭한 사태"가 벌어졌는데,  미국의 그림자정부 '딥 스테이트' 는 지금 완전한 테러 모드임을 경고했다.

트럼프는 대선에 나서기전, 2016 년 2 월 16 일에 "당신이 누가 세계무역 센터를 무너 뜨렸는지를 알게된다면 ... 그것은 이라크 인이 아니었다. 당신은 그것이 사우디인이라는 것을 알 수 있습니다. " 라고 말했다. 그는 이 문제를 규명할 것을 맹세했다.

[참고 :이 보고서에 따옴표로 표시되는 일부 단어 및 / 또는 문구는 정확한 단어가없는 러시아어 단어 / 구의 영어]

An ominous new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today as the “winds of war” are blowing is warning that the American “Deep State” is now in complete terror after National Security Agency (NSA) forces loyal to President Donald Trump, and Saudi Arabian forces loyal to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, have “rapidly shifted” from their “rampage bloodbathdestroying Hollywood and US mainstream media leftist elites, to their now targeting the coup-plotters behind the 11 September 2011 (9/11) attacks—and that Trump had vowed he was going to do when, on 16 February 2016, he said that if elected “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center...it wasn't the Iraqis...you may find it's the Saudis”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

이 보고서에 따르면 전 세계의 상징적인 고층 건물을 지은 세계적 수준의 건축가인 트럼프 대통령은 세계무역 센터 건물의 붕괴는 정상적인 마음을 가진 사람이 아무도 믿지 않을 정도로 통제된 철거용 폭발물로 인한 붕괴라는 사실을 즉시 알았습니다. 고급휘발유로 된 케로센 제트 연료는 이러한 종류의 건물이 건설된 거대한 콘크리트 철근을 녹일 수 없는데, - 만일 볼수있다면 수천만 킬로의 주거용 석유 히터는 이미 완전히 녹은 금속 괴가 풀 모양으로 쪼그라든걸 봅니다.

부시 범죄 패밀리와 강력한 빈라덴 가족에 의해 주도된 사악하고 불길한 음모는 9/11 테러의 진정한 원인에 관한 것입니다.이 보고서는 계속됩니다. 트럼프는 (미국 국민 이외에도 다른 모든 사람들도) 알고 있었습니다. 세계의 천연 가스와 석유의 흐름을 통제하기 위한 파이프 라인을 건설하기 위해, 또 중동과 아프가니스탄을 파괴하기 위해 클린턴 범죄 가족 (Clinton Crime Family)의 도움을 받았다. 그리고 국제 형사재판소는 "전쟁 범죄"와 "범죄 인류에 대항하는 "수사를 재판했다.

이 보고서는 9/11 테러 음모에 대해 1998 년 11 월 조지 W. 부시는 칼라일 그룹이라는 다국적 민간 금융회사를 대표하여 사우디 아라비아의 제다 (Jeddah)를 방문하여 빈 라덴 가족과 만남을 가졌으며 싱가포르의 억만 장자인 Leonard Glenn Francis, 국제 해사 회사인 Glenn Marine 그룹이 만나면서 시작했다고 설명한다.

부시 대통령과 빈 라덴 가족 간의 최종 회동으로 2000 년 1 월 제다에서 9/11 음모를 "형식화" 하고 "활성화" 하는 이 보고서가 계속 열렸다. 조지 W. 부시가 미국 대통령으로 선출되면 "특정 정당들" 만이 이 사악한 공격에 동의한다. 그는 미국 대법원이 플로리다에 표결 집계를 중단하도록 요청하여 부시를 대선 승리로 몰아갔던 그해 말이었다.

According to this report, as a world-class builder of iconic skyscrapers across the globe, President Trump nearly immediately knew that the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings were caused by a controlled demolition implosion event—as no one of sane mind would ever believe that kerosene jet fuel could melt the massive concrete reinforced steel beams these types of buildings are constructed with—and that if possible, would now see tens-of-millions of residential kerosene heaters the world over having already been reduced into pools of melted metal.

To what the true cause of the 9/11 attacks were about, this report continues, Trump knew (and everyone else but the American people too) was a vile and sinister plot masterminded by the Bush Crime Family and the powerful Bin Laden Family (and aided by the Clinton Crime Family) in order to destroy the Middle East and Afghanistan in order to build pipelines to control the world’s flow of natural gas and oil—and that the International Criminal Court has just put under a “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” investigation.

The 9/11 plot, this report explains, began in November, 1998, when former President George H.W. Bush, on behalf of the multinational private financial company named The Carlyle Group, traveled to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to meet with the Bin Laden Family—a meeting also attended by Singapore billionaire Leonard Glenn Francis, the owner of the international maritime company Glenn Marine Group.

