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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 11/27/ - 11/28/2019 ] - 분별하는 눈과 열린 마음 . 너희 세계가 변하는 것을 주시해라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

11/27/2019 ~ 11/28/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 11/27/2019 ~ 11/28/2019 ]


분별하는 눈과 열린 마음

A Discerning Eye & Open Mind

By Creator


현재의 에너지가 도전적인 느낌들과 체험들을 너에게 제시할  있다. 네가  순간에 생각하고 느끼는 것이 반드시 완전한 진실이 아닐  있다. 보이게  훨씬   그림이 있으며...  걸음 물러서서, 분별하는 눈과 열린 마음으로 보아라. 너는 놀라게  것이다. - 창조자

The current energy may present you with challenging feelings and experiences. What you think and feel in this moment may not necessarily be the whole truth. There is a much larger picture to be seen…take a step back and look with a discerning eye and an open mind. You will be surprised. ~ Creator



너희 세계가 변하는 것을 주시해라

Watch Your World Change

By Creator


기대감 없이 주어라. 경계들 없이 사랑해라. 유보함 없이 미소를 보내라. 모든  순간을 너의 마지막 순간처럼 살아라. 이러한 것들은  안에 존재한다. 그것들을 사용하고, 너희 세계가 변하는 것을 주시해라! - 창조자

Give without expectation. Love without boundaries. Smile without reservation. Live like every moment is your last. These things exist within you. Use them and watch your world change! ~ Creator

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