A final meeting between President Bush and the Bin Laden Family to “formalize” and “activate” the 9/11 plot, this report continues, was held, again in Jeddah, in January, 2000—where a “practice dry run” was approved, but with “certain parties” only agreeing to this vile attack if George W. Bush was elected US president—which he was later that year when the US Supreme Court ordered Florida to stop counting votes, thus handing Bush his victory.

Want to know more? Click HERE.

2000 년 1 월 조지 W 부시 대통령이 대통령이 됬는데, 이 보고서는 세계 무역에 대한 공격을 조정하기 위해 미국 해군 정보국의 "요원 자산" 을 매수하고 댓가를 지불받은 살인적인 "행위자들" 센터와 미 국회의사당 건물, 그리고 프란시스 제독 Leonard Glenn Francis가 너무 철저하게 부패했기에 거의 모든 미 해군 제독이 통제할 수있었습니다.

Navy Bribery Scandal.

미 해군 정보국 (US Naval Intelligence)은 9.11 테러에 대비해 펜타곤 통제 센터에 반격 가능성이 있다고 우려하고 있다. 이 보고서는 2 인치 두께의 방폭형 창문과 2,500 2001 년 9 월 11 일 이른 아침 시간에 작업을 마쳤습니다.

Upon George W. Bush becoming President in January 2000, this report further details, the 9/11 plot accelerated with these murderous “actors” choosing their “bought and paid forUS Naval Intelligenceassets” to coordinate the attacks on the World Trade Centers and the US Capitol Building—and that Leonard Glenn Francis had so thoroughly corrupted, nearly every US Navy Admiral was under his control.

These US Naval Intelligence assets in fearing that their Pentagon control center for the 9/11 attacks could possibly come under counterattack, this report explains, ordered it to be massively reinforced, including its being fitted with blast-resistant windows 2 inches thick and weighing 2,500 pounds each—and whose work was completed in the early morning hours of 11 September 2001.

which the 9/11 attacks immediately ended.

조지 부시 미국 대통령은 2001 년 9 월 11 일 오전 9시에 성공한 9/11 테러 조직원들에 대해 이렇게 적고있다.

부시, 칼라일 그룹 전체와 빈 라덴 가족은 워싱턴 DC의 리츠 칼튼 호텔에서 함께 모여 승리를 축하했다. 그러나 나머지 세계는 인류에 대한 가장 무서운 범죄 중 하나이다. 신비한 "오로라 항공기"가 네바다의 똑같이 신비한 51 지역에서 떠난 때 위독한 계획이 좌절된 비행기는 마하 6 (소리의 속도의 6 배)에서 펜실베이니아로 날아가 미 국회 의사당 건물을 공습을 하려는 비행기를 날려버렸다.

미 국방부에 이르러 강력한 해상 순찰 미사일을 발사하여 해군 첩보통제 센터 사무실을 완전히 파괴하여 순식간에 다수의 미 해군 정보요원을 살해했다. 그 후 9/11 테러가 즉각 끝났다.

So sure were these 9/11 plotters of success, this report notes, at 9:00 a.m., on 11 September 2001, President George H.W. Bush, the entire Carlyle Group, and the Bin Laden Family, gathered together at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington D.C. to celebrate what to them would be a victory, but to the rest of the world was one of the most horrific crimes against humanity ever committed—but whose vile plans were thwarted when a mysterious “Aurora Aircraft” took off from the equally mysterious Area 51 region of Nevada, flew at Mach 6 (6 times the speed of sound) towards Pennsylvania where it obliterated the plane intended to strike the US Capitol building, with it then streaking to the Pentagon where it fired a powerful cruise missile completely destroying the “too secure to counterattackOffice of Naval Intelligence Control Center instantly killing numerous US Naval Intelligence officersafter

미국방부 벽을 들이친 공습 잔해,

FBI photo of hole left in Pentagon on 11 September 2001 before building structure collapsed…

미국인들은 미사일이 공습한 자리를 여객기가 충돌한걸로 세뇌되었다  

that the American people have been brainwashed into believing was made by plane like this.

조지 부시 미국 대통령은 9.11 테러 직후, 빈 라덴 가족 모두를 워싱턴 DC의 리츠 칼튼 호텔에서 승리 축하 행사에 참석할 것이라고 믿는 사람들에게 재빨리 보냈다. 텍사스로 날아 와서 미국을 사우디 아라비아에 다시 남겨 두었다가 나중에 대담하게 말하면서 "2001 년 9 월 11 일에 아빠가 오사마 형제와 만났을 때 그를 테러 용의자로 만든다, "고 역설했다. 누구의 "아빠", 조지 HW 전 대통령이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 부시 대통령은 6 주 후인 2001 년 10 월 26 일 칼라일 그룹과 빈 라덴 가족 간의 모든 관계를 단절시켰고, 9.11 테러의 "주창자"로 알려진 CIA 요원 오사마 빈 라덴 후에 생각보다 별게 아닌게 되었다.

In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, this report continues, President George W. Bush quickly spirited out of America all of the Bin Laden family members attending what they believed would be their victory celebration at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, in Washington D.C., by having them flown to Texas from where they then left the US back to Saudi Arabia—and his audaciously stating afterwards “my dad was meeting with the brother of Osama on September 11, 2001, does that make him a terror suspect”—but whose “dad”, former President George H.W. Bush, nevertheless, cut all ties between his Carlyle Group and the Bin Laden Family six weeks later, on 26 October 2001—and with the supposed “mastermind” of the 9/11 attacks, the former CIA operative Osama Bin Laden, becoming no more than afterthought.

가장 중요한 일은 오사마빈라덴을 찾는 것이라 말했던 부시는 이듬해 봄, 어디있는지도 모르고 중요한게 아니라고 눙쳤다.

또한 9/11 테러 직후, 이 보고서에 따르면 존 켈리 (John Kelly) 해병대 장군은 근대에 가장 효과적인 미군 정보원인 마이클 플린 (Michael Flynn)과 함께 동맹 관계를 맺었다. 미국 해군 정보기관 전체를 재건하여 미국과 국민에 대한 이 괴물같은 범죄 사실을 밝혀냈습니다.

고전적인 "돈을 따라가는" 정보 작전에서, 이 보고서의 세부 사항, 켈리와 플린 장군들은 미국 해군이 처음에 9/11 음모의 일부가 되는 엄청난 부패를 밝히기 시작했다. 부시와 오바마 정권 모두가 싸우면서 모든 단계에서 싸웠다. 그래서 그들은 미군을 떠나 자신들의 명분에 충성하는 워싱턴 DC의 FBI 세력으로부터 원조를 받아야 했다.

Also in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, this report notes, US Marine General John Kelly formed an alliance with who is considered to be the most effective US military intelligence official in modern times, US Army General Michael Flynn—with both of them painstakingly rebuilding the entire US Naval Intelligence organization in their attempt to uncover the true facts of this monstrous crime against America and its people.

In a classic “follow the money” intelligence operation, this report details, General’s Kelly and Flynn began to uncover the massive corruption that had led the US Navy to becoming part of the 9/11 plot in the first place—but who were fiercely being fought by both the Bush and Obama regimes every step of the way—so much so that they then had to turn away from the US military and get aid from “loyal to their cause” FBI forces—all of whom were based in California, not Washington D.C..

캘리포니아 주 FBI 부대의 도움을 받아, 이 보고서는 계속되고 있으며, 켈리와 플린 장군 (충성스러운 미군 정보원이 지지한)은 낮은 수준의 9/11 쿠데타 음모자들에서 유죄를 입증 할 수 있었고, US 해군 2013 년 12 월 17 일 John Beliveau라는 정보 요원이 오바마 정권에서 거의 3 년간 2016 년 10 월 14 일까지 숨겨지면서 미국 연방법원에 데려가서 형을 선고했습니다.

미 해군 정보담당관 John Beliveau의 "seed"에서, 이 보고서는 계속된다.  Kelly와 Flynn 장군은 9/11 공격 공모자들 (현재는 "Fat Leonard Scandal"이라고 불림 )의 이 흉한 둥지를 파괴하기 위해 "나무를 자라는 것" ) - 그리고 지난 6 월, Trump 대통령의 지도하에, 지난 6 월, 미 군법에 따라 이 괴물들에 대해 제기된 최초의 혐의로 엄청나게 가속화되었고, 불과 몇 시간 전에 440 명의 미국 해군 관리를 대상으로 시작되었습니다. 아메리카 대륙의 221 명의 해군 제독중, 60명을 포함한다.

Being aided by these FBI forces in California, this report continues, General’s Kelly and Flynn (who were supported by loyal US military intelligence officials too) were able to secure a guilty plea from a lower-level 9/11 coup plotter, and US Naval Intelligence officer, named John Beliveau, on 17 December 2013—but with Beliveau being kept hidden from the Obama regime for nearly 3 years, until 14 October 2016, when he was brought into a US Federal Court and sentenced for his crimes.

From the “seed” of US Naval Intelligence officer John Beliveau, this report continues, General’s Kelly and Flynn were able to begin “growing the tree” to destroy this vile nest of 9/11 attack accomplices (now called the “Fat Leonard Scandal”)—and that greatly accelerated under the leadership of President Trump with his ordering, this past June, the first charges to be filed against these monsters under US military law—and who just hours ago, too, began targeting over 440 US Navy officials, including 60 of Americas 221 Navy Admirals.

이 보고서는 트럼프 대통령이 미국 해군정보국 (US Naval Intelligence 9/11)의 플로터에 맞서 싸우는 바로 그 순간에, 사우디 아라비아 군대도 지난 48 시간 동안 모하메드 빈 살먼 왕세자에게 충성하고 있으며, 2001 년 9 월 11 일 워싱턴 DC의 리츠 칼튼 호텔에서 부시 범죄 가족과 가진 "승리 축하"에 참석한 오사마 빈 라덴 형제 바크 빈 라덴과 샤피 빈 라덴을 포함하여 시민들은 사우디 왕자 만수르 빈 Muqrin 및 다른 최고 사우디 관리들은 자신의 헬리콥터가 국가를 탈출하려 떠날때 피격을 당해서 살해 당했고, Abdul Aziz 빈 파드는 총리를 체포하려고하는 군대와 함께 숨을 거두었다.

At the exact same time that President Trump is moving against these US Naval Intelligence 9/11 plotters, this report says, so too are Saudi Arabian forces loyal to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman—who over the past 48 hours, have arrested nearly everyone of their citizens who attended the “victory celebration” with the Bush Crime Family at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, in Washington D.C., on 11 September 2001, to include Osama Bin Laden’s brothers Bakr Bin Laden and Shafiq Bin Laden—but the exceptions being Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin and other top Saudi officials who were killed when their helicopter was shot down while they attempted to flee the country, and Prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd who died in a firefight with forces trying to arrest him.

외무부와 어제 트럼프 대통령이 모하메드 빈 살먼 왕세자와 시간을 맞추었다고 보도한 이 9/11 테러 음모에 대한 공격은 아시아에 있는 자신의 존재와 일치하고 충신 세력의 보호하에 이란의 오바마 정권 맹방이 사우디아라비아에 미사일 발사를 시작하게 함으로써 세계를 전쟁 직전으로 밀어 넣음으로써  "깊은 국가" 그림자정부 세력은 반격을 가했다. 그러나 사우디는 이들의 대규모 단행을 중단하지 않았다. 그의 수는 수천이 아니라해도 곧 수백에 도달할 수있는 괴물입니다.

With the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, yesterday, having reported that President Trump had timed with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman this attack against these 9/11 plotters to coincide with his being in Asia, and under the protection of loyal forces to keep him from being assassinated, this report concludes, “Deep State” forces have, nevertheless, counterattacked by pushing the world to the brink of war by having their Iranian Obama regime allies begin firing missiles into Saudi Arabia—but that has not stopped the Saudis massive roundup of these monsters whose numbers may soon reach into the hundreds, if not thousands.

여러분은 경고받지않았다고 말하지 못한다... 당신은 뭔일이 벌어졌는지 알수없다, 이해할수도.. You can’t say “they” didn’t warn you…you just didn’t “see” what was being done and understand what it meant.

Other reports in this series include:

"깊은 국가"의 피바다가 사우디에서 벌어진다, 트럼프 - 국가안보국 소탕작전이 계속되기에

국제재판소는 미국의 전쟁범죄혐의로 기소하는데, CIA가 최고검찰 아들을 암살하기에...

“Deep State” Bloodbath Moves To Saudi Arabia As Trump-NSA Forces Continue Rampage

International Court Readies War Crime Charges Against US After CIA Assassinates Top Prosecutors Son

November 6, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

많은 정부와 정보 기관은 이 보고서에서 발견된 정보에 대해 적극적으로 캠페인을 펼침으로써 시민들에게 많은 재앙적인 지구 변화와 사건에 대해 경고하지 않으며 Sorcha Faal의 자매가 그것이 진실을 알 수있는 인간. 우리 정부의 조직과의 갈등으로 인해 '대리인'의 반응은 오랫동안 오판된 잘못된 정보 / 그릇된 행동으로 우리를 신용할 수 없도록 만든 것이었고, 우리 같은 사람들은 여러 곳에서 시험을 보았습니다.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

원문출처:  http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2427.htm


번역출처:  Peterkim http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7879